Monday, December 6, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend Festivities!

The kids started the morning off climbing into a big box and sliding down the stairs. Tyler was the conductor to this train and I have to admit that I was probably more entertained by him than the kids were. He can impersonate any voice in any accent and made the kids hand him their tickets that they would search for in their pockets and end up giving a high five. I was in the other room still laughing at how funny he was being with them. He cracks me up.

The lights at Temple Square were beautiful. It was so bitter cold however, we left in a hurry to thaw out my feet!

Over Thanksgiving weekend we got together with Jason's mom's side of the family, the Cox's. It was so great to see everyone!

Uncle Steve's basement was the warmest, snuggliest basement I have ever been in. He just completed the official finishing of his basement all by himself and insulated the walls to his liking...and it was cozy I can tell you that.

Beckam was crawling on all fours acting like a horse all night. I'm not sure why, but then I don't question why anymore.

Ciera and B-Kate

It's that time again- The Annual Gingerbread House Decorating!
Let the competition, I mean games, begin!

Beckam here is showing all the candy he his holding for us in his mouth.

This is Jason's part of the masterpiece...and proud of it!

Ohhhhhh, makes my poor heart melt!

Brooklyn outlined her gingerbread men in white frosting and then decorated them herself.
She was perfectly content the whole time.

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

There is so much to be thankful for. I am glad we have holidays centered on remembering the things we do have and the blessings unique to our individuals lives. Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Twelve Apostles came and spoke to our stake recently and reminded us to focus our thoughts on the blessings- large or small- that we have during times of hardship and trial. That's when it's the very hardest to do! But that's also when it's most necessary I have come to realize.
I'm grateful for my home and to live in a beautiful part of the world, even the USA! I love my Country. I'm grateful for my kids who keep me laughing (and crying) every day and for a husband who adores me...that's a little selfish, but true :) I think the world of him! I'm thankful for good health and the ability to move around- oh yes I am!!! I'm grateful for good friends who pray for and care about me and my family. And of course I'm beyond grateful for my family, my brothers and sisters, my husbands family and his parents for taking me in as their own. Life isn't perfect, there are many obstacles to overcome, many heartaches that continue to weigh on my shoulders, but one day I know those will all be gone thanks to a loving Savior who has already atoned for them. Again, so much to be grateful for!!!

Ciera is the professional photographer of the family and is never without her camera. She is amazing! She and Steele got to come home for Thanksgiving and stay with us for 5 days. It was so much fun to have them. We miss them and rarely get to see the little newlyweds.

We went to Aunt Sue and Uncle Ken's for Thanksgiving. They are literally the most perfect hosts you could ever have. The table was set beautifully with personal salt and pepper shakers for each person (Aunt Sue's touch). It was comfortable and warm in her beautiful new house. It was brave of her to let my little munchkins over there for dinner- plus, they were invited back again! woo-hoo! We all helped prepare parts of the meal, which all turned out exceptionally good this year, but Aunt Sue and Uncle Ken made the turkey, pies, and stuffing which was amazing. I'm not much of a turkey fan because it never seems to turn out right, but all the food was tasty. Even my green beans and pecans turned out to be yummy. Whew! so glad I didn't ruin or it would have been the only yucky thing there.

Aunt Sue- I know you're reading this so here's a huge THANK YOU to you (and encouragement for more homemade scones with raspberry sauce on top!) I'm just saying.

The kids table.
It's unusual to see one so small. Thanksgiving dinners with my family have kids crawling in every corner in every direction in every part of the room.

You can count on Jason to interrupt a surreal moment.

Then we switched gears and headed over to my mom's house for more sweets!
Here's Jarin and Megan

Jason and Marcus

and Rev, mama, and me

Brooklyn and Beckam were playing around with grandma's Christmas decorations and checking everything out the minute they got there of course.

My mom made a mean lemon meringue pie this year. It couldn't have turned out more perfect. I was already full of chocolate pie and this pie still tasted good. I ate a lot of pie for not being a pie fan. Jason hardly ate any pie. How is it that guys don't have the sugar urge like we women do!

Brooklyn's preschool day celebrating Thanksgiving. My baby doesn't look so much like a baby anymore.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

BYU Games

Bad season or not, it's still a blast to go. Our blood forever runs blue...Go Cougars!

Halloween Night 2010

A bunch of us went to my brother's house to gather for a spooky night of total cuteness. The cousins look forward to seeing each other on Halloween and going trick or treating together. We make a pretty crowded trail going down the sidewalk with all of us, but it's so much fun. When we got back, my mom had homemade scones, chili, and hot chocolate waiting for us- which was especially nice this year thanks to the rainy weather. Or should I say no thank you at all!

This is Brooklyn pulling Beckam away from Draden (who is dressed like a mini gorilla). She's terrified of that costume...but Beckam has no problem with it and was actually amused by it.

Like Father, like son

She was a feisty little cat...this is probably a face I pull a lot with her :)

I just thought this was a really cool pumpkin.

Beckam and Aunt Rev snuggling and watching How to Train Your Dragon later on that night.

Beckam put in fake vampire teeth and came to show me. Holy cow, it totally changes his face!