Monday, September 21, 2009

Lucky #25

I know it has been a couple of months since I have updated but I have really good reasons. First of all, I lost my camera in California somewhere months ago :( Secondly, we had 25 days to get into our house, so we were in hyper move mode. I forgot how stressful and overwhelmingly tiring and exhausting moving is!!! You need help from so many people between juggling kids around, cleaning, packing, moving, loading and unloading. We could have NEVER done it without all the help from our family, friends, and our amazing ward who we are so sad to have left. boo-hoo. But we are loving our new house and are so happy here.

This house was our lucky twenty-fifth offer finally accepted. Yay! We had waited so long to hear back from a pile of offers that were made, and after more months than I can count, our 25th was accepted, not countered, just nicely accepted. They wanted us to move in within 25 days, so we put ourselves into gear and I spent weeks cleaning, organizing, and packing. Whew! I was probably running off adrenaline because I was so excited the whole time and covering every little detail of organizing and cleaning that I possibly could- Jason was amazed at my over-achieving efforts, I think.

Brooklyn recently turned 3, but all the pictures are on my mother-in-law's camera, so I will post them when I get them. I can't believe she is 3... well, 3 going on 13 that is. This year we made a fairy cake and Brooklyn wore her fairy wings around all night- I'll post pics later. We're getting a camera soon so I can start updating.