Monday, January 23, 2012

Brooklyn's 5th Birthday

This is way out of order here, but I couldn't forget to post Brooklyn's 5th Birthday party from last September.
She wanted a Rapunzel Birthday, so she invited her best little buddies from the neighborhood to celebrate with her. We served a dinner with "towers"of fruit, "golden" homemade mac'n'cheese, jello "boats", and "braided" breadsticks.

Julie braided all the breadsticks for me as I running waaaayyy behind that day.

I hung a long braid on the door which was actually very time-consuming to make because it got all tangled (ha! no pun intended) up very easily. It was a little frustrating until I got Julie to help sort it out while I braided it.

We had lanterns to color and decorate for each of the girls to take home with them. Then we hung them out to dry after spray painting them with glitter.

Here's the Birthday cake obviously. We kept a little more on the simple side this year due to lack of time- so no cutting out or stacking anything which was nice this time.
I made a template for it, then Julie and Amanda filled it in for me. They were my lifesaver crew.

Monga brought a special Rapunzel dress for Brooklyn from Downtown Disney to wear for her party. When each little guest arrived, they also wanted to be in a dress and went straight to Brooklyn's dress up box, changed into a princess dress, then came back downstairs. They all danced around the kitchen to Tangled music. It was so funny.

All the beautiful little princesses.

My "crew" :)

The girls eating dinner. They got a kick out of the jello boats.

Then they all got hair extensions to put in.

Let the face painting begin!'
It was so cute watching them get so serious while they let the lady paint their faces.

Decorating their lanterns.
They sang the Rapunzel theme song that was playing from the top of their lungs while they colored away. It was hilarious.

patiently waiting..

Ta-da! The finished masterpiece!

All the girls and their painted faces.

I had to get mine done too!

She got roller skates from Monga, a sand and water set from Aunt Sue and Uncle Ken, princess pajamas, barbies, squinkies, books, and all kinds of great stuff. She had a wonderful day and was so happy to share it with her friends and family.

This is a friend also named Brooklyn who absolutely loved the long golden hair. She would follow Brooklyn around just holding the hair! So cute!

Right before singing happy birthday. You can tell she was indeed a happy birthday girl.

At this age, you can have your cake and eat it too! Enjoy girls!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Camping with Friends

This picture is funny because you can see my friends little boy at the end of the line belly-down in the dirt. He got up right after that and went directly to Beckam to tell him he fell. Beckam sympathetically gave him a hug in return. Funny.

The guys getting the fire going. It was SO cold up there in the canyon, we were anxiously awaiting the fire. We started it late and didn't consider the time it would take to roast the hot dogs or how long the cobbler would take, but in the end everything was super yummy!

None of my pictures with Lori and Annie turned out for some reason, so here's one of Jamie and I. My pics were lame and I blame it on the freezing cold weather!!!

Brooklyn and Brooklyn snuggling up and laughing at everything.

Explanation for the night: When Jon and Lori got home from being gone the whole summer, we tried to make up for lost time by planning a little camping trip. We were a ways up the canyon then up the mountain-side and just didn't realize quite how cold it would be. But, with good company it was all fun anyway. Can't wait to do it again next year!...but earlier in the summertime :)