Thursday, May 25, 2023

Emikos 10th bday.


Emiko turned 10 and we had a party. Charlie lost her tooth in a caramel that was pretty gross 😆 
We’re grateful Emiko was born. 
Her cake hahahaha
The party people. 
These guys hanging out in the background of the party. 
The gross tooth pulled via caramel. 
Despite me being busy, Emiko continues to grow up. She has some good friends and is a great addition to our family. She had a wonderful time and I hope her year goes well. 

Skiing, bball, rubrics cube and more


Emikos choir sang at the women’s bball game. It was pretty awesome. 
Here they are having some fun. 

I love making these cards for people using my scrap yarn. Pretty cute. 
This is a talk masaru gave. It was awesome. 

We all went on a hike together with Nawang and her brother. 
I kept doing my ski classes but I’m deathly afraid. 

Takeshis selfies on the hike. 

Just some awesome hair while doing his rubric cube. 

Fun times. 
Takeshi pretending he’s trapped hahahahaha