Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Takeshi's cross country, Masaru's mates and Emiko's swimming


This kid decided to do cross country the same time as mtbing. I'm not sure he even likes running. But he wanted to do it. It was a rough season. He was all over the place with his emotions about it all. 

I think he liked to socially and that's about it. 

He didn't do particularly well, but running is hard and he didn't come last. It was nice to go watch him and cheer him on in his goals.
One of my friends took these awesome pictures of him.  Rachelle.
Great shot.
A video of the end of the race.

Masaru at the stage was figuring out friends. He likes these boys but they're choir boys and while they're really nice to him, he has little in common with them. I'm just glad that they're nice to him and he has fun with them every now and then.

Emiko decided to do swimming this time last year, so I signed her up for the YMCA and took her swimming twice a week. She eventually didn't want to do it anymore and I took her out. It was fun while it lasted. Emiko still needs to find her thing. I think she'll be a choir girl for sure but it's important to move your body in an enjoyable way. So we'll see what that is for her as she tries all different kinds of things. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Brundage mtb race 2021


Getting the landcruiser ready to leave for the race. Looking crazy as usual.

Serious about taking us to the race.
Here's me taking picture and videos of Yuki at her race. The NICA photographer took this of me. Love it.
Cheering everyone on. The kids do an amazing job.
Kids love it.
Look at Emiko! Such a wonderful shot of her cheering people on.

Look at these cute kids just hanging out.

Here's Takeshi doing his thing.

Here's Yuki doing her thing.

Masaru doing his thing

His chain kept coming off this race and he had to stop around 3-5 times to get it back on again.
Cause of his chain, he came in 5th. He was pumped about that. Super proud of his efforts.

These cute kids together. Wes, Cade, Takeshi, Chandler and Carson. 

Love these pic's of Masaru.

So cute. All the siblings and Wes.

It was cold for the younger two when they raced but they did so well. That last climb is so hard and they did so well. Loved watching them.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

First day of school 2021

 So summer has come and gone and school has started. 

Takeshi started Jr High with Yuki. These two are going to be together for all their years almost. They already have some of the same friends. It's good they like each other and each others friends. 

Takeshi started 7th grade and Yuki started 8th grade. Yuki decided to change friends and it's helped a ton. Her other friends were pretty toxic. So it's good she had another group to move to for her emotional saftey. 

Takeshi's always had good mates and continues to be himself always. Hopefully he'll like the year.

Here they all are at the end of the day? Or the night before? Who knows. 

You always hope they have an amazing year. Now it's 2022 and the kids have just started school I have a perspective of their school year here. So I might as well write it.
Masaru had the roughest year. Emotionally and academically it didn't go well. So that sucked. I hope his life lessons bring him closer to the Lord and to loving himself and knowing what he wants and who he is. 
Yuki's change in friend groups brought her more peace and comfort to be who she is and not worry about being accepted. Morgan and Fiona were her main Jr. high  peeps and others were super helpful and nice to her as well. She did great with girl drama and would seek advice from me and listen to what I had to say and actually do it, and it worked out for her. I hope she's realizing that this mum has some use and wisdom for her in these growing years. I fear Masaru didn't use us like he should've. 

Takeshi loved being at Jr High but sometimes struggled to keep up with the demands of schoolwork. This is something he needs to figure out for sure. His marks were ok but he's so bright they weren't a reflection of his smarts, just a reflection of his struggles to keep up and get everything in order. He has good friends and feels safe with them which is amazing. Takeshi is free to be himself and feel accepted as himself which is vital in this stage of the game. I don't think Masaru had that. 

Emiko was with Mr Herron and had the time of her life with him. He helped her with her reading and math and tried to get her at grade level. We put her with a math tutor and that helped a ton and kept her going throughout this latest summer of 2022. It think that helped as well. He had friend struggles and so it was up and down all year. I'm just happy we had Mr Herron to keep us all on track cause I know he loves Emiko and has a great way of teaching. I'm glad all my kids were able to be with him. 

As I sit here and think of the 2022 school year that's just started I'm hoping for a wonderful year. But I always do you know. But you never know what life is going to bring you. It's been around three weeks and so far so good, but who knows what the future holds. All I know is that as a family we tackle it together and one day at a time. Our family is pretty close because of everything we've been through together. I feel as if we're all friends in one way or another. I love our little family unit and are so grateful to be a mother and a wife to these guys. They're pretty awesome. We've had so many laughs. It's sad to think this is our last normal year as a family. Whatever that entails. Masaru is in his last year of highschool and then our family makes a shift that I don't think anyone is ready for. How could we be? Noone knows what that looks like or feels like right? All I know is we'll miss him and our family will have to move forward in our new way. It's gotta be hard to be empty nesters I'd think. You get so used to the hustle and bustle of life that you think it's never going to end. Well in 8 years it's going to end and that's gonna be weird. I love Dru and I don't doubt we'll do fine without the kids, but I think some days it'll be a little too quiet right? Will I get lonely? Even though I fill my life with things? I'm not sure you can ever be ready for a change like that. But I guess we'll have to hit it one child at a time and see what life looks like right?
Here's to a happy and wonderful 2022 school year. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Masaru mtbing, cucumber eyes, Sunday naps and talks.


Here's Masaru having some fun on his bike. I'm always in awe of how good he is.

He also sleep hard on Sunday's. Those are his rest days for sure. 
Emiko's talk she did at church.

Kids decided to try the cucumber method on their eyes. It worked really well especially for Takeshi. He had some serious bags and then they disappeared. 

Friday, September 2, 2022

Girls mtb trip


Serina set up a girls weekend away at her cabin and invited me, Jo and Suzette to come with her and mtb all weekend while staying at her cabin. It totally worked out that we could all go. Jo had to met us later on so I went with Serena and Suzette for the first day. We headed to big sky and rode the lifts and it was pretty epic. 
Here I am waiting for my lift.
Here we are on the lift. 
I was in panic stations cause noone put the bar down. So the next ride up we put the bar down just for me cause I'm a scaredy cat.
We decided to get something to eat and drink after a while and chill before going back at it. It was a lot of fun.
We then hit another ride together and had not as much, but still fun with the next ride.

We got back to the cabin and Jo met us there and we stayed up all night talking and Jo telling us her story. The cabin was beautiful and we're really lucky to have had that opportunity.

The next day we headed up to another lift place but it got struck by lightning and the lift was down all day. We were totally bummed, but Serena had another idea of us going to this other place close by and riding that. So off we went and rode these other trails which were really nice. 
We saw a MOOSE!!! So close too.

It was just so beautiful up there. We had a wonderful time. It was a climb for sure, but worth it.
Jo crushed it on the climb of course.
Serena shuttled us up so we could do it. Bless her. I look like gigantor in this picture hahahahaha
We came home and realized we'd locked ourselves out so Serena to the recue. hahahahaha We got back in and was able to shop and chill and explore around. It was really nice.
The next day before we went home Serena took us on the ATV ride. Oh my goodness, it was one of the craziest things I've done hahahahaha
Me and Jo were in the back with all the mud and fun 
I'm so big compared to these little ladies hahahahah

So muddy!!

Here's some video's of our adventures.
I went with Serena there and with Jo back. It was nice to be able to sit with Jo and catch up. We stopped off at her families house to visit her nephew before he left on his mission and her niece left to another state for her hubby's schooling. Her nephew's going to Aussie and so we had a chat about that. I got some apricot jam and even got to sit in their family picture hahahahaha
I didn't want to but they insisted. Jo's girl said I look like a therapist that had just finished a session with the group and they wanted a picture with me hahahahahaha
Such a fun weekend with these ladies. Loved it and always needed.