Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Iceland - Part five

 This adventure was fantastic. Dru had researched 'diamond beach' So it's a beach that has ice all across it. This ice comes from the glaciers further up the mountains. Then big chunks of ice break off and start coming down to the river which turns into the sea. It's fascinating to see. I LOVED it. I'd never seen anything like it.

Cool right?

Just these beautiful chunks of ice all over the beach and in the water.

Here's the huge glacier.
Sorry the pictures aren't the best. I took it from the car.

Me being awesome in front of the icebergs. 

For our next adventure, we'd been told that there was a hot tub off of the road a little way. So we stopped in for a dip and it was amazing. Bonus it was beautiful as well.
There were people already there. But I just jumped in with them.
It was handy to have them take pictures.
I wish I was still there.

Here's what it looks like from the other side.

Pretty awesome view.

We then headed to our next spot to sleep the night. It was a beautiful town that had this food truck that we were told was amazing. So we went there for dinner.

They don't have much on their menu and they don't need to. How cool is their food truck though right?

Waiting for my dinner to be ready.

We got to our camp spot and went to sleep. Well one of us went to sleep anyway. Dru found it tough to sleep so decided to take pictures of me sleeping as well as take pictures of how light it was at nights.
How beautiful is this. I don't think this was taken at night. I think this must've been taken the next morning. This trip is amazing.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Iceland - Part 4


After a great sleep in the light we got up and kept moving forward to our next waterfall adventure.
This was a hike that we did to a beautiful waterfall. It was lovely. This is one of my happy places. Hiking with Dru in beauty. I can't ask for a better day.

Me and the main squeeze.
JJust the valley/gorge was so beautiful.
As always, it's hard to capture what we're really seeing in real life. I guess I need to do a photography course.

So beautiful.

This part had the beautiful copper waterfall off to the side.

How beautiful are these flowers!!
We then jumped in the car and headed to our next waterfall which was just off of the road. How cool is this place right?
Yup, just off the side of the road!!

Then off to the side was this HUGE glacier. Just spectacular.
Here's our next spot that we walked to.

This was a beautiful hike.

Check out those cool rocks.
This is the explanation of the rocks.
How beautiful are these wild flowers on the hike? I took a video so you could see.

Then here's the closer version of the rocks and waterfall.

Cool aye.

Loved it.

We were having a great time. Love this place so much and love being there with my fav. human.