So the weekend before thanksgiving, Dru hired a 'snorkel' they call it here, in NZ I know it as a cherry picker.
But at any rate it's a machine, that you can see on the side there, that has a bucket on it and you can be lifted to big heights. He used it to work on the top parts of the shop.
Ben and Tracey came over different parts of the weekend and helped and it was almost 100% successful. He got it 95% done. Which is great and sucks as well. We wanted it to be 100% done. But you can see how it's coming along right? I love the flagstone coloured shiplap at the top.

The back is almost done as well. He's doing a triangle grate thing up the top there and so I'm excited to see that and he's also done the flagstone shiplap in the back left corner there as well.
So he just has the right side of the shiplap to be done and this little grate triangle at the top there. Hopefully he can get that done before Christmas. We'll see.
We keep setting goals and keep going over.
What do you do?
Keep working and keep trying, that's all you can do.
The Monday of Thanksgiving week Kim, Takeshi and I went out to Eagle Bike park and rode our bikes. It was awesome. We also saw Shane and Andrea there as well, so that was fun.
The other kids set up play dates for themselves and Masaru went to wrestling.
Side note: Masaru couldn't balance his time so something had to give, so it was wrestling. He's out for this season. His coach was sad but Masaru needs to show us he can take responsibility for his time management and he didn't show us that.
Tough life lessons. But he took it really well and even without wrestling he's still struggling with his time management, so I dunno man. It's a never ending battle with him.

We left on Tuesday, around lunch time, to head down to Utah.
I saw this on the radio and had to take a picture. Funny right? It was a song that was playing.
We got down there and Dru's mother had made us a wonderful dinner to greet us with. That was nice.
We then hung out while Dru sorted things out with his brother for the trip to the cabin on Thursday.
Ryan was nice enough to let us borrow his snowmobile as well as his truck.
His father was nice enough to let us borrow the trailer and his snowmobile as well. We have nice family.
So they had to dig it out of the snow and get it all sorted and see if it was all running properly. I'm glad they did and am grateful for all the hard work that goes into getting things prepared for things like this.
The next day Dru and I had shopping to do and we took Emiko with us while the middle kids went to the movies with Grandma. They saw the new Maleficent movie that's out.
The kids loved it and Grandma didn't.
I would've liked to have gone, but the date that Dru, Emiko and I had was also very nice.
After we'd all gotten some things done, we came together and all had dinner together, Ryans' family included. It was nice and good to be with everyone.
Anyway Dru and Ryan continued to work on things as well as Masaru a tiny bit.
That guy just hung out with the twins practically the whole time.

We then headed over to Laura and Dave's house for some lava flows and some good game time and conversation.
We love our buddies and it's always good to see them.
We had a great night together seeing their new place and playing board games with them and talking the night away. It was good to see their kids as well.
We caught a picture of each other at the end of the night.
Here it is.
The next day we all got ready to leave for the cabin. Dru, Masaru and Ryan all helped to get the trailer and snowmobiles ready. We ended up leaving a little later than what we'd thought but it's ok. The weather was alright but we had to make sure we were careful for sure.
When we got to the gate Puggs and Topher met us in Puggs new car that he made to handle to snow. Here it is.
Pretty cool right?
The two middle kids snowmobiled in on one snowmobile and Emiko went with Dru on the second one. I'm the only one who went in the car with Puggs and Topher.
Here's some more shots of Puggs machine.

Him and Dru went out to have some fun in the snow and Puggs hit a rock in the wrong way so it flipped the front track so it over rotated a little. So they just fixed it and set it back right. Not a big deal.

How beautiful is this snow though right?
And how cool is this machine?

The kids had a blast in the snow. My kids played out there for hours which was fantastic.
They also played board games as well as painted a ton together and watched movies.
I think it's safe to say that they had a blast.
We also ate some really good food.
We had thanksgiving dinner that thursday night. It was amazing.

Everyone worked hard over the weekend to make all the food amazing.

Puggs loves to cook and he did the majority of the cooking and it was all good.

There was also stuffing, gravy, sweet potatoes and salad. I had all of it. This was Yuki's plate.

Me and the kids did a bunch of toasts to things we're grateful for. It was pretty cute.

We then had a few pies. My fav. was the lemon and chocolate one.

10 of the 11 kids. Yuki was absent for this pic. Bunch of cuties.

Hey there she is in the background now. It's so hard to get a decent shot of 11 kids.

There we go, now that's a great one hahahahaha

There was a lot of this that was going on as well. I did some knitting and studied for my lesson I was teaching the next week in Relief Society at church.
I need to get a blanket knitted for Leslie and it's looking like it's going to be a last minute deal which I always hate doing.
You'd think I'd learn over the years.

Puggs loving his pie.

Dru making ninja apple pie for the next nights dinner.
We had sushi, gyoza, eggrolls, rice and edamame. What a meal. All the sushi got eaten. It's always so good.

The pie was sooooo gooooood. One of the kids said "Isn't this the BEST APPLE PIE YOU'VE EVER EATEN IN YOUR LIFE!!!" It was pretty cute.
Dru's apple pie is from his Japanese grandmother, and that lady knew how to cook.

Happy to be eating.

One night we had Puggs ramen. It's soooo goooood. I could have it once a week. It takes a long time cause he makes everything from scratch. It's probably why it's so good.
He let the kids help which was nice of him.

Puggs force feeding Topher pie.

The only shot I have of the awesome sushi.

The kids made these turkey's.

Close ups. Cute Gus.

One of the canvas paintings that Takeshi did over the weekend.

I went snowshoeing as well with Nat. It was awesome and beautiful. I loved it so much.
The weekend went too fast. I ate too much food and had a great time with great friends.
All the kids got along really well too, which helps a ton.
The last day is always tough as you're packing and cleaning and in the mess of things I lost my phone.
It was found a few days later in a child's drawer. He'd totally stashed it. The mum was really upset and apologized.
Kids man.
So it's nice to know my phone is ok and I'll get it back.
I was bummed about two things, photo's/videos as well as my music. I'd just gotten it where I loved it. So I'm glad I can get that back.

Masaru had fun with his cuzzies. We missed him.
I'll blog about that tomorrow.