Thursday, May 24, 2018


Here are the bday cards I got and their sweet messages.

Yuki made this card for me and got her whole class to sign it. It was very sweet of her.

Natalie gave me this sweet card.

This was from Dru's mother.

This was from my buddy Rebecca Robison. Love that lady.

This is what the inside of my card from Maree said.

I got this awesome card from Laura Thompson. So nice,

This was from Kristin. I actually tried to kick my leg up. Nobody will be surprised to know that I didn't make it as far as this picture.

Turns out I'm Graham's "crazy" Aunt. I couldn't stop laughing when I read that. I dunno if it's a good or a bad thing, but I'll take it and laugh about it.

From Brooke xx

I love getting cards in the mail that aren't bills and all the sweet notes that are said. Love it all.

Monday, May 21, 2018


The first bday surprise I got was from my Auntie in NZ, Maree. She saw these bags at the local supermarket and decided that she was going to let me have one and sent it over with some other goodies.

I laughed when she put this note on the back of the card. Cause I was, literally, going to keep all of these for myself. Then I read that note and had to share, even though it was my birthday. Everyone else in the family were happy to oblige.

Then I got this awesome card.
Thanks Maree.

This was my birthday gift from Dru. A commuter bike and I love it.
Now I can bike with the kids around town and this trailer from Christmas is amazing behind it. I love that it's sleek and as wide as my handlebars, so whatever I can go through at the front I'm all good in the back. It's a great gift and I'm really happy.
He gave it to me the night before and I don't know why. He's usually not like that. I never did ask him.

A note left from Dru before he headed out to work super early.

Treats from Hillary.

Candle and river friendly soap for camping. We've already lit the candle and it's gone. It was great. This was from my mtb mater Teresa.

Cesha made me this amazing wreath. I mean how cool is this right?

Flowers from Kim {above} and Natalie {below}. Love, love.

Knitting bowl from Jobecka and some sweet knitting scissors.

Roses and chocolate from Mari and Sammi and the coolest card ever!! Check it out.

I laughed and laughed and laughed. I loved it.

Jobecka took it upon herself to take the day off of work so we could ride together. Now that's commitment people.
I knew the ride I wanted to do and that was Hard Guy but be shuttled up to the top so I didn't have to climb it, only come down it.
Dru said he'd do it and shuttled us all the way up. It was awesome.

Here we are all pumped and ready to go.
The last thing Dru said to us was "No crashes" and we were off.

I got about 1 min into it and my chain came off. I tried to kick it back on but it didn't budge. So the next little hill I had to stop and get it back on which sucked but that was ok. We kept on going our merry way.
Then this happened: Watch video below.

Some random dude totally shoulder barges me off of my bike and I crashed. I was so mad that I wasn't even thinking properly. I'm so glad I wasn't hurt more.
I'm super bummed I didn't get his picture so I could take him to the cops. Oh well.

Then we met Dru, Kim and Teresa for lunch.

Teresa is big on birthdays so went all out and got all the decor and even made me my cake and told me I had to wear my bday sash all day.
So I did.

The cake tasted really good but the decorations were fun. She made almost each of us out of kiwi fruit. Kim was first then that's me in the green hat and Teresa is in the red hat and Jobecka is the shortcake in the front because her strava name is strawberry dirtcake!! Hahahaha So thoughtful and I loved it. It was a great bday cake and my only one. If she hadn't made this for me I never would've had one.

We had a great lunch then lit the cake and had cake.

We didn't have any matches but the cooks brought out a little blow torch that we used which was awesome.

Teresa is a gem and I've only known her a couple of months. Kim let me know that birthdays are a big deal to her cause I was feeling a little bad about all her effort. So that made me a little more relaxed.

Then we headed home and Dru back to work and we got back in time for the kids to come home and be here. Then Natalie came over with her kids and we hung out for a while which was really nice.
Then Cesha came over as well and hung out which was also nice.

Dru got home and we made filled rolls then headed out on our hike up Castle Rock for dinner.

Dru asked what I wanted to do for dinner and this was it. I just wanted to be with my family and have dinner outside in the foothills while hiking. It was perfect and windy.

 A nice guy took our picture up there.

The kids played and Dru and I talked and it was wonderful.

Emiko gave me this picture of all of us mtb. Pretty much the cutest thing ever!!!! We've even got camelbacks on and Teresa was wondering if that was us all running that guy over who knocked me off my bike. See the brown lump on the ground infront of us? I told her it certainly was hahahahaha

We then came home, put the kids in bed and Dru and I hung out the rest of the night.
It was a wonderful day filled with wonderful friends and family and great bday cards from family as well as friends and texts. A lot of nice things were said that made me feel loved, appreciated and thought of.
I couldn't have asked for anything more, apart from that guy getting arrested hahahahaaha
Happy bday to me.
I'm grateful I've made it to 41 and hope to continue to grow older and older with my loved ones.