Her husband has points on his card and she said she'd use those points to bring me out to her and we could go see Savannah for a couple of days and hang out.
You didn't have to ask me twice I jumped on the chance. She found me flights but it was late Saturday night. I asked Dru if we could make it back from the lake in time for me to catch the flight and he seemed to think it was possible, so we booked it.
It all worked out as I made the flight, got crap sleep and was ready to see Amy in a new state I'd never been to before.
Thanks to Amy and her wonderful hubby Steven I was about to see a new/old place.
Savannah and Georgia are one of the oldest states and cities in the country, so much history there. I was excited to explore.
So I got in Sunday morning and Amy picked me up and we went to church.
I knew I needed to stay up and so going to church would help to pass some time for me to not be tempted to take a nap.
I knew if I took a nap it'd be a super long one and it'd screw me up. So I endured.
It was nice to see Amy's ward and meet some of the people that she hangs out with. She's in the young women's programme over there as well, so I went to young womens' with her. It was great.
We then came home and her husband made us chicken and waffles. It's not as gross as it sounds and I ate it together. It wasn't bad, but I don't think I'll be making it any time soon. Who thinks of these combo's man?
I watched guardians of the galaxy for the first time and I really liked it. I'm excited to see the second one.
It was really nice to sit and talk with Amy and her husband and her two daughters. I knew them from Boise and so it was nice to play catch up and listen to what they've been up to and how things have been going.
Georgia is hot and humid, just like New Orleans. So I knew what I was getting myself into for sure. I packed light.
I went to sleep and slept like a log. I had to get up early though, cause Amy and I wanted to get on the road to Savannah before rush hour traffic. So off we went. She'd also gotten a hotel with her hubby's points too and it was beautiful. Let me find the video.
Nice right? So lucky.
Once we got there we quickly started into our tour of Savannah.
I brought us tickets on the trolley that takes you around and listened to the historic tour guides telling us all about the city. It was awesome.
We went inside this church first of all.
It was beautiful of course like all old churches so I took some video.
They had these cute squares all throughout Savannah. It's a grid system and they placed parks intermittently in the grid. It was beautiful. These two squares were important because one of them was where Forest Gump sat on the bench talking about a box of chocolates. But I forget which one hahahaha
Here's a beautiful old cotton factory.
Then we went down the crazy historic stairs to the river front which had wonderful stores and barges. It was beautiful.
Huge right?
Then we went to an old place called the Owen-Thomas house and had a look around.
This house was the first house in the USA to have indoor plumbing. It was amazing.
This is what the walls looked like.
This is an explanation of what the walls were made of and how they were made.
This basement part was where the slaves of the house slept and bathed etc.
There were around 9 of them for the house.
Our guide was amazing and the house was fascinating.
This area is a garden now but it used to be where the slaves did all their cleaning and organizing etc.
This flooring was made out of old sail material and a print was put on it. This meant it was easier to clean. It was tacked down and the slaves would untack it and clean it and retack it into the front rooms.
This oval window meant something cool and now I forget. See this is what happens when I do to much at one time.
This isn't a door, this is the thickness of the walls. They were thick to withstand the weight of the water for the indoor plumbing. Amazing aye.
Everything had to by symmetrical. The even added fake doors to make it so.
This was underneath the floor in clear plastic flooring to show us the plumbing down to the next level.
Here's the front of the house.
Our guide was really good and our group was small which I'm grateful for. I ask a lot of questions and this guide was great with it all, plus with the group being so small I didn't annoy anyone.
So the owner of this house also owned 8 plantations. I thought a plantation was an actual house that you had with land and slaves. Not so. This guy lived downtown and had people working for him on his plantations and had 'drivers' who looked over the daily work. I also assume he had people watching his 350 slaves he owned at night times? Maybe he had houses they lived on ? I dunno. Crazy right?
They also had a nanny slave who raised the kids AND she breast fed the kids. This one happened to have her own kid as well but couldn't look after her due to looking after these guys kids. He let her keep her kid though which usually didn't happen. They usually were separated for money.
Right across the road was where the slave selling would take place as well as hangings. Just in the front street.
Also they had wall to wall carpet in their house and people had dirty feet. So when they ate dinner they had a mate down that the slaves could take out and clean but every now and then they'd clean the carpet and they'd have to un pick the sewing take the carpet out one 1foot strip at a time, clean it all then when it was done sew it back together !!!!!!!
What a horrible job. No skin of these dudes noses though, just have the slaves do it. Man what did these guys do? What did the mum do? She wasn't cooking or cleaning or looking after her kids? I mean seriously?
After that we kept looking around and decided to do a little shopping and grab some lunch. We were hungry.
How beautiful are these trees right?
Here's another cotton factory. Cotton was about the one thing that could grow in their dirt. They tried lots of other things and ended up with cotton.
We then ended up going back to the hotel and freshening up for a bit. I had booked us another tour but this time it was a 'ghost' tour of the city.
So we went and got on the 'ghost' trolley and listened to our guide.
We visited this haunted house and walked around.
Apparently there are lots of lots of ghosts in Savannah and they're just milling around letting us know they're there and happy or unhappy or needing some things sorted out.
All the stories they told us were true and were stories that had really happened to people. It was fun.
Look at this cool looking grand piano that sometimes plays by itself at night.
She told us to take a picture in the mirror and sometimes people see ghosts in the mirror. I didn't see any in mine but a guy in our group had one in his picture. I was bummed out. I wish I could've gotten a copy of it. It looked legit.
Me trying to get another angle of the ghost mirror.
It started to rain really bad right at the end of the house tour and we got a little wet and had to get in the trolley and it sucked man. It was all muggy and they'd close the windows !!! I was like 'let us get wet man just don't lock us into an oven'
We then headed over to a haunted factory where an old lady told us some stories about ghosts as well and death.
It was entertaining.
We then headed back to the hotel pooped and hungry.
Our hotel used to be a mansion owned by someone rich back in the old days.
They had some really cool art.
Here's Amy and I sitting down to some really gross water that tasted like poop.
At least our food was good.
I slept well this night.
I love Savannah.