I did a short talk about the Saviour and his time of birth and how there was a new star that formed and how it was a light and a guide, just like the Saviour and like our families.
It's always really nice to be in Tokoroa ward. I love those people and who they are to me and my family. It was nice to look out on the congregation and see them all and know how they know me and love me.
I had a wonderful time afterwards catching up with some of the people and talking to them and seeing what they had been doing with themselves.
This is mama benion and she's in her 90's and I went up to her and said hi and she knew exactly who I was and talked to me like I hadn't been gone. What a wonderful woman she is. I'm glad I could be with her.
She was walking around the chapel telling everyone I was one of her daughters. So special.
We then went back to Llew's house and made the kids some lunch and hung out for a while before we headed over to mum's house for the Christmas Eve shenanagans.
Dru and I headed to mum's to make the burgers for our sliders we were gonna make but left the kids watching a movie at Llew's. It was nice to have a little quiet without my kids at mum's for a second and get those burgers made.
The kids made these cute things with their Uncle and Auntie.
We then went and picked up the kids and brought them over the mum's.
We had a BBQ and some amazing food that we all contributed to. It was awesome. It was also really nice to all be together as well and be with each other at this special time.
We then decided to come in together and do a talent show family by family. Masaru, Yuki and Takeshi all played a piece on the piano for everyone.
Llewellyn's family put Zeke out the front and he did a dance to Bruno Mars.
It was pretty cute man.
Sarah's family put knox in the middle and he showed us his muscles and then this weird cool finger thing. It was pretty cool and funny.
Gareth's family had Nixon play a piece on the piano for all of us and it was really nice.
Haydn's family had Gracie who did a dance with the cuzzies for us.
They just put this together as well. Pretty good aye.
Delwyn didn't do anything and then Bevin put Eve out there and we sang a Maori song and Eve did yoga for us.
After we'd done our talents we talked about Christ a bit and sang two carols then went around and said three things we were grateful for.
It was pretty awesome to all be together and contribute in that way. It was really nice and I'm so grateful for those kinds of moments.
We then kept hanging out.
The theme of the night was Haydn and Masaru tackling people down to the ground and tickling their feet.
They got everyone except for Gareth. It was pretty funny man and made the night hilarious. Llewellyn and Masaru turned on Haydn and got him and Haydn turned on Masaru and got him too.
It was just a really special night at mum's house.
It was everything I could've asked for.
I have an overwhelming amount of joy from things like this. My family make me happy and it's what the season is all about you know.
Words can't express the feelings in my heart.
We set up the stockings and set up all the presents and Dru sat and wrapped everything while everyone sat and wrapped and talked as well.
We ended up staying up till 1:30am
It was nice to to stay up and chat. It was Delwyn, Jessie, Bevin, Me, Dru, Dior and maybe Haydn but I can't remember. He likes his sleep so might've went to bed.
It's been really nice to hang out and chat.
Great, great day from sun up to sun down.