Monday, November 28, 2016

New addition to the Wright whanau

On Saturday we'd gotten the news that Bevin and Dior had a beautiful baby girl come into the world.
Her name is Ihareira Wright (no middle name yet) and she was 7lbs 5 born at 10:31am.
Dior had a 6 min labour and Ihareira basically fell out in the one and only contraction she had!! How wonderful is THAT labour story, am I right people?!?
Couldn't happen to better people man. I'm so glad the birth was so great and wonderful and look at how perfect she is. I mean come on.
The midwife hadn't even shown up!!
She was 10 mins into the world before the midwife had gotten there and Bevin went out to meet her and she was getting all her stuff and he goes "Nah, nah, no  need for that, we've already given birth to her."
They'd planned on a home birth anyway and Bevin had only filled the pool 1cm before she was born!!
Crazy man.
Bevin and Dior and doing so great and Diors contractions after the fact and worse than the actual giving birth ones hahahaha
So awesome.
I talked to Bevin today and he said Yves is loving her new sister and they're gonna nick name her Izzy which I also think is cute.
Her full name is pronounced E haaa ray ra (roll the r's)
It's Maori for Israel, which they love the name of which is where the nick name Izzy comes from.
If their first born boy Job was going to be a girl, that's what they were going to name her, so it's great they got the opportunity to give that name to another girl.

Way cute.

I mean come on man, how cute is she?
We're so grateful that things went perfectly. The kids have been praying for Dior this whole time and thanked Heavenly Father tonight in a prayer that both Dior and Izzy are healthy and happy. What a blessing for the family. Great to have a new addition.

Thanksgiving 2016

We left for Thanksgiving in Utah on Wednesday after Dru got home from work. We'd heard it'd snowed in Utah and so had to quickly find our kids snow gears. We didn't find all of them and were texting mates in Utah to see if they could help us out with the extras. Thankfully they could.
We got to Utah late and put the kids in bed and stayed up late talking to Dru's parents.
The next day the kids were way pumped to play in the snow outside.
I'm glad there was snow, it makes for some fun times for the kids.
Takeshi was going to have to wear 'Frozen' snow boots but turns out his cuzzie had some boys boots just his size he could wear. He was a happy camper about that.

Masaru played with his twin cuzzies and when Kristin came out Kate joined in the other kids played with their cuzzies.
Takeshi has a love/hate relationship with his cuzzie Zeke. Hopefully they can sort that out over the years.

There was hussle and bussle around the house with everyone contributing to the meal in some way. Dru and I contributed the least out of everyone. We didn't get an assignment this year which is sad cause I love to cook and Dru does too. Maybe next year.

Here's a panoramic view I took of almost everyone just sitting around having a good time together. I love it. I love just sitting around, talking and having a relaxing time together.
Dinner was amazing, as always and it was filled with great conversation together. The kids had a good time too.

Masaru loves this jacket that the twins had at their house. Apparently it was left there by someone and they don't know who. It's been hanging around for a while and Masaru's been borrowing it. He wore it the whole time we were in Chicago and he was in Utah. He loves it. He even stole his Grandmother's leather gloves. He's such a turkey sometimes man. At least he doesn't care right?

We stayed up hanging out and eating until the last people left. Dru and I didn't get to sleep until around midnight I think. Great day.

The next day we wanted to see Moana at the theaters. The kids had been talking about it for a month. They'd been looking forward to it. We went to try and go and it was sold out, so we had to book tickets for the next one which was almost booked out too. Crazy man. But this was the only kids movie that was around and I guess that's what everyone had on their mind.
We got in though, after we'd gone home and eaten some lunch, and it was great.
Everyone loved it and I cried numerous times cause I'm a 'feeling' kinda person you know. Plus it was polynesian/maori kind've you know and I miss my peeps man. So that didn't help.
But we were all way pumped to be able to see it and grateful to Grandma for helping us get there.

We then just hung out with the kids. Kristin came and took her kids and so my kids hung around and talked about how they missed Kristins kids.
Dru's cuzzie came and visited though and ate some Turkey soup with us for dinner. So that helped the kids a ton. His cuzzie, Jamie, had two kids Masaru and Yuki's ages and they slowly warmed up to us. It was great catching up with them and hanging out and seeing what they'd been up to.
We hadn't seen them in years. So it was a great visit. They're way nice. Andrea, Jamies wife, is originally from NZ as well. But all her immediate family live here in USA so she doesn't really go home much at all. She sounds american mostly as well. Super nice to be with them.

Later on all the Nakaya's, including Dru's parents jumped in our van and met Kristin and Chris at the movie theater in Salt Lake.
We'd all decided to watch 'Fantastic Beasts'
I thought it was a little slow but good. It'll be interesting to see what they come up with next. It was a little sad too. The acting was good, so that's always great.
We then went home and fell into bed.

Saturday Dru got up and worked on the van at Pugg's house while I slept in.
We then got up and the kids were just watching TV and I thought 'I don't think so' So I rang the people at the Idaho Discovery Center, a place where our family has passes, and asked them if they team up with any places in Salt Lake. Turns out they did and we went to one of them.
We texted Dru's cuzzie to see if they'd be keen to met us, which they were and we headed out.
The museum we'd decided to go to was called 'Leonardo Museum'.
Turned out it was awesome and a great decision.
The first thing that we saw was a lego table. All the kids ran to it and we spent the first half an hour there making things together. It was awesome.
Great idea by the museum.
Here's Masaru's plane that he made.
Looks pretty good to me.

Emiko said she was working on making a house boat.
Yuki made an onion house.
Takeshi was making a plane but wasn't quite finished.
We had to move on though and there were a few tears shed when we forced the kids away from the Lego table. We assured them that the museum had more to offer than just the lego table. So they grudgingly moved forward with us.
Patterns table.
Hanging out with the cuzzies.
They had a flight center with tons of fun things for the kids to do. They had this plane for the kids to slide down and press all the buttons in.
It had some really cool information and was fascinating.
They had a drawing table so Yuki loved that.

Takeshi had to press all the buttons before he'd leave the cockpit. He's a crack up man.
We spent a bit of time there then decided to go upstairs.

There was a man who was teaching how to make a timer. So all the kids went up to the table and made one. It took about 45 mins and Dru took a nap while I helped the kids, but it was all worth it. These timers they made are amazing.  It was fun.
They also had an art display of children and where they sleep.
It was a really good display for the kids to see. I read the kids stories as tears were streaming down my face with some of the kids sleeping quarters.
I think it was really good for the kids to see and hear about these other kids around the world and how they sleep. Great artistry. 

Emiko running around with butterfly wings. Super cute.

We then saw these big lego's and played with them for a long time. How fun.
Glad Dru came with us.

Here's Takeshi loving this magnetic board and figuring out how to get the marble down into the bucket. Pretty good.

There was lots and lots of other sweet things that the kids did as well. There was an electricity ball and the boys kept shocking each other. The girls weren't interested but the boys were trying to see how much of a shock they could give each other. Hahaha so crazy.
After a while we said goodbye to Jamie and Andrea and the kids and headed out.
We decided to head to Pace's to get a slushy and some fries.

We decided to take some family pic's.

We got home and relaxed for a little bit. Grandma made the kids dinner while Dru and I showered and got ready to hang out with our buddies Puggs and Stacey.
We decided to go out to dinner in Kyoto then top it off at Coldstone for some ice cream.
It's always great to go out to dinner with these two and I never get a picture with them. Next time right?
You're just hanging out and don't even think to do it really.
It was great to be with them and to hang out and talk and talk.
We then came home and went and hung out with Ryan and Leslie and got my scrapbooking pages done for Dru's mother for Christmas while we talked all night. It was really nice.

The next day we got up and started tidying the place up and getting washing done and packing up. I had to finish the scrapbooking pages and the kids helped tidy up as well.
They're always so great with helping out. They cleaned the bathroom and Takeshi loves to vacuum the stairs and the cleaned their room and packed up their bags. They're so great.
We headed out around 2:30 and got on the road.
It was so beautiful on the way home and I tried to capture some of it on Dru's camera. But usually pictures don't do it justice and these didn't really do much.

We stopped off for dinner and then got home around 9pm and got the kids to bed.

It was a really good weekend away. I had a wonderful time with family and with Dru and the kids. I loved it.
I love Thanksgiving and am grateful for family that help make it wonderful.

Random catch ups

Emiko and I were reading the kids national geographic magazine we purchased from a local girl scout group the other day. There was a picture of a bearded lady and some facts about her.
Emiko looks at me and goes "Mum you have a beard and a mustache as well, but it's not as big as Dad's one"
Gee thanks Emiko!!!

It was the Zipps 5th wedding anniversary the other week and so we celebrated by going on a mtb ride in our backyard. It was a lot of climbing which kinda sucked but the downhill was amazing.
Love these guys.

So this is what my foot looks like and why it's getting operated on this Thursday. See my bones? Well they're suppose to all be the same distance apart and straight. My bunion is making my toe bone stick out the wrong way and is putting distance where there shouldn't be any. Hence the reason why it's achy and why it needs to be fixed. I'm nervous and anxious about it, but what can I do? I need to done and need to suck it up man. I can't drive for 2 weeks!!! It's gonna be tough on Dru and my mates, but hopefully it'll pass quick.
Wish me luck.

Emiko wants me to sit down and watch movies with her. Most of the time I don't, but I'll walk in, give her kisses and keep doing things around the house. Every now and then I'll sit down for a second and watch parts with her. I love Big Hero 6. What a great movie. I was bawling my eyes out and Emiko doesn't shed a tear. She turns around and says to me "Mum you always cry at every movie"
I know man, I know, Mum's a wimp.

Dru went to his first Baja 1000 with his brother and Puggs. He left Wed at 5am and came home Sunday midnight. He basically had a party for 5 days with his homeboys. He called me twice a day and we texted and I got all the latest and greatest of what was happening. It sounded like he had the best time, which helped when I was missing him. I'm glad he got to go and I was glad when he came home.

I stopped to take a shot of this beautiful part of my ride the other day. Love my rides.

Yuki made this pumpkin in class.
Her teacher is full of wonderful ideas and does a lot with the kids. It's great for Yuki. She's a little intense for me, but she's a great teacher and that's all that counts.

Here's Yuki putting NZ in there. she said that it wasn't there so she made sure it was there on HER pumpking globe.
Yeah that's right. Nice work Yuki.

This is how I found Masaru the other day. I'm like 'How come you're lighting the candles?' He's like 'It's romantic mum' I said 'Do you have a date that I'm unaware of?' He said 'Can't a man play the piano by himself with candles?'
I was cracking up for ages. This guy man, says the craziest things sometimes.
The other day the kids were doing something and Masaru walks in and says 'Do you need a man's help?' then proceeds to help them with whatever they were struggling with.
He's got a few years before he's a man, but I wonder why he sees himself as one? I should ask him I guess.

Dru shaved off the Wolverine chops and had a clean shaven face for the first time in 2-3 years. The kids had a fit and Takeshi cried. None of them liked it and Dru felt bad.
I like Dru's face no matter what he does to it.
It's nice to have change and whatever he decides to do with his face and hair is just fine with me. He suits everything he's had except for one really bad cut up in Moscow at law school that we're not allowed to talk about hahahahaha

Love this guy.

He's got such a great smile.

That's it for the randoms.