So spring is here, the weather has been nice and we've been starting to do a few things around the house.
Dru put the first coat of paint on the craft room walls. He had to use latex and was basically swearing the whole time. I told the kids to stay out of his way and leave him alone until he ventures out, and even then to maybe not talk to him for a wee while until we know it's safe hahahaha
Poor guy!! It looks great though but needs another coat, so he'll do that tonight and I'll find a nice book to curl up to or knitting project and get him whatever he wants while painting!! Once that's done then we can put the daybed we found on craigslist, in there and that room be done for a little while and our bedroom can stop being the 'store room' for all the craft room stuff. That'll be nice.

Yuki brought home a couple of projects that I figured I'd put up here. Turns out Yuki loves soccer, faith and cartoons. I'd say that's a good balance.

Then I thought this was cute.

Emiko and I hanging out. She wanted me to get pictures of us with clips in our hair and a clip in her toy's hair as well.

Then I saw this somewhere and thought 'That's brilliant' and went upstairs and did the girls drawers. It just makes sense to be able to see all of your clothes so you can choose what to wear. I taught them how to put it back and all, but I'm sure there'll be a learning curve. For now, it works great.

My mother made this cardigan for Masaru and I brought it out for Emiko to wear. But too little too late man. We're going into summer and I only took this out of her 4 year old box. So she wore it and it's almost too small for her. I'll have to keep it to let someone else use. It's the best.

Soccer is in full swing and the kids have practices and games. They're doing great and loving it.
Here's Emiko taking a selfie of us watching Yuki play.
Yuki's team is much bigger this season so they don't have to play so much, which is good and bad. Her team is pretty good man, so we'll see how they do.
Takeshi is playing with all his mates and having fun. I'm not sure how long it'll last so we'll see. He has so much energy though that it's so good for him to learn how to channel it into something, for now.

I'm reading this sweet book which is really talking to me in a way that's so great.
It's called: The gifts of Imperfection. I'm only up to page 24 but it's saying things that just make so much sense to me. Here's one of the quotes from it that I think is so true man. There's others as well but I figured I'd put this one up.
I think it's so easy to give yet, for some, so hard to recieve you know and this hits the nail on the head for it I reckon. We think if we're receiving help that we're weak maybe? Or that receiving help reflects badly on us for some reason! Well that's because we need to stop attaching judgements onto it and let go and figure out why we feel that way. That's what I got outt've it anyway.
Love it.
If you read this book, let me know, and we can have a chat about it.
I'm barely even into it and it's changing the way I see things and is making me wanna be better. I love it.

My challenge this month is to climb 5500 meters. It's been a week and I've only climbed a little over 1000 meters. I gotta step it up man or I won't meet my challenge!!
Here's the view at the top of Freestone. This ride was awesome. I didn't stop until the big hill, which means nothing to anyone else than me. I felt strong and couldn't even believe that I made it that far this early in the season. It was nice to push myself.

Here's Takeshi's piece of artwork called 'The jumping cat' hahaha so cute right?

Then here's his project about matter.
I love it.

I love his teacher and will miss him having her. Hopefully his second grade teacher is ok.

Then on Friday we let the kids watch the Peanuts movie with a sitter, and Dru and I went out on a double date with our mates Nydia and Keith.
They took us to a burger place out in Meridian, Habits? It was so good man. It just sucks it's all the way out there. Then Keith took us to a place with the word Pig in it. It's a BBQ place? He got us some bread pudding!! That was really good too. It was a double hit.
Then we got a shake from Chic fil A!!
Those guys are so fun to hang out with man. Keith has helped Dru a ton with different things and really likes him. I'm glad Keith is around. Nydia is super nice too and so it's always good to have mates around who you enjoy. It was a great night.

Saturday was filled with soccer and house things. Dru painted, and I decided to go get some plants and get those going since the weather was nice and I felt like being outside.
I always get hanging plants, so I figured this year I'd actually buy the pots that last and make my own. Who know's if it'll work out, but I'm sure I'll eventually figure it out right?
Here's hoping I chose the right plants.

Here's out front door.

Emiko's little fairy garden from a cute fairy party she went to on Friday. We transferred it from her party plate to our pot here. Pretty cute right?

Then we have that other one out the front by our well water.
Yuki helped me and they look just lovely.
The rest of the day we tidied and then watched the new star wars movie with the kids. They were pumped to watch it, but to be honest I don't think they really paid attention much. I think they just liked the idea of watching it and that was enough!!
I snuck out and did some shopping for Dru and I. We decided to do a 21 day clean eating thing, that I've done before.
I planned on starting it last week and mentioned Dru doing it with me, thinking he'd mock it and he said he'd maybe do it. I was like WHAT? He's never been interested in doing anything with me before man and so after talking to him some more he said he'd commit to doing it with me. I'm still in total shock but am rolling with it. It's like a weird dream world I'm living in. But he's realized he's gained a little weight and would like to shed some pounds and so I think he sees 21 days as a sacrifice he's willing to make to get the kickstart he needs. I'm just really happy to have a buddy to starve with and moan to. It'll be 'fun' to do it together. The end results will be great, we can focus on that.
I havn't been able to drop this NZ weight I gained and so I knew I needed to take it to the next level and to have Dru in my corner is just a dream come true man, well he's always in my corner, but this is the first time he's been in my corner and taking the eating on board with me.
We took pictures last night and measurements. So we'll see how it goes.
Sunday was stake conference. It's always rough with the kids but I'm glad we went. There was a lady from Cambodia there who told her story and it was really good man. I'm glad she talked.
Then our stake Pres. shared a message that spoke to Dru and I really well. It was nice. The kids made it through just fine as well.
I did a count down with Takeshi and that helped him a ton. You should've seen his face light up when I told him we had 15 mins left!! Crack up.
We came home and ate and hung out then went out for a bike ride together and with some mates.
It was so much fun. We had the best time with the Jares and Thompsons.

Here's Boe kicking some butt on this huge drop like it's nothing.
We hung out, biked, ate and had fun with each other. It was such a nice day.
Once we got home we fed the kids and they were totally ready for bed.
Such a great weekend, full of fun, friends, nature and learning. Love it.