At bootcamp yesterday I asked the trainer what might happen if you keep working out while you're sore and he said one of two things #1 you'll get crippled, #2 you'll be fine. I woke up today and am still sore, but not crippled sore, so is there a #3? Hahahaha
Last night I fed 7 children like it was nothing. They all sat around the table and ate and used their manners and were great. 4 of them were mine. I said to Dru "This is what it'd be like if we had 7 kids"
He said nothing, but the kids thought it was funny.
I love having my kids mates around. It makes me happy. We also had two other kids around playing.
Takeshi and his two buddies were playing so well together. Then it all went to custard. Takeshi got too rough and got a fat lip and it all went pear shape after that.
Hopefully they'll work through it right?
On the positive side of things though, Yuki played well with all of her friends, without a worry. So go figure man. Here I was thinking I'd have to regulate Yuki when it was Takeshi who had the hard 'friend' day.
Sometimes friendships are tough. We've all been through it. Made me a little sad to watch Takeshi learn from his behaviours. I said to him though "People don't like being hassled bud, you'd be wise to not be so relentless with your hassling"
So hopefully next time is better.
They really do have a little gang of kids around here to play with though. It's really nice. They'll probably all grow up together so it'd be wise to try to figure things out.
I'm a believer in trying to stay out of it as well. My mum never got into our friend drama, we had to figure it out on our own. So I try to just say things here and there but ultimately they gotta work it out. And they usually always do.
So last night was 'New Beginnings' in our youth young women's programme. The girls and leaders have been working to make sure this night went off without a hitch.
We made a sign up sheet for the girls to sign up for assignments for the night. They all signed up and only one didn't show up. She found someone to take over her part though, which work out great.
I think it went well.
There are 3 new young women coming into the programme this year and two were there last night. One was sick and so had to stay home.
Three of the older girls did a spotlight on the three 'newbies' and it was pretty cute man.
We watched a video and the bishop and us pres. talked as well as all of the girls. It was all short and finished at a decent time.
There's nothing like a L O N G programme to make you sleepy lol
The girls did the decorations and the food and did their part to say a YW value of their choice, last night. I'm proud of them. I love them.
I've been trying to do my personal progress. This is a programme the church has put out, for the girls to participate in. I didn't do it in my youth, so I figured I'd do it now, while with the YW.
So I started a couple of months ago.
You have to do a project for each value. There's 8 values. The first one is FAITH. So I've been slowly working through the faith value.
I tried to think of a project to do for faith. I though maybe I'd knit something or draw something, but then I was like "This has to be meaningful and I wanna have it around to remind me and what if my drawing sucks?" Hahahaha
So I surprised myself by deciding to write a poem. Crazy right? Who just writes a poem? Especially when you know you're not a good writer you know?
But I thought and though and decided to give it a go.
This is what I came up with, and what I shared with the youth last night, to prove that the programme helps you to do things, that you wouldn't normally do.
I wouldn't normally write a poem. But I did and I LOVE it and it's a new found treasure I'll keep forever.
Faith Poem
Faith is like a little seed.
It started when I was young,
when dad put out his arms and said
"I'll catch you Melissa, just come".
It started when I was young,
when dad put out his arms and said
"I'll catch you Melissa, just come".
The trust I had in my father,
the trust he had in God,
helped me know I'm not alone,
in this life that I must trod.
the trust he had in God,
helped me know I'm not alone,
in this life that I must trod.
Sometimes it's the size of a mustard seed.
Sometimes it’s the size of a tree.
But faith in my father in heaven,
started on my father’s knee.
Sometimes it’s the size of a tree.
But faith in my father in heaven,
started on my father’s knee.
So thank you Dad for trusting,
in the God you love on high.
For it's taught me who I am in life,
so I can lift my wings and fly.
in the God you love on high.
For it's taught me who I am in life,
so I can lift my wings and fly.
Love you Dad
Milz xx
Milz xx
One girl came up to me afterwards and started crying and said she's been having a bit of a faith crisis and being in YW helps her a ton and gave me a hug.
Another girl said that our leadership is the best she's ever had!!
So when I'm feeling sorry for myself about all the meetings and prep and bull crap that goes along with this calling, I remember the girls and tell myself to suck it up, because at the end of the day, it's about them and I love them and it's a privilege to be around them.
Great night.