Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Happy 2nd birthday Takesh...........
Happy 10 years Dru.......

My life might be hectic but it's a good one, I know this.
Who knew 10 years with the same person could feel this good?  And it's just getting better and better..........
Can't wait for the next 10, love you babe.

Today's not gonna be that great Takesh but I know you don't care and that helps my guilt a little.  I might buy you cupcakes instead of making them and sing to you.  That's about it.
Hopefully no other birthdays will be this lame, but we love you and are glad you're a part of the family bud.  Our last 2 years with you in it have been awesome.  You're a great addition to the family.
We love you.

Monday, July 25, 2011

1 day left

Today's the official last day of Dru studying for the bar exam.
He started May 16th and today is July 25th.
What a summer!!
I knew it was gonna be hard and was mentally prepped for it and I think I did pretty well for the most part.
I also think Dru did really well, all things considered.
But this last week has been tough for both of us.  I think we know the end is near and we're running on reserves in our mental batteries.
This is the final step in our law school studies and I can't wait for it to be over and for us to move on.
I mean don't get me wrong, it's been a fun three years for numerous reasons but I'd like to just be done.
I'm very proud of Dru.
This last three years has been filled of ups and downs for him and he's taken it all so well.  He's been a hard worker, well organized, mature, a peacemaker, balanced and focused as well as a wonderful father and husband throughout it all.
This was his dream and he did it, and in all biasness (is that a word?) he did it well.
We're very blessed to have him in our lives and the wonderful example he is to all of us of these traits he exemplified the last few years while dealing with his law school dream.
If there were more people like Dru the world would be a better place.
So as I'm frantically trying to get the house prepped for the next three weeks, he's on his last 24 hours of study and I bet if you ask him, he can't wait to be done with it all.
I just need to make a huge shout out to everyone who's helped us over the last 2 and a half months with babysitting, prayers, talks, fastings, support mental and physical, dinners and blessings.  I don't know what I would've done without great neighbours, mates, family and ward members pulling us along throughout the summer journey.
One neighbour said last night 'Dru OWES us, the minute that exam is over he's coming mountain biking with me AT LEAST 3 times a week'
And Dru can't wait.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


So mates of ours invited us to come to McCall with them for our ward activity this year.
We said yes and left Dru behind for the day to study it up for the bar exam on tues/wed, yeah it's been a pretty crap summer for Dru....moving on.

I thought we'd FOR SURE have a throw up incident so brought our trustie spew kit.
No one spewed there and back.
What are the chances? Murphy's law I tell ya.
Anyway it was a really good day of sun, swimming, canoeing, boating, eating and hanging out with some good people.
We went to 'The Pancake/Christmas House' restaurant up there and man that place is GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD.
It was a great way to end a perfect day.
So here's the only stuff I got from the day.
I'm glad I had people helping out cause being a single parent is no fun, so hats off to them I say.
Takeshi started off shy to the water but then started loving it. I was proud of him. He stuck by me the whole day.
Masaru looked after himself basically, like usual, and Yuki flitted around and did her thing, checking in with me from time to time.
What a great day.
Thanks Holden's you're the best.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Journal Entry Fortyfour

Have you read the Book of Mormon? Do you have a testimony of that book? 

Click HERE to read mine. 

I'm bored activity


4 slices whole-wheat bread
2 English muffins, split
Brown mustard
1 can (6 1/2 oz) tuna fish
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
Your favourite cheese, sliced
Tomato slice (optional)
Pickle slice - to dress up your plate.

Spread mustard on bread.  Open can of tuna; drain off water; flake into bowl.  Mix with mayonnaise.  Spread tuna mixture on bread slices and top each with cheese and tomato.  Broil in broiler or toaster oven for five to seven minutes until cheese melts.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

10 years

So for our 10 year anniversary/ graduation gift, Dru's parents kindly shouted us a trip to Hawaii for a week AND volunteered to look after our three kids while we head on over for some sun, sand, and culture.
It's the first time Dru and I have been away like this since Masaru was 10 months old and we did the South Island trip in NZ and had my mother looked after Masaru.  Man that was one good trip.
Anyway we're both looking forward to it as Dru and I have barely seen each other these last 2 and a half months {I'm sure all bar exam wives can relate} and we've both equally been working hard to maintain our jobs as a married couple.
I'm exhausted and so's he.  Even if we didn't have the best inlaws out there I think we'd still do SOMETHING that equated to NOTHING for a week as a family just to get over it all.
I'm starting to get a little excited and realized that I hadn't blogged about it to all my mates in blogging world.
Dru finishes the bar at 4pm on the 27th {our official 10 years} and we leave to Utah to catch our flight the next morning at 6am.
I know it's a little crazy but I don't care.  No kids equals a nice flight right?
Dru's cousin's over there as well as my mates from back home who are leaders at the PCC.
It's always been a dream of mine to go to Hawaii and it's happening thanks to Dru parents who I feel like I'm an unprofitable servant to.
I can't even imagine what it's going to be like to have no children for a week.
I think I'll cry and get over it, then cry some more and get over it.
I think it'll be great.
Dru's my best mate and we'll have the best time ever.  He's such a good travel buddy cause he's so A type.  It works out great for me cause he does all the stressing and planning.
Hey man I don't push it, it's ALL HIM.
I know there's people {like my parents} who didn't get much help while they were young with young kids.
My mum told me she didn't go away, even for a weekend until I was around 12 or 14 I think.
They didn't have much support and so waited till Llewellyn and I could babysit {it was horrible for me, great for them} so they could go away.
I realized we're blessed.  I realize that we're lucky.  I realize that others aren't so blessed.
No brainer right?
So we're taking it and not looking back.
I can't wait.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Ok so here's the deal...........

Ok so like I said in my title, here's the deal.
Takeshi turns 2 on the 27th of July. This is also the last day of Dru's bar exam.
This is ALSO our 10 year wedding anniversary (don't ask me where the times gone)
So it's a busy day.
Now right after Dru takes the exam we're off to Utah STRAIGHT AWAY.
This means ZERO BIRTHDAY PARTY for Takeshi.
Now I don't think he cares despite the look on his face in the picture above when I told him we weren't doing a party for him.
Now usually for the Nakaya's it's all about the cake.
Well not this day, sorry Takesh.
Anyway on the ACTUAL DAY I'll make some cute pirate cupcakes and he'll blow out a candle and we'll sing and that's about it.
I know, I know, but you tell me a better deal?

So.................what to get a third child.
Let's preface this with I'm a useless gift giver.  Ask all my mates, my family etc.  It's either cash or some lame gift.  The ones that are awesome, I got help with, trust me.
What to get Takeshi?
He's the third child.
He doesn't need anything.
We've got tons of toys.
He's not really 'interested' in anything for me to warrent spending money on you know.
So we were at a mates place and they had a water table and the kids LOVED IT.
So I was sold.
Water table it was.
We went and picked it up from the store (I found a great deal online) and celebrated all the way home.
Little did I know that it was like a 1000 piece puzzle to get it together.
I said to the kids 'Let's just wait till Dad gets home to do it'
But they insisted and since I'm trying to prove to them that girls can do anything I thought I'd better do it and stop being lazy.
So I did, and it works and I'm a hero.
Yaaaaa me.
The kids love it.
Takeshi's having a problem with being wet though and I think it stems from his potty training.  He always wants his pants changed.
So I'm working with him on that little dilemma.
Love this pic {above} SO CUTE.
So even though Takeshi gets ripped off this year for his birthday, he won't get ripped off with being able to play with his present.
He's got 8 days of pirate bliss and then he won't see it for three weeks.
Have fun bud.
Love you.

Monday, July 18, 2011


Yuki yells.
I'm not sure why.
It could be a number of reasons.
*She could be watching too much Dora (although we don't have TV so I can't see how that's possible)
*She might have a hearing impairment.
*I might be yelling at her too much.
*It's the only way she can get people's attention since her normal voice is so high, sweet and low on the volume scale.
I'm not quite sure what it is but she yells a lot.
I can hear her at the neighbours place.
She's got problems.
I'm not quite sure what to do about it.
Next time you see her just observe for a bit and see what you find.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

1st Grade

So a friend at church today informed me that out of all three of the first grade teachers at the school, Masaru got the crap one.
She said "I just wanted to let you know so you could do something about it if you want"
Apparently her kid got the 'good' one.
So what to do with this information?
I've mulled it around a little and talked to Dru about it and we're gonna leave him where he is.
In the back of my mind I've always thought when Masaru started school I could 'slack off' a little and let the school take over a little more.
Then he started kindergarten and I realized I was his only hope for an education that year.
Now I get told that Masaru's with the 'crap' teacher this next school year which only means one thing.
I'm not going to be able to 'slack off' this year either with Masaru's continued 'at home' education.
When will he get a decent teacher at a decent school?  This is what I wanna know.
Never maybe.
I should've home schooled.  But he loves his mates so much and LOVES school so much, how could I do it?
I wouldn't.
This teacher's done nothing wrong to me yet, so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt for now and continue to teach Masaru at home.  It's not like I'm busy or anything...................
Someone's gotta have this teacher right?
Might as well be Masaru I guess.  I mean how much damage can she do in the first grade?  Especially with me hitting him hard at home as well?
Not much is my guess, unless she actually doens't LIKE Masaru, then I'll move him outta there as fast as you can say 'Crap teacher'
Plus we might not even be here when he starts school.
What to do, what to do.............for now..............NOTHING.
Poor Masaru.
I really wish we were living in NZ.
They don't have any crap teachers back there, they're all perfect ;)

Saturday, July 16, 2011


So my nieces did what's called an Operetta at their school.  It's like a school wide productions where every single kid is involved.
They do it every two years.
This year it was about the Rugby World Cup and each class was a country.
In the end it was NZ against Aussie and NZ came out on top of course.
My brother and sister both said it was amazingly well done and a treat to be a part of.
I wish I could've seen it.
But here's some pic's.
 Cora was a kiwi from NZ of course and Ayuri was an Emu from Aussie.
 Parents came and volunteered to do make up and bring treats for the kids.
 The kiwi.
 Then she was a farmer for something.  I can't remember what my sister told me.
 Elise.  Guess where her class was from?
That lady in the back sure is having a good time.
Do schools do anything like this here in the USA?
Cause so far I've been here 10 years and have never heard of it.
Am I wrong?

I wish we were back home *sigh*

Friday, July 15, 2011

Journal Entry Fortythree

Tell of a huge disappointment in your life. 

Click HERE to read mine. 

I'm bored activity


1 cup boiling water
1 package (3oz) jello (jelly) any flavour
1 cup cold water
1 can (1lb) fruit, any kind, drained and cut up
1/2 cup mini marshmallows

Boil water and carefully pour 1 cup into a 2 cup measure.
Pour gelatin powder into mixing bowl.  Add boiling water and stir.  Pour in cold water and continue stirring so that bowl bottom doesn't get gummy.  Add drained fruit and marshmallows.  Pour into a fancy mold or individual dessert dishes and refrigerate until firm, about 3-5 hours.

{Milz talking}  Last week we did the shake and the kids LOVED it.
I'm gonna make this and see what they think.  They should love it as well I hope.  We don't have jelly too much so it'll be interesting to see if they like it.  I know they'll like helping make it, that's for sure.
Good luck.  Let me know how it goes.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Guess who............

 I'll give you a clue.
It's a guy.........
He's got hairy hands..........
He's totally A type............
Have you ever seen wedges done like this?
Love it.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My 'new' Niece

So my brother's in Perth right now visiting his daughter and 'bonding' with her.
It's a happy time.
For various reasons they haven't seen each other too much since she was born and my brother is now having the time of his life with her.
I think it's awesome.  He wants us to write to her and welcome her into the family which I'm more than willing to do.
I'll show pictures of her to my kids and do the best I can to make her a part of their lives.
For now I'm just happy that my brothers so happy.
This is what it's all about.

Side note:  I saw Chris today and lost another pound and am the lowest % body fat ever!!  I'm really happy.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Just because..........

 So I got Yuki dressed yesterday and thought she looked so cute that I just had to take pictures of her.
With all the playing outside she's gotten pretty dark and looks just beautiful.
Her blue eyes and tanned skin and great smile
That's a good reason to take a picture right?
 I still love doing her hair everyday and getting her dressed.
She's a girlie girl in some sense but in others she's not so much.
I love her.
 She's a good girl.
 Takeshi had to get in on the action as well.  So I got some shots with the both of them.
 Then Masaru came out and so I took a picture of all of them together.  I haven't done that in a while I don't think.
Then Masaru wanted to get me to take a picture of him doing this pose and commanded that Yuki do the same thing.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


  I'd just like to tell anyone and everyone who reads my blog that Takeshi is in the exact SAME dry undies he's been in all day.
That's right ZERO accidents, SAME undies.
He's a legend.
I'm floored.
This time last Saturday was the first day of hell potty training and now this Saturday ZERO fatalities.
We went shopping, had guests over for dinner, he played outside, I talked on the phone, made dinner, took a nap...............ZERO accidents.
Oh yeah baby.
I would've bet all my savings that today wouldn't exist for a long time.
Never bet against Takeshi, you'll loose every time.  I'll never bet against him again.
Love you bub, my one potty success story!!

{Thanks Evette, you're the best........I owe you}

Journal Entry Fortytwo

Tell about your baptism

Click HERE to read mine. 

I'm bored activity

For hungry kids who'd like to play cook (some use oven or broiler and blender):

1 cup cold milk
2 tablespoons chocolate syrup
1 scoop vanilla ice cream
Put all ingredients into blender.  Cover and press 'whip' and blend 10 seconds or until smooth.  Pour into a tall glass.

{Milz speaking} This sounds fantastic and it's super easy, now I know from first hand experience that having our kids in the kitchen isn't always ideal but WE CAN TOTALLY DO THIS ONE and our kids will think we're the best.
I'm doing it today, you should too.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


 It's summer.
I don't have the A/C on cause I'm cheap.
And this is how I find Masaru watching a movie!
 I'm not sure why, but he thought it was pretty good.
I could hardly make out that there was anyone or thing in the blankets, he was covered so well.
This is how we'd be around the house as kids and teenagers when I was growing up.
But in the winter.  It was freezing, and sometimes the fire didn't get started.
I love it.


 In the 'three days of hell' potty training, Takeshi, Yuki and I did this awesome piece of artwork.  It's a mixed media piece that I think turned out great, don't you?  If you look closely you can see some hidden messages I've written.
 Now this picture is of my family.
Far right is my favourite Auntie {mum's younger sister} and then her youngest son and then her husband {Uncle John} who just happens to share the EXACT SAME BIRTHDAY as Dru.  Go figure.  So it's easy to remember his birthday.  Now my cousin is going to live in Singapore with his long time girlfriend in October.  What a big move right?
Good luck guys.

 Then here's one of my brothers who leave me smart comments on my blog.  If it's anonymous  it's more likely than not this one trying to be sneaky LOL
Cracks me up everytime.
They're pregnant again and are going to find out TODAY WHAT IT IS.  I'm so excited I can't wait man.
 Then there's their eldest daughter who's the cutest thing and my mum and her husband to the right.

Here's my niece looking at herself in the computer. She LOVES the computer and skype and goes crazy whenever it's on.
I love it.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


So yesterday I left my mate a message on her phone.
This is what her phone told her I said.

Transcript: I've done, it's, Melissa jury sit. That'll be fine if I way to
the table tonight so high. We need you want me to meet you at the temple
all. Joan and dedicate the. And what time the legality in and basically I
just need you to give me a call. I case there.

You'd be right thinking it was about going to the Temple, but there's some legal talk and a woman named Joan....................

Anyway here's what I REALLY said: Hey Dani it's Melissa, Dru said that'll be fine if I went to the Temple tonight so, do you want me to meet you at the Temple? Or do you want to go together? And what time are we going again? Basically I just need you to give me a call. Ok see ya.

So at least her phone got that I needed her to 'basically give me a call'

You know I really would fake the American accent to help me out in situations like this you know.
Phone banking is the WORST and I've given up on it. I don't do it anymore.
Looks like messages are another one.

Side note:
Takeshi woke up dry this morning as well. He hasn't peed since Sunday. Can you believe that? Then last night he went poop in the toilet BY HIMSELF!!! Who is this kid...........superman? We went through 3 undies yesterday AND I ventured off to the grocery store and he did GREAT.  I'm gonna recommend this programme to ALL.  But just note to self, it's three days of hell, so if you think you can do it, then I think you should.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 4th

Masaru asked me if we had any July 4th decorations and I said no.
He said 'Why not?'
And I proceeded to tell him that I can't be bothered.  Taking them out, putting them back, then storing thanks.
But I guess I should get maybe a door thing and something for the table.
I mean I could do TWO things I think.
But then I'd have to shop for something or make something.................................I'm just not that into it you know.
Now if someone wants to make me something, or do my shopping for me, sure go for it, otherwise Masaru will just have to be ok with nothing up for holidays.

But we DID have dinner with mates and I did do pies and decorate them kinda festive right?
So Masaru's gotta be proud of that I think.

This last one was a stretch but who cares.
We had a great time swimming and hanging out.

Then since we have zero money our next door neighbours gave us these two things.  Snakes and sparklers.
Here's the snakes {above} and here's the sparklers {below}

Takeshi got a little scared after he touched the first one and burned himself.
I'm surprised he took the first one to tell you the truth.
He did great.
Then Dru took the older two kids to watch the fire works at a mates place.
The kids had a blast and I stayed home and put Takeshi to bed.
I let him drink tons of water to get him to pee before bed right? But he didn't.
So I thought FOR SURE he'd pee the bed this morning....................nope, totally dry and peed in the potty.
He's amazing.
We listened to fireworks ALL NIGHT, I mean don't people sleep? I guess not. My sleep last night was CRAP and THEN I woke up at 5:30am to exersize.............I'm crazy and will be taking a nap today.

I'm happy that America claimed their independence.
I can see it as a great thing and it's a worthy celebration.

Monday, July 4, 2011

What now?

So my three days are up.
I just finished putting Takeshi down.
5 pairs of undies today.
So a whole lot better.
Dry bed during his nap, so that's two dry sleeps in a row.
Pretty impressive.
5 pairs of undies is a lot better than 30 or 20 but it's not just 1.

So what now?
I wouldn't consider him 'potty trained' just yet.
I mean he's getting it and doing well, but potty trained?  I don't think so.
So what do I do now?

I'm kinda in it neck deep don't you think?
I can't maintain doing nothing everyday all day, I need to get back to normal you know.
Do I put shorts on him tomorrow and hope for the best.

He didn't poop today and I haven't had any success with that either.
I'm not really sure what the next step is.
She just said he'd be trained in three days and he's not, but he's trained enough to not go back to nappies you know.
So I'm kinda stuck in a rock and a hard place.

Any ideas?
Who's done this and has been in the same boat as me at the end of the three days?
What now?
What do I do tomorrow?
At any rate I'm proud of Takeshi.
Not many would fair as well under the same circumstances.
A big boy bed AND a nightmare potty training to boot.
I'm so proud of him and proud of myself.
I didn't loose it with him ONCE. I mean that's HUGE for me.
But I'm glad I haven't though as he doesn't resent potty training in the slightest.
He loves going and loves to tell me and has zero negative feelings about things.
That's saying something................for both of us.

48 down 24 to go

So yesterday was still SUPER HARD.
He tells me he needs to go and then it's a false alarm.
He actually only goes when I'm NOT in the bathroom.
So I have to 'fake' going somewhere so he'll pee.
Now if I can get him to pull his own pants down I might not even have to be around right?
Last night I was D.O.N.E I told Dru it would be a MIRACLE to say the least if this even REMOTELY worked.
I was tired, fed up and completely OVER IT.
I also seriously contemplated putting him back in nappies (diapers) and trying again in a year.
But then I realized that we might have a 4th kid around this time next year if I ever get pregnant and that'd mean there would be NO WAY I could do this programme on Takeshi.
So it's kinda now or never, this is what I realized.
I went through 20 pairs of undies yesterday.
So 10 less than Sat, so that's good.  I don't know why I thought this'd be easy to tell you the truth.  Well I never thought it'd be easy I only thought it'd be EASIER, that's all.
This morning he woke up with a DRY BED. 
Dry bed AND he peed in the potty AND still has the same undies on.
I know it's only 9am but remember on Saturday at 9am I was already through about 5 pairs of undies?
So that's a good thing right?
Maybe this just MIGHT WORK.
I never thought it would......................if you'd rang me last night and gotten through the swearing you would've realized I wasn't feeling good about this.
But now...............................I dunno................................we'll see how to day goes I guess.
Progress is progress.....................poor little Takeshi, such a good boy.
I love him.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

24 down 48 to go

So I've swapped shifts with Dru and he's in the room with the boys until Takeshi falls asleep.
Today's been tiring and hard to say the least.
This morning was HORRID, as I explained but as the day wore on he started getting it a little better.
I'd say I went through about 35 pairs of undies.  Around 3pm I had to throw a load in the wash cause I would've ran out.
I only have like 27 or something.
I missed ONE pee due to talking to a neighbour.
But I caught the rest of them.
I filled him full of fluids so he peed quite a bit during the day.
He got 9 stickers, so 9 pees in the potty.
2 were with dry undies.
Today sucked, BUT in saying that he's GETTING it.
I can't believe it but he is.
He's really good at telling me when he needs to go.
So he totally recognizes when he needs to pee and rushes to me then to the bathroom.
 About 4 times outt've the 9 he went by himself without me helping at all.  It was pretty cute man.  One time I needed to go to the toilet at the same time and we went together LOL TMI?  Maybe.
Anyway I'll keep moving forward with the next two days.
If I can just stay under 30 pairs of undies tomorrow I'll be a happy camper.
The house is surprisingly tidy for me neglecting it.
Must be the potty angels helping a mother out.
Jury's still out on this 3 day potty thing BUT I vowed to go the whole hog on it and that's what I'm going to do.  I don't want anyone to be able to turn around and say 'Well you didn't do it properly'
I'm gonna do it properly damn it if it kills me.
I wonder if he'll pee the bed tonight?

This sucks

I'm an hour and a half into this three day potty and it SUCKS!!!
In only the hours from 8 to 10 I've gone through around 7-8 pairs of undies ALREADY!!
Takeshi hasn't made it to the potty ONCE ...........................NOT ONCE...................NOT EVEN A DROP.................NOTHING.
This blows......................
Three days potty my butt, if this last 2 hours is anything to go by this next three days is going to be ULTRA LONG and horrid.
This sucks.
If I make it to three days I'll need a vacation and a social services visit for how I treat the other two kids since I'm not allowed to take it out on Takeshi.
So let's sum up the last two hours of this AMAZING potty training.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Journal Entry Fortyone

When do you first recall having a testimony of the church? 

Click HERE to read mine. 

I'm bored activity

"French Impressionist" Painting.

One French Impressionist School of painting used dots all over a canvas which, when viewed from a distance, looked like a scene.  Make yours this way:
Place stencils - cutout shapes or leaves - on construction paper.  Then dip an old toothbrush into poster or tempera paint and pull brush back and forth across a piece of screening.  This will spatter the paint in a dot-like pattern all over paper.  Repeat process with other colours if desired.  Remove stencils and hang your picture.  The cutout shapes can be abstract or geometric or actual objects like houses and trees.