Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Type

There's a big difference between Dru and I.
This is one example.
He's an A type and I'm the other type.
When Dru bakes cookies this is what he does witht he 'extra' dough.
Cause it makes sense you know.
You roll them in perfect asymmetrical circles rolled in a clockwise fashion and then place them in an orderly way in a plastic bag ready for easy baking the next time around.
Sometimes it's a wonder we have anything to talk about at nights ;)

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Anxiety Problems

I can't handle no knowing what happens in a sports game.
I hate the anticipation.
I kills me.
The USA is playing Canada while I write this and I'm all worked up and pacing the house and can't watch.
I wish I could know who wins, then I'd be able to watch without all this anxiety.
I do much better when I know the outcome.
I hate this.
This is the first time I've ever said this, in a public setting but GO USA!!!!


Saturday, February 27, 2010


Looks like I've got some competition on my hands for the part of my BFF aka Dru Nakaya.

This morning when he went off to school Yuki ran up and gave him a hug and a kiss, after demanding to know where he was going and why and when he'd be back, then proceeded to tell him "You're my best friend Daddy"
To which Dru smiled and got all gushy and glazey eyed.

I tell Dru he's my BFF all the time and have never gotten this reaction from him.
Looks like I'm going to have to 'up the anti'


Friday, February 26, 2010

Wiener Boats

Yeah you heard me right....................WIENER BOATS. This is what my husband wanted for dinner tonight.
Apparently his mother made these AND HIS SCHOOL.
I hope that's not what they called them at the school on the menu that was sent home to the parents.
I'd be like "What the crap are they feeding my kids?"
I had left overs.

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Can I count this as sitting up?
Who cares, Takeshi looks like he's counting it.
Man this is one good lookn kid.
It's probably cause he's got a good lookn set of parents ;)

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

I finished it!!

This won't mean much to anyone but it's huge for me.
I finally finished the 'HISTORIAN' that I've been slowly working my way through the passed few months.
What a great book.
I'm glad I read it.
Really glad.


Nothing really

Here's a cake I made Dru's BFF in Moscow for his birthday. Funnily enough he's exactly the same age and has the EXACT same birthday as my brother Haydn.
I can't believe I'm mates with a guy the same age as my FIFTH sibling. I guess age is just a number once you hit your 20's.
We had home made 'kiwi' burgers. That's what he wanted, so that's what we gave him.
Here's Yuki and Masaru having a tea party with their mates, I think Piggie Eight is trying to hide under his cup.
Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese. Look at that silly face Masaru is pulling. Is he at the age now where it's hard to get any good pictures cause he's at the 'always pulling faces' stage?
The ever faithful BFF's of Masaru, Piggie Eight and Kiwi. Bachelors.
Shouldn't you be home with your wife and kid Kiwi? Does she know your out drinking tea with Piggie Eight?
Piggie Eight Does your father know your out on the town with Kiwi?
Bunch of mischief's.
Takeshi hanging out.
Dad trying to get some long overdue jobs done around the house, in between, around and underneath his children.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What I've learned..........

It's been a week and Yuki is potty trained.
What have I learned?
Potty training is 99% kid 1% parent.


Next time

Next time your feeding a baby, trying feeding it without making stupid mouthing shapes with your own mouth.
It's harder than you think.


Tom boy

So Masaru's at school, mum is here all to herself, what does Yuki choose to do?
Play with Masaru's little matchbox cars.
She has the whole toys as an option!!
My little Tom boy I guess, with two brothers on either side of her I guess it could go either way, either Princess or Tom boy. Looks like she's heading in the Tom boy direction.



My brother asked me a week ago if I cry every day.
I laughed and initially said "Doubt it man, no way"
Then I started thinking about it............hard.
And you know what, I think I do.
Between the scripture study I do with the kids and the stories I read them there, and the Olympics and all these heroic stories I hear, people's blogs of heartaches and triumphs I read, and tons of other crap, I might just cry, just a little, DAILY!!
What a wimp.
I'm gonna start tallying it up to really see if I do.
I've always been a wimp though.
Dru calls me a M&M, hard on the outside and soft in the middle.
If there's a scene in a movie that you think is sad, chances are Melissa Nakaya will be crying during it.
I can't help it.
What's wrong with me?
I've always been like this.
Emotional I guess.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Family History Post

I thought I would throw something a little different into the mix this week. This week we are going to write about a photo we have stored on the computer. This is how it is going to work: go to where you store your photo's on your computer, choose the second folder of photographs, and then the second photograph in that file, then insert in it your post and write about the photo. Don't go cheating and find a photo that you want to write about or change photo because it's not a very good photo, no one will judge you on your skills as a photographer, besides that defeats the purpose of this task, just write about the 2nd photo in the 2nd folder. Enjoy!

Here it is. Second photo in the second folder.
This is a picture of some writing in the front of Dru's Grandma's Bible. The family wanted to know what it said so assigned it to Dru since he's the only one who really speaks a lick.
Well it's in old Japanese and so is a little harder to read. There was no way Dru could read it.
This page here is just a date.

This photo here is more of a message however.
Our friend in Japan translated it for us and we got to back to the family.
I'm grateful for Dru's heritage.
It's so exciting and wonderful. I'm also grateful he's been there and can 'kinda' speak and write the language. I'm grateful he has family over there and friends so we can get help when we need it.
I also like the names ;)


Monday, February 22, 2010

Deep shizzle

Disclaimer: The following post may contain swear words. Viewer Discretion is advised!

So Masaru was watching the kids movie 'Sand Lot' on Saturday. This is one of his favourites since he watched it at Grandma's this passed summer.
There's a scene where one of the boys kiss the life guard girl as she performs CPR on him while 'pretending' to be unconscious.
Then when she realizes what's going on, she gets really mad.
One of his mates, who's watching from the side says "He's in deep shit"

So back to Masaru, he's seen this movie tons of times and it's just gone over his head.
Well not this time.
Right after this scene, Masaru says to himself, "He's in deep shit"


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Meet the family

We've got mummy kiwi, daddy kiwi and baby kiwi.
Masaru asked me to take a picture of them.
He went to pre-school then the minute he walked in said "Did you get a picture of them?"
I guess it's time for the family portrait.
I wonder what they'll look like for next years one.
If they're anything like me they'll look a hell of a lot better in the next picture.
I wonder if baby kiwi would've grown.
Ok now I'm getting borderline stupid, I'll stop here.


Friday, February 19, 2010

Hand me down continued..........

Here's Takeshi after a nice feed of carrots. I wonder if he's still hungry?
So he's a third child. You gotta expect some hand me downs right? I mean there's no way of getting around it.
Just like Yuki has to wear the truck robe, Takeshi, every now and then, gets to wear this pink bad boy 'I'm the little sister' I wonder if this photo will come back to haunt him?
On a side note. I started potty training Yuki. I really didn't want to and really have not been looking forward to it. After Masaru I'm gun shy man. But her nappies were running out and it's so hard to part with $50 at Costco for a bunch of new one. So, with this being my only reason, started her on Tuesday. She's 100% with her dry naps and peeing 2 days in a row.
Poop...................well that's another story.
She really tried hard today to do poop on the potty. She'd race down, then sit and get gun shy, then race down, sit and get gun shy. This happend around 4/5 times.
So I guess she decided it was easier to poop in her undies.
At least they're firm LOL

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Family History Post

What does love sound like to you? Is it a certain song, something from your memory, or a sound you hear every day?

I guess it's all three. A song that reminds me of love is a church song called 'Families can be together forever'
That song is love to me. I don't really like singing it though cause I get emotional and embarrassed.
Here's the words.

I have a family here on Earth
They are so good to me
I wanna spend my life with them
Through all eternity


Families can be together forever
Through Heavenly Fathers plan
I always want to be with my own family
And the Lord has shown me how I can
The Lord, has shown me how I can

While I am in my early years
I'll prepare most carefully
So I can marry in God's Temple
For eternity

Something from my memory I guess is probably summers with my siblings. We got into so much stuff and played outside so much. It was awesome. We invented games and had tons of fun man.
We pretended we were dogs, built forts, played cricket, made a golf course (mum didn't like that one), had races, played tag, played cops and robbers, rode our bikes.
These are the sounds of the love we had for each other. Sure we fought but whatever man, we loved each other.
We also stuck up for each other and cheered each other on.
I have two examples of this.
#1 When I was around 6 and Llewellyn was five we were walking home from school. There was this church that had posters about it inside this display box. Well that day it was open so I went behind there and looked in. This other kid saw me and said he was gonna tell the teacher and kept going on about it. I was really scared. Llewellyn turned around and said the following, remember he was just 5 years old "Don't yell at my sister, leave her alone, if you wanna tell some one off, tell me off, go tell the teacher it was me, leave my sister alone"
So the boy left, and nothing was told to the teacher the next day.
My brother has always been like this. Loyal. This is why I remember it. Cause this is the sound of love.
#2 My brother Haydn was a fast runner. He had a relay race that he was doing against other schools. So we went to support him. Llewellyn, Sarah, Gareth and I decided we were going to support Haydn the best we could. So we walked over to his part of the relay and split up along his section of the race.
When Haydn was racing, there we were, all four of us, racing beside him and yelling "Go Haydn Go, You can Do it, Run Haydn Run" then when it got to the next sibling we stopped and they started, until Haydn had finished h is section of the race.
I dunno if they won or not but Haydn's never forgotten about that and has even used it in a motivational speech to other peers as an example of how God is cheering us on all the way in life.
This is the sound of love, the sound of love ones cheering us on along the way in life.

A sound I hear everyday? Laughter. I love it. I love hearing people laugh and I try to do the best I can to get it out of them.
Nothing beats the laughter of Dru and the kids though. Ahhhhhhhhhh that's the best sound.
Love it, so to me, it's the sound of love.

Wanna join in the Family History fun?
Click HERE to see the topic for the week.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010


So my mate Krystal put how to make toddlers ties out of men's ties on her craft blog. So I asked her if she'd teach me and she came over yesterday. I went to the second hand store and bought 3 and she brought one for me and so I made them last night while watching the Olympics. You don't need a sewing machine!! Just an iron, scissors, needle and thread and a piece of elastic for the neck (which I still need to get) or whatever you want to clip the tie on.
Click HERE for her post of how to make them.
Masaru's gonna get them for his birthday. He got one tie (his first) from his cousins and wants to wear it every Sunday. Unfortunately it doesn't go with every shirt so we have a little scuffle when we say no. So hopefully this'll fix the problem and he'll have plenty to choose from now.
It's so easy it's awesome.
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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Dad's out fixing stuff?

Saturday Dru went out to rotate the tires.
"Mum where's Dad?"
"Our rotating the tires"
Then there was a big flurry and rush and PJ's off and clothes on.
Of course, Masaru wanted to be out there 'helping' Dad with the official 'Dad' stuff, these are the things he tells me only Dad's can do not mum's.
We need a long talk.
So, of course, Yuki had to be out as well.
Fine with me man.
Here he is helping to lift the car up by cranking around the tire lifter. What the hell is that thing called? It's completely left me and my brain....................oh yeah the jack.
Where are Dru and Masaru in this picture?
Look close.
It was a flaming success and now our tires are officially rotated.
Thanks babe, for being great at official 'Dad' business.


Monday, February 15, 2010

I guess I can't say it all with pictures

Dru didn't get me a ring. It's my wedding ring. It was suppose to represent our marriage and how we're each others Valentines.
Dru would never get me jewelry. Like ever! Cause I told him not to. I'd rather have the money.
The only expensive jewelry I'll have is my wedding rings, and that's it.
If we're like mega rich maybe I'll get diamond earrings but really even as I'm typing this, I still think it's a waste of money.
I'd rather travel and have cheap jewelry from Target.
No offense to those who love expensive stuff, it's just not my cup of tea.
