This is the latest attempt of Masaru's name. Marsu. It's got most of the letters and I guess the teacher at the school thought 'Well I don't have a roll near and this needs a name on it, I know most of the letters in his name, that'll do'
I've also encountered it spelt 'Misadu, Misaru, Mesida..............and the list goes on.
Really, at the end of the day, I don't mind. It's a tough name for people to say and it's a name you'd have to memorize to know how to spell I guess. So people get it wrong. And I'm guessing they will for his whole life.
It'll basically be a life long thing Masaru will have to deal with..........and Dru and I did it to him.
Now my brothers name is Llewellyn. That's just as tough, if not tougher to spell. If you ask my brother though, he never minded his name and has a lot of pride in it and didn't really care much about it's spelling and people mucking it up.
Could be a guy thing right? Or a personality thing?
I'm wondering about what to name this boy. Should I continue to do the Japanese thing and hunt and hunt for a name that I like? I haven't found anything that has struck me yet. Or should I start diving into English names?
I think the fact Masaru's name is his grandfathers will help Masaru in the long run and I KNOW eventually he'll love it.
Or maybe he'll never have a problem with it. He's mentioned nothing to me so far of his name being mocked by other kids. Actually the other kids haven't even flinched about it, ones at school and the ones at church both here and in Bountiful. I think kids are like, "Masaru, that's just his name, whatever" Especially if the parents aren't making a big deal about it.
The japanese name I'm leaning towards is Kenji. It means second son, amongst other things depending on the Kanji, and it was also the only man Dru baptised on his mission. He loves this man and tears up when he thinks about his expereince with him.
I think it's cute and could be shortened to Ji. I hate the name Ken so I would loath anyone shortening it to Ken. So it's funny I would like the name Kenji!! I guess the meaning behind it helps me.
Dru's not sure about it yet and thinks Takeshi is a cool name. It was one we were stirring about with Masaru as well. Takeshi happens to be that Uncle's name we stayed with in Seattle. It means fierce and violent warrior.
Now I'm not sure about all you mum's out there but fierce and violent? Mabye in the gospel? Long stretch?
Dru and I actually won't ever tell anyone if we make a decision.
Our experience with Masaru's name is enough testimony to me to leave it until they're born and it's on the record and no one can do anything about it.
I guess in a LONG way I'm asking ALL OF YOU.
What do you think it'll do to this boy if he gets an english name?
Do you think Yuki and Masaru will riot because he got a 'normal' name and they got japanese?
I know they'll get over it eventually but it's something to think about.
Do you think this boy, eventually will feel jipped he didn't get a japanese name that had some kind of meaning, like his brothers?
What's in a name?
Pur your whole "The Nakaya's are crazy" thoughts out of your head and just look at it from my point of view and let me know what you think.
I'm very interested to hear about your experiences maybe with yourself, friends with different names, family and how they felt, how you think it'd be THESE DAYS which are slightly different from when we were all growing up. I think different names are becoming more accepted, right?
If we DO choose a japanese name, should we choose a name with no 'r' because people over here struggle with its pronounciation?
Or should we not care?
Lots of things to think about. So..........take your time, you don't have to answer straight away,
but please, let me know.