Thursday, March 6, 2025

Takeshis talk, new tv, sunsets and more


Their Masato sent me this text the other day and it was really really nice so I figured I’d share it.
I didn’t want a massive TV, but DRU did and what DRU wants DRU gets and so we got a brand new massive TV that’s way too big. But everyone seems to like it so that’s great  I never want big TVs or another car. I just think it’s way too excessive but I get out voted every time.
Here are some amazing sunset pictures that Emery and Yuki ๐Ÿงก saw. 

So you’ll need to start from the bottom and go up to the top for this post. This first part is Takeshi ๐Ÿ’›‘s talk that he did at church and it was fantastic. So I figured I’d post it up here.

Family mtb ride


It looked like the city was on fire. It was crazy. 

Out family mtb ride was epic. The via was spectacular and we all had a lot of fun together. I loved this night together. I love we have this sport together. 

Friday, February 28, 2025

Last mtb race at bogus for the season.

So the bogus race was put off by a week because there was wildfires that were pretty bad. Me and Tara took the baking that we had made for the race that weekend to the firefighters who are fighting those wildfires. It was a pretty awesome experience. Yuki ๐Ÿงก came with us.
We didn’t know if we were even going to have the biggest race, but then they made the decision during the week that it was back on and so we had to quickly get ready to race
In the end, it was an amazing time and everyone had a lot of fun.
Takeshi ๐Ÿ’› enjoyed himself and had a really fun race and felt really good about it which made us happy.

If this doesn’t sum up being a parent at these races, I don’t know what does. Here is Aaron Chandler cleaning up after his children and the race. I knew I had to get a picture of it.

Yuki ๐Ÿงก did an amazing job and had a really good race. It was really hard, but I was really proud of her.
Here is me and Nan at the end of the race.
Eco did really well. It is such a tough course. I was so proud of her.

Look at all these people.
Takeshi ๐Ÿ’› always chatting to people and getting to know them at the beginning of the race.
I saw this and thought it was hilarious
I think DRU took a picture of himself by mistake, but I love it.
Look at how cute Emiko is.
Family picture. 

Love these pictures of her. 

I absolutely love the pictures of Takeshi. 

But thanks to Moses who takes them. 

He also took these cute pictures of Yuki. 

Such great shots. 

Morgan came to support Takeshi. 
And his buddy Jo. 
Emery crushed the race coming second. Here he is waiting for yuki to finish and supporting her ❤️

These cute friends. 

Takeshi looks so great. 
The race was awesome and we had a wonderful time. Dru and I didn’t feel burned out this season like we usually do.  And that was due to thereally stepping up andtheir part. Wonderful season in the books. I love it.