Saturday, October 24, 2009

6 Months!

Yes, Logan just passed his half birthday. I can't believe how time has flown by? Why does it seem like time drags on while you are pregnant, but once they are here it just zooms by?

Logan is such a BIG BOY now. He is rolling across the room. He just started sitting up on his own. He is starting to scoot himself forward. He got his lower two teeth in last week. Really, can he just stop growing up?

His current stats:

Weight - 21 lbs, 10 oz
Length - 29 inches
Head - 18 inches

His length and head are still in the 97% but his weight has dropped down a bit on the scale. I think this is partly due to the fact that he is moving a lot more now. And, he has been eating horribly this past week due to his teeth coming in. Here are some pictures of the cute little boy this past month.

Logan in his Halloween Skeleton PJ's (thanks Auntie Rashelle):

Logan right before his bath. Don't you just want to squeeze him?:

Logan trying to stay warm on a walk - we had a couple REALLY cold days here(thanks Gma Wood for the hat/mittens):

Logan sitting up on his own:

And finally, Logan getting his first official haircut from his Aunt Ashlie. She just cut a bit from the top and then trimmed the hair over his ears. He actually sat really still when she was using the trimmers. I think he liked the buzzing sound:

We love you, Logan. Here is to another wonderful 6 months!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Rocky Mountain National Park

Eric's family was in town this past weekend and we ventured out to Rocky Mountain National Park. It was really pretty, but SUPER COLD too. I think we may have to go back during the summer when it is a little warmer and we can explore it more.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Snow is Here...

This morning it was raining. I just went outside to cut Logan's nails and let Rocco go to the bathroom. And this is what I came upon... It is starting to stick to the ground. I am just glad I don't have to drive anywhere. BUT my in-laws are flying in tonight. I hope they don't have any problems, due to the weather!

A Little Sneek Peak...

Logan got some photos taken by Jillian, while we were in Sacramento. She posted a few on her blog, so I thought I would share. So far, I love them! I can't wait to see the rest.
More to come...

Sacramento, Part I (Apple Hill)

This past week, Logan and I went to Sacramento to visit my family again. We tried to cram in as much as possible while we were there. One day we went to Apple Hill, my favorite Fall outing. I love the leaves, pumpkins, Christmas trees, food and DONUTS! We first went to High Hill, my favorite Apple Hill stop! We ate some yummy BBQ - Logan just chilled while we ate.Then we got some free apple cider.And then, for the HIGHLIGHT of the day, we got the most DELICIOUS apple donuts. Logan wanted to try some. Unfortunately, his Mommy would only let him play with it! Maybe next year buddy! Logan and Gramps just chilled together after we finished stuffing our bellies with donuts. Next, we were off to check out the pumpkins. Logan loved the pumpkins, but loved the straw even more!One of my favorite things about High Hill is the view; it is gorgeous!We finally left High Hill, and went over to another spot at Apple Hill so Logan could take a pony and train ride. First up, the pony ride. I don't think Logan quite understood what was going on. But he did keep trying to lean way forward on the pony, so he could touch it.Then Logan and I went on a train ride - Choo, Choo. Here we are waiting in line: All Aboard!Thanks Mom, Dad and Rashelle for a great day! Apple Hill - we will see you again next year!