Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Summer Vacation to Utah

We spent a few weeks in Utah over the Summer break. First, we went to Scofield Lake with Eric's cousins. This is one of our favorite things we do each year. They have a cabin right on Scofield Lake. We spend the days eating good food, boating & swimming and enjoying great company!!!

We made the kids wake surf. Stella was not really having it!

We finally convinced Stella to try skiing on this starter ski. It helped that she could sit down whenever she pleased. She kept saying "I'm tricky." and even went out a second time!
Stella loves hanging out with Sailor!

Next, we stayed with Eric's parents for a little over a week. We swam with cousins...

We visited a farm and rode horses...

 I rode my bike a lot but then I fell one day and broke my arm, bummer!!!
Stella helped Papa mow the lawn!

Family Photos

This year, we had our family photos taken by Blue Lily Photography. She was amazing with the kids and we love how the photos turned out!!! (check out yearly blog posts on kids for their pictures).

Grey 10 Months

Greyson is 10 Months old. He is still one BIG boy! He is still not crawling; although, he is reaching for things and trying with all his might to get his body to inch forward! He still loves to eat and loves to feed himself! He loves the water! He loves being outside! He loves playing with his sister and brother! And he finally got a couple teeth in! We love you Grey! Happy 10 Months!

Papa and Greyson...

Trying so hard to move!

Ipads and phones get him moving!

Playing in the water!

10 Month Photo Shoot...

July & August Instagram

We got our photos taken by Blue Lily Photography...

Uncle Kyle and cousin Karson came and visited us for a few days. We took the kids on a bike ride. Karson was so good to Grey and we caught him asleep with his arm around Grey. So sweet!

Grammy came for a visit and we visited OMSI finally!

Eric and I got away for a few days while Grammy was in town. We went white river rafting...
We went to Seattle and went to a Taylor Swift concert...

We, of course, indulged in a Lava cake!

We visited the needle
And ate Brunch at the top...

We took the kids swimming at the River...
I got to take a bike ride all by myself!


The kids and I went to Sacramento for a week over the Summer. It was so great to spend time with my parents and sister!

We took the kids swimming at a local pool. Logan loved this blow up apparatus!

There was a lot of wrestling with Papa!

We went to downtown Sacramento one day and came across these horses. Of course, for Stella, we had to stop and ride them!

We went to an outdoor concert one night...

We went to the Zoo and fed the giraffes...
And went on the carousel!

We took the kids to Funderland one day...

Logan had a lot of fun playing with all of Grammy's legos...

We also went camping for a few nights. The kids loved roughing it and playing in the river during the day!