Saturday, January 5, 2013

December Instagram

"FUN" concert with our fun friends, Kelsie & Levi...
We got to see Churchill, Of Monsters & Men, and Fun - it was really good!
Logan never sleeps on his pillow!
Stella and Daddy knocked out on the plane ride to Utah...
Logan got to open one present early before we left to Utah for Christmas. He loved his remote control Monster Truck!
Logan & Kaleb somehow both ended up in only their underwear...Oh boys!!!
Bowling for Kaleb's Birthday party...
My barf bucket in Utah; I HATE getting sick on vacation!
My green Hulk machine! (He's actually scared of this mask & hasn't put it on since)...

Christmas Festivities

Here's a little look into all of our Christmas fun during the month of December.

A little gift exchange & dinner with my C.S. friends...
Candy the Elf arrived...
Our Tree finally got decorated...
We took the kids to see Santa; let's just say Stella was not really thrilled about it!!!
Candy leaves Logan a note on his new chalkboard place mat...
Rocco getting his photo taken for our Christmas card...
Logan decorating cookies at our gym's Christmas party...
Seeing Christmas lights at Temple Square
Christmas Eve...Logan got to act out the nativity with paper dolls as we read the Christmas Story; we put cookies & milk out for Santa; and we opened one present (they got "The Grinch" along with a stuffed Grinch).

Our Christmas morning started out late. Stella didn't wake up until 9am and then we had to go and wake Logan up (they were pooped from the late nights in Utah).

Logan got Hulk gloves from Papa & Grammy. He loved them!
Our kids didn't waste anytime. They dove right into their stockings...
Logan & Kaleb with their Spider Man webbing (aka silly string). They loved it, but didn't like when it ran out...
Stella saw her cabbage patch baby sticking out of her stocking & immediately started whining for it...

So happy with all her loot...
Logan opening up yet another present...
We love Christmas!!!

Georgetown Loop Christmas Train

For the past 3 years, we have taken Logan on the Christmas Train at Georgetown Loop. He loves it! Stella, of course, was leery of Santa but still had fun eating her treats!!!

The best family photo we could get in front of the train...

Logan told Santa, once again, that he wanted hot wheels for Christmas...
Logan sure loved the cookies...