Sunday, February 19, 2012

Stella, 1 Month

Stella is still our little angel baby! I got nervous around the 2 week mark that she would get colicky like Logan, but it came and went and she is still as happy and content as can be!

She is still quite the sleeper but is turning into a good chow bug as well. She loves to eat and we seldom have to "wake" her up anymore. She is starting to fill out a bit and is getting more rolls. She is so squishy and yummy! At one month, she is 21 1/4 inches long (75%), has a head circumference of 15 1/8 inches (95%), and weighs 9 lbs (50%).

She still loves to snuggle, but never really demands it. She will just nuzzle right up in, if you let her. We moved her into her big girl crib and she is starting to go longer stretches at night; she usually givers her mommy two, 4 hour stretches - which seems heavenly after feeding her pretty much all night long in the beginning!

With two, life is pretty crazy - so we only have instagram photos of her at her one month mark - sorry baby Stella, we will try and do better!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Stella, 2 Weeks

Oh, our little Stella - we just can't get enough of her! The first 2 weeks zoomed right on by! She is seriously the sweetest baby! She is quite a bit sleepier and mellower than our lil' rascal boy was - we think it has a bit to due with her being born early, but mostly it seems to be her personality. She doesn't cry much and she loves to snuggle!

Our biggest challenge with our Stella girl has been getting her to eat and gain weight. She got all the way down to 7lbs, 3oz and has just started to put weight back on. At her 2 week appointment she weighed 7lbs, 12oz (50%) - not quite back up to her birth weight. She was 20.75 inches long (90%) and her head circumference was 14 3/8 (90%). We have to wake her up to eat during the day and then she likes to eat all night long. She also falls asleep when she is eating - it is quite the opposite with her as it was with Logan. But she is starting to wake up more and is getting more demanding when she wants to eat.

My sweet friend Regan drove all the way up from Colorado Springs to take baby girl Stella's photos. We just love the way they turned out!!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Bath Time

Yes, I realize I am the biggest slacker on this blog lately! I am also the biggest slacker taking pictures of Miss Stella (unless, you count instagram). I can definitely see why you take less and less pictures with each child - life is quite a bit more hectic with two children, especially a nursing baby + a mischievous 2 1/2 year old!

I did manage to get the camera out the other night for bath time. Stella took baths in her infant bath the first few weeks, but now Logan insists on taking a bath if she is taking one - so we are already using the sponge in the big tub. Stella loves being in the bath and screams when I take her out! And Logan loves to help me wash her!