Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Girls Weekend, Park City

A few weeks back I met up with some of my best friends from high school in Park City. We stayed at this awesome hotel where we had a view of the mountains...A hot tub on our balcony...And bathrobes to lounge in...
We ate A LOT of food...We got pedicures...We went to the movies...And we stayed up late talking, doing crafts, acting crazy and dancing...Thanks girls for such a great time! It had been way too long and I can't wait to do it again!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Incline at Pike's Peak

Somehow Eric convinced me to go do the incline at Pike's Peak. For those not familiar with the incline, it is a mile long hike up (literally) with an average 40% grade, with the maximum grade being 68% - I felt like I was climbing a ladder at some points. Someone on the trail told me it is 2800 steps (or cogs). CRAZY!!! It was SUPER hard and this is coming from someone who works out everyday! Eric was even crazier and hauled Logan up on his back...and he still beat me up!

The last section of the staircase on the way up (almost there!)...

My final steps...

View from the top...

Yea, we made it to the top!!!

Logan chillin' in his ride...

On the way down on the Barr trail...

Suggestions to others/myself if I go again...
1. Go in the morning or when it is cooler (i.e. later in the Fall) - not when it is sunny and 90 degrees out.
2. Bring LOTS of water (I drank 36 oz and probably could have used twice that) and snacks/sugar.
3. Bring an IPOD to listen to; I think I could have done it much faster with some tunes to rock out to.
4. Don't work out hard the day before and begin the hike with sore legs!