Saturday, November 24, 2007

So You Think You Can Dance!

Yes, I am obsessed with this show! I knew I had to go see it on tour this year. So, when tickets went on sale I was all over it! It ended up not being at the most convenient time for others to join me, but my sister and I had a fabulous time! Cute, cute Neil was in a ton of the dances and he even took his shirt off! Hawk was there as well, which made me SUPER happy! Here are some of photos of the dances:

I loved, loved, loved the show. It didn't last long enough! Girls(you know who you are), you HAVE to join me next year! It will be a blast!

Thanksgiving At My Place!

With Eric's school schedule, we decided it would just be easier for my parents and sister to just come to our house for Thanksgiving. My mother, of course, still made the Turkey. I wouldn't even know where to begin! We helped with the side dishes. I finally got to use the china I got from my Grandma when she died over two years ago. It is just so nice, it is hard to justify using! Rocco was licking everyone's fingers, because we were touching the Turkey. We put some of the gravy on his food - he wanted more and more. We had to cut him off! I am so thankful that I got to spend Thanksgiving witht the people I love the most. Chad and Ashlie, we missed you! Can't wait to spend Christmas all together!

More Good Times With Rocco...

Earlier this week, Rocco thought he would help me as I was sorting clothes to donate to Goodwill. He loved the hat so much, I let him keep it for a chew toy!

I thought it would be fun to put this on him. He wasn't as excited about it and kept trying to chew it off. I love how tough he looks in this photo!Every once in awhile, while he is sleeping, he will roll over onto his back. I love how this shows off his big belly!One late night, my sister and I were sitting around and I decided to put my baby wrapping skills to some use. We wrapped him up - he was okay at first but quickly got himself out!
We took Rocco on his first "official" walk the other day, including his first visit to the ocean. We wanted to take him to Marshall Beach, but it is still closed due to the oil spill; So we had to make due with Baker Beach. He had alot of fun, but was so pooped the rest of the day.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Our First Few Days With Rocco

On Tuesday morning I went to the San Francisco Airport to pick Rocco up. It was kind of weird - I just went to the cargo baggage claim and waited for them to bring him out to me. I took him out to the car and then let him out of his crate. Right away he gave me kisses! He wasn't too happy when I had to put him back in his crate to go home. He cried almost the whole drive home!

It has been an interesting couple of days and nights with him around. Everyone told me a puppy is alot of work, but I didn't realize how much time he would really consume. Hours go by and I realize I have done nothing but feed, played and taken Rocco to the bathroom. The potty training has been the hardest, but I know it will be well worth it in the end. We started crate training him and he is doing really well with that. He peed in the crate the second time he was in it, but no accidents since.

I took him to the vet on Wedneday and the vet, Dr. Schwach (he was recommended to me on bulldog meetup of San Francisco) talked to me for a whole hour about how to take care of my little bully. He takes care of over 600 bulldogs in the city. Crazy, huh? I was really happy to find a vet who knew how to take care of bulldogs. He told me Rocco should not have too many health problems due to the way his bite and nose are. This made me SUPER happy - less vet bills are always a good thing.
Usually Rocco's schedules goes something like this: he wakes up, goes pee, eats and drinks, plays for about 20-30 minutes, goes pee and poop, and then plays for another 30 minutes, then sleeps for an hour and then the whole cycle begins again. The only time this changes is at night - he usually sleeps for 5-6 hours, goes to the bathroom, then sleeps for a few more hours before he wakes for the day. I know now why people say puppies are good training for babies! Rocco has quite the personality. He likes to chew on everything: cords, rugs, shoes, toes, ears, blankets, etc. He will chew on his toys, but prefers things we say "NO" to. When he gets tired he loves to snuggle and give kisses. We just love having him around! We can't wait for everyone to meet him!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I Love These Girls...

To Celebrate the November Birthdays, the "dental wives club of '09"(how else do we describe ourselves???) decided to go out to eat at PF Changs. We will use about any excuse to get together, especially when yummy food is involved. Afterwards, we went back to Mindi's house to eat icecream cake and watch "The Bachelor...Tell All." You can't get a better girls' night than that. Thanks girls for another wonderul night! Happy Birthday Rocia, Nadine and Jocelyn!!!

I HATE Scary Animals!!!

Tonight as I was walking up to my porch I had a few little visitors! It wasn't that late (12am) and the porch light was on, but as soon as I got within five feet of my door a raccoon popped out from behind our BBQ. I looked at it and it looked at me... I was so scared! I know, I know, it is more afraid of me than I am of it, but still... it could attack! Usually our door is locked; And to unlock it you have to use both hands because it sticks. My hands were full with stuff and I would of had to put it all down if I would have had to unlock the door. Thank goodness it was unlocked and I could just walk right in. The moment I closed the door I started screaming to Eric. But instead of trying to calm me down, he asked me for the camera so he could get some pictures (which I am grateful to now so I can post them with this blog). And guess what he saw when he went back outside? Not only one raccoon, but two! And the second one was a baby. That would be reason enough for a "normally scared of humans raccoon" to attack! I am very grateful that it didn't and I am still alive!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Triathlon...I mean Duoathlon

A few months ago Eric decided he wanted to complete a triathlon before his 27th Birthday. Well, come to find out the only one before then was this past weekend, on November 11th, at Treasure Island. It was something he really wanted to do, enough that he payed the full entrance fee. He started training really hard, especially for the swimming portion(this is the one thing he didn't do much of growing up). To make matters worse, the swim was going to be in the bay. So, on top of everything else he had to buy, he had to get a wet suit as well. He also had to practice swimming in the bay itself to get used to the FREEZING water. He was getting really pumped for his upcoming triathlon... BUT then a Korean Tanker had to go and hit the Bay Bridge and spill oil that spread all over the bay. For those of you who are not aware of what happened, on Wednesday morning an 810- foot container ship, weighing 65,131 tons, crashed into a tower of the Bay Bridge, spilling 58,00 gallons of oil into the bay. As a result, beaches were closed and obviously the swim was cancelled. Eric was quite upset about it and in response said "______ Asians, they can't drive cars or boats!" (Sorry, to any of my asian friends reading this).So when all was said and done, Eric's triathlon turned into a duoathlon (now that's a mouthful). He was mostly bummed because he trained the harderst for the swim and it was the most challenging for him. I didn't get to go, because of work, but he did really well. He came in #56 overall for all the categories. I am so proud of you, Eric! Hopefully next time he will actually get to participate in a Triathlon. Here's some pics Eric got of the city from Treasure Island...Beautiful San Francisco!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Who Knew a Dog Would Need So Much Stuff...

We are picking up Rocco from the airport on this upcoming Tuesday. We are super excited. We went shopping at PetCo last night and I was a little shocked by how much we spent. Eric kept telling me I needed to work extra shifts and save money, because it was going to cost alot. But still, it was quite surprising! We still need to get a crate and a few other things;so the spending is not finished yet. I know I am in for an even bigger shocker with vet visits. I can't wait for that bill! Of course, we have the dental supplies covered. Not only did we get a Nylabone to help with tartar control and toothpaste/toothbrush, one of Eric's instructors gave him instruments so he can scale the dogs teeth. This might be one of the only dogs with good breath!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Apple Hill

I love Fall, but I especially love Fall up at Apple Hill. There are red, yellow and orange leaves everywhere! I particularily go for the food - apple cider, apple donuts, and apple pie! Hmmm... YUMMY!!!
For those of you who have never been to Apple Hill, it is by Placerville and it is not an actual town and you won't find it on a map. But for all my friends who grew up in Sac Town, you know exactly where it is and have all been going every year for your entire life. It is one of those must stops every fall. I am very excited to take my own kids there one day to enjoy the train rides and petting zoos'. I left with an apple corer/slicer(a must have when making apple pie), apples and apple cider. One more reason I loved growing up in Sacramento!