Hope all of you got a visit from Santa and are in good shape to ring in the New Year! Please pardon my tardiness in posting my pre Christmas goodies...I had the best of intentions all year that Christmas on my blog would be filled with frequent sugary and cheery holiday posts. Well LIFE gets in the way sometimes!!! lol or maybe a broken ankle...hehe Well Randy is doing well..still not weight bearing, but he is on the mend and I've got a bit more time on my hands so I will roll all of my Christms baking into this one post! I know you will all forgive me :-)
I found the cutest plates after Christmas last year and I knew thatI'd use them this year to give as gifts. Their smaller size was also the perfect excuse for my having baked less this year! The plates still looked full. Sneaky eh?
Some got Santa

And some got Frosty

And some got paperplates and got to share with everyone else...

I got pics of most of the individual goodies, except the divinity for some reason..its the white snowman poop looking stuff on the bottom left of the plate. Doesn't taste like poop though! I use my MawMaw Nezat's No Fail Divinity recipe and I've never really failed..except like maybe once when they didn't set up and I salvaged those by rolling them into balls! But that was just once out of the many times I've made them..so its nearly No Fail! You just have to be really ready to devote all of your attention to candy making when you decide to make these.
Get the recipe HERE.
Next up are the common but oh so yummy Peanut Butter Blossom, Recipe found HERE.

Oreo Truffles..... If you have one candy in your repertoire let it be this. They are always a big hit and I even have some recipients that say I don't care what else you put on the plate just make sure I get some Oreo Truffles. Get the Recipe HERE.

This is a new one I tried this year, although I've made something similar. Get the recipe for Pecan Caramels HERE. I'm saving some to make caramel apples.

Another can't be beat recipe is this Soft Peanut Brittle which will remind you of the insides of a Butterfinger. So what that the name doesn't make sense...this is insanely good. Here's the Recipe.

Cinnamon Bun Cookies..similar to those I posted earlier, but a bit different. Get the recipe HERE.

And finally, Buckeyes...those little peanutbuttery balls dipped in chocolate. They can be found HERE.

I'm going to be out of pocket for a week or so while I visit my family in Louisiana and to celebrate my Mom's 75th birthday. I may or may not get to blog during that time, so I'd like to wish all of my readers a very Happy New Year! May 2010 surround you with good food and beautiful flowers!