Monday, June 8, 2009

Our Late Memorial Weekend Post

I know I know.....this is terribly late and June is practically half over but I thought I would post some pictures just for fun.
Kyleigh had an eventful weekend.....we first went to visit Brayden (and other family members) and put some flowers on his grave. (Please turn your gaze away from my extremely white legs-----they have not yet had the chance to see the sun and are a bit blinding!)
Then we went camping at the St. Anthony Sand Dunes for a couple of nights. Kyleigh loved playing in the dirt and probably had more of sand & dirt to eat than she did milk!

She loved getting rides on the 4-wheeler.....we were camped with a bunch of friends and friends of friends so any time she saw someone's atv she tried to climb up on them.

Bryan and Kyleigh sharing a licorice......

All the way to the end.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Idaho Sunsets

A few nights ago the clouds were fluffy and the sunset was beautiful so I couldn't resist the picture opportunity. I left Kyleigh with Bryan and took a little drive to capture a few shots.
I've been wanting to take some pictures of the temple when the sky had variation and that night was perfect!

The field was blooming, the sprinklers spraying and a firey sky was blazing. The crop flowers looked like the field was snow covered, it was so pretty (the pictures doesn't do it justice).

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

More Mischief

Easter was very nice and the weather was beautiful! (Where did it go?) Anyway, here's a couple Easter pics and some of Kyleigh doin' her thang...

Like Father, Like Daughter

I went into the other room for a minute and this is what I came back to find! And YES, she has a cheek full of dog food in this picture!

She LOVEs this drawer! She even wants to eat in it - crazy kid ;)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

This Easter Season

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16.)

As I have reflected on the events of the Savior's Atonement during this Easter week I am filled with gratitude for the sacrifice He made in the Garden of Gethsemane and then on the Cross in Golgotha. I am grateful for the love of our Heavenly Father and Savior and am humbled by this Holy and Magnificent gift that has been given to us. He is my Lord and Savior and I am eternally grateful for Him.

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter as we celebrate and reflect upon the Savior. I found this video clip that I wanted to share - click the link below to watch.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Cutting Back....

Due to the weakened economy at the moment, Bryan and I thought we should do our part to cut back costs and live a little more frugally where we can. So..........

Kyleigh and Kimber now share a bed.

Here's a couple more pictures just for fun.
Kyleigh had found the candy and was trying to be sneaky (even though she doesn't know what it is yet)

And, she's already picking up her Daddy's addiction!! (Pssst...Kyleigh - you're drinking from the wrong end.)

Friday, March 13, 2009

First Steps!!

Kyleigh hit a big milestone today - I was so excited! She has finally taken her first steps all by herself. She was going back and forth between Bryan and I and decided to let go of the fingers. She would take a step, get her balance and take some more. She did it several times today and took about 3-5 steps each time. I'm so proud of her :) I know, I know, it's more fun for the parent than for those who decide to read this post but I had to share anyway!

Monday, March 2, 2009

25 Random Things About Me.......

Okay, so I've been working on this for awhile - or rather not working on it due to a lack of being able to think of 25 random things. But, here it goes......

1) My favorite Ice Cream flavor it Vanilla
2) When I was 18 a friend and I drove from Macon, GA to Rexburg, ID in my '69 VW Beetle. The gas gauge was broken so we made sure to stop and gas up every 150 miles or so AND when we stopped in a small town in Tennessee the car decided not to start on its own anymore so we had to pop the clutch for the rest of the trip! It was a lot of fun but I don't think I realized at the time how nervous I should've been. **Here's to old times Deanna ;)
3) I have been to 'Car Henge' in Nebraska (I think it was Nebraska)
4) I'm definatley a night person
5) I was homeschooled from 6th grade through highschool
6) I love to travel and see new places (even though It doesn't happen very often)
7) I sing in the shower - not very pleasing to the ears might I add
8) I have been in 2 car accidents and 2 fender benders (only 1 fender bender was my fault)
9) I have 4 fake teeth on the bottom jaw as a result of one of those car accidents (they were knocked out from hitting the steering wheel - no air bag)
10) I have visited the White House (on a tour...not as a guest ;) )
11) I've lived in 7 states and growing up we moved around a total of about 12 times between those states.
12) I love to read but don't seem to find the time as often as I would like.
13) My guilty pleasure is eating raw cookie dough
14) When I was a young girl I wanted to grow up to be an olympic gymnast
15) I'm not afraid of getting older - Its just a new stage of life to experience
16) BUT, I am afraid of dying young....... (Let me be clear - I'm not afraid of dying - I just don't want to die young)
17) I have piloted an airplane 3 different times (with an instructor)
18) I love to do anything outdoors
19) I once went on an overnight Winter hike/campout with my dad and brother and it was a snow blizzard the WHOLE TIME (with no tent by the way). My poor dad stayed up all night trying to keep the fire going for us kids.
20) My favorite color is a deep purple
21) I LOVE to sneak in on Kyleigh and watch her while she sleeps
22) I've been to the top of the St. Louis Arch and could feel it sway ever so slightly while we were at the top. (I was young and scared and couldn't wait to get down)
23) Although the winters are long here.....I DO love the way it looks outside on those frosted, foggy mornings - it makes it seem like I'm in another land somewhere.
24) I LOVE to do things with Bryan and Kyleigh and look forward to doing fun family stuff with our kids as they grow up.
25) When I started college I was thinking about joining the Peace Corps - that was before I met Bryan of course :).

These are 25 weird things about me. Now I am tagging, anyone who hasn't done it yet :)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

No Title This Time....

I haven't posted for awhile and frankly can't think of much either!! Except that I'm getting a little cabin fever and am glad to see that the weather is finally warming up a bit (even if it is only 40 degrees). So, to fill my time until Spring I have been organizing my photos and came across these. They represent a little bit of our morning routine:

Kyleigh is my helper and gets all my makeup out for me in the mornings!! AND, proceeds to scatter them all over the floor.

This is where I contain Kyleigh while I am taking my showers in the morning. Usually all I hear is complaining coming from her but this particular morning I walked out to find this (I must have taken a shower later in the morning that day and she was ready for her morning nap). It couldn't have been very comfortable :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Had to share

Kyleigh was crawling through the bottom of her activity center the other day and decided to stand up. Well, when she did she got stuck and wasn't too happy about it either.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Happy Birthday.....

KYLEIGH!!! 1 year old and I can hardly believe how fast this year went by. My little girl is growing up so fast ;) (I'm sure I'll be saying that when she's 16, 25, 40, etc). Here are a few things I love about her and some that I will miss when she gets older:

*Her adventerous & inquisitive looks when she sees something new to explore
*Blowing on her belly to make her laugh
*Rocking her back to sleep when she wakes up in the middle of the night (It's the only time she will really snuggle with me)
*When she laughs as she watches the dogs playing through the window
*Sneaking into her bedroom to watch her sleep
*Playing 'pat-a-cake' with her, she loves that rhyme
*Her cute little handprints allover my newly cleaned window glass and fireplace glass
*How playing in my make-up drawer is her favorite thing to do while I'm getting ready in the mornings (I'm sure this will change when she figures out how to get the caps off!)
*Holding her hands as she learns to walk
*The cute sounds she makes as she tries to sing along with me when I put her to bed
*Watching her and her Daddy play together and how she smiles whenever he comes into the room

We had a little party with family - it was a lot of fun. I made a cake for her with fondant but it was too tuff for her to break through to the good stuff so we did the candle and pictures with that one and I had to make another one for her to dig into with just frosting on it. Here are a few pictures from her Birthday:

Oh and we celebrated Bryan's birthday too....his was yesterday. Happy Birthday Kyleigh and Bryan!