Saturday, March 8, 2025

Oh Those Home Repairs!

Another 37 degree night had me wandering the hallways of the house, Cooper right on my heels.  I think the cold got to me.  After that last bill for the gas heating unit, it got turned down, meaning the far bedroom that I inhabit gets cold as the dickens!!  I may take to sleeping on the couch!!

Bright and early, I was up and on my way to Home Depot.  Okay, not THAT early because it seems the older I get, the longer it takes me to get up enough motivation to get ready and head out the door.  I'm beginning to realize why I see older folks with crazy hair and wrinkled clothes!!

I had two things on my list.  Get a replacement for this light fixture that doesn't even have a light bulb in it because I don't need to light up my patio like the sun ..... and get some chew sticks for Jonathan.

Not having a clue what I needed, I found a nice looking guy talking to a gal in a corner office.  I'm guessing he was her boyfriend, but SHE had on the orange apron.  They both took me to the light section where nothing looked like what I needed.

This is what she handed me.  Ummm this looks like a return to me!  Here's my problem.  That old light is from 2005.  They don't make them any more.  Now you can only buy these lights in an LED variety where  it's all one piece.  There is no bulb.  So every time it goes out, you have to buy a whole new fixture for twice the price.  You see where this is going?  

So I took it to the front to pay, but told the cashier guy they should not be selling returns in this bad of shape.  I wanted a guarantee I could return it myself if it did not work out.  Not only did he say okay, but he gave me $2.00 off the $19.00 light.  Nice of him I guess ... but that means if any of my lights go out, instead of a $9.00 LED light bulb, I now have to buy a $20.00 fixture.

Here it is, along with the NEXT problem.  They told me you just take the wires from the old one and push them into that orange thing, then stuff it into the hole in the ceiling.  Ummm what's the green wire for?  Truly, I see this not ending well.  I've been staring at it on the counter ever since, thinking maybe I'll just glue the old one back in the hole and call it good.

While there, I wandered to the far side of the store, probably 3000 steps, passing $2,000 refrigerators and cheap $300 dishwashers.  It's weird how I always knew anything I bought there ... washer, dryer, fridge ... would last a very long time and work without exception.  The way things are made now, it seems they have to be replaced every five years.  Our country's quality has gone to the dogs.

I was looking for some wood to keep Jonathan's beak in tip top condition.  These wooden slats work really well and are very cheap at $1.50 for a four foot piece.  I cut them up with my garden shears since using a saw takes too long.  

I dropped one in his cage and Jonathan chortled like crazy, making a beeline to grab it.  Watch your fingers!!  One piece may last three days.  Yes I could buy harder wood, but he wouldn't chew on it.  

Lunch was delicious!  I didn't really WANT this for lunch, it was just a snack.  This is one of those can't-stop-eating things.  I won't buy any of this again unless I can get the tiny little bags.  This is SO not good for me.

TA DA!!  Lookie here ... my quilt wall is EMPTY!!

Well not exactly, the quilt was sitting on the ironing board ... which is a good sign.  Of course I made yet another mistake.  Apparently I flipped one of the strips while sewing.  It's hard to keep everything in the exact order you want when taking it down and putting it up sixteen times.  The two crosses ended up next to each other.  

I'm going to say I MEANT it to be like that so they would stand out.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.   Luckily I had enough fabric to make the 2" border, with 3/8" to spare.  I measured for the last border and I need 1.3 yards of fabric at the very least.  They gave me 24 inches for that one.  I don't know what they were measuring, but they didn't come close.  SO maddening!!

That means another trip up the State to the only quilt store within 50 miles to buy border material.  Oh well, it will give me a chance to exercise the van a little bit.  By the way, the trickle charger is working GREAT!!  I'm so excited not to have THAT to worry about!!

With this quilt done I should be able to whip out a few quilts for Veterans.  There's a Guild meeting coming up and they asked me to attend.  I'm guessing they want donated quilts.  You never know ... maybe I'll meet some nice ladies to hang out with.

Here's to a nice warm sunny day!!!

Friday, March 7, 2025

Waiting For The Snow

 Oh my Great Aunt Agnes!!  Yes, I really DID have a great Aunt Agnes Morehead.  Lovely lady ... she collected handkerchiefs from Ireland and Post Cards from all over the world.  I've no idea where her money came from, because way back then on the Isle of Man, there were no jobs for women.  And that's about all I know about THAT!

What I do know is it's 37 degrees here this morning.  Yikes!!  What happened to SPRING?  Hopefully today will be sunny, but the next four days carry lots of rain and the possibility of SNOW!   There is definitely NO fun in that!!

There is a LOT of fun in this kid however.  At his late age (going on 16) he has discovered the FOOD plate.  He has never been a beggar, and never bothered me while eating ... until I made the HUGE mistake of giving him a piece of turkey from my bowl.  Apparently it tastes MUCH better than the exact same turkey that is in HIS bowl.  The little growls make me laugh.

On to the day, I was late at every turn.  Late for breakfast ... late to let Cooper out ... and late to even turn on the television, meaning I missed the bull riding where Stetson won yet again.  You just can't beat this Utah cowboy!!  

That's when I got the phone call from Chef Patty in Arizona.  Seems we were both procrastinating the walk to the sewing room.  Those quilts always look so pretty ... and you get so motivated ... for maybe two days.  Then it all goes downhill until you have to FORCE yourself to finish it up.  I'm thinking we should be making much SMALLER quilts that don't take so long.

I walked by the puzzle, took a gander and placed one piece.  Just so you know there has been SOME advancement, here's the first day picture.

Yeah ... not so much.  I'm happy to report however that I found THREE edge pieces, to fit in the two holes left.  Sadly, NONE of the three fit in the two holes left.  That means there may be a mistake somewhere that I don't even want to think about.  I went back to playing brain games on my phone.  Not that it's helping much, but I'll keep trying.

At long last it was time for the penguin suit.  Like any good penguin, I've eaten WAY too many fish.  It might be MUCH more comfortable if I could just lose ten pounds.  

I opened up tickets sales and the rush was on.  On this night I hijacked one of the other trustees to stand up for an hour and take tickets.  Wow ... that was pretty cool.  I actually got to sit down with my food when it was still WARM!  

New York steak ... a very thick delicious piece of cow ... crunchy raw green beans (oops) and a potato, hard at one end and soft at the other.  I'm not sure how that happens.  You are only seeing half of everything here, since I already put the other half in a to-go box.  Yup ... you get a LOT of food!  Salad, rolls and ice cream finish out the meal.  YUM!!

We headed up to the lodge room for yet another initiation of 17 folks.  I don't know where they all come from, but we are well over 1600 members now.  They come for the daily lunches, dinners every Friday night, the cheap drinks and the $20 lodge night dinners twice a month.  Maybe that's why my penguin suit fits like a glove.

I'd like to list all the things I'm going to get done today, but so far the only thing I see is a nap on the couch.  I got home very late and got up very early.  The story of my life!! 

The sun is just coming up and I need to run outside and get the garbage can that's been sitting there for two days.  Better to do it in the dark so I don't scare the neighbors dog ... or the neighbors for that matter.  Here's to a restful day!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2025



Okay ... SOMEONE did a rain dance.  Come on, admit it!!!  I know you were doing the Hokey Pokey around the kitchen, flailing your arms and beating a drum.  Otherwise, why would it have rained here ALL DAY LONG.  I don't remember the last time that happened, though I admit, my memory isn't what it used to be.

Not only was there no walking for exercise, there was barely ANY walking the dog, because every time resulted in a fight with the bath towel to dry everyone off.  That hose at the base of the tree?  That's my drip irrigation.  The good news is I have VERY sandy soil, so it doesn't stay around long .... except for today.

I will say however, that my grass has never been greener ... and taller because every day the gardener is scheduled, it has rained.  I see by looking at my weather app that you have scheduled FOUR more days of rain dancing next week.  Instead of wildly flailing arms that brings buckets, maybe you could do a little slow waltz or something ... otherwise, the countryside will be flooded.

Rain makes for a dull day.  ALL DAY LONG.  I finally got up enough gumption to hit the quilt with a vengeance.  That's when I spotted it.  The quilters out there will see it.  I made a big booboo.  The bottom border on each of those strips is sewed on the wrong side.  The bottom half is perfect ... the top sections SHOULD have been the opposite.  Needless to say, the instructions are not very clear.  RATS!!  

An hour later after taking off three long borders, I was back to where I started.  THIS time I made triple sure I was doing it the right way.  Jack the Ripper got a real workout.

I just can't wait to get this off the wall.  When you buy these things, you think "Oh, that's pretty".  After sewing on it for a month, you think WHY ... OH WHY did I buy this!!  Of course they won't let you see the instructions until it's paid for.  

Once those bottom rows are sewn on, I still have two MORE borders.  Big sigh ..... unfortunately, the lesson is never learned.  Only put off to be learned again on the next oh-isn't-that-pretty quilt!

Looking a little worse for wear, here's Mr. Cooper after just waking up from a nap.  He's a little damp around the edges, as am I.  Yup ... 4:00 pm and it's still raining.

Since dinner was a microwaved variety ... quick and easy ... I decided to gather up my hutzpah and change out the cartridge.  Who in the world invented this thing?  

I watched the video twice before grabbing a handful of tools.  It took two tries since I never seem to get the right tool the first time.  With the handle off, I unscrewed the ring and stared at it for a bit.  I triple checked to be sure the water was turned off and closed the drain because I KNEW something would fall in the sink.  

I wiggled it loose and pulled up with all my might.  Out it came, along with a flood of water.  NOOOOO!  But it was okay, just what was in the line.  I looked down into the hole.  There was the part that the video said I had to replace also, but I didn't HAVE that part.  It did not come with the cartridge.  

Oh well ... I stuffed the new cartridge in the hole, put the ring back on and screwed it down.  Next the handle, before ever so carefully and gently turning the water back on, praying that Old Faithful didn't erupt in my bathroom.    

Now for the moment of truth.  I turned the handle and water came out.  YAY!!  Then I turned it off ... and the drip was GONE!!!  I can't believe it ... I FIXED IT!!  It was a great day until I realized how dirty the sink was.  I spent the next 20 minutes scrubbing it up pretty!!

That was it .... my day in a nutshell.  Today I'll be back on the internet looking for a cartridge for the OTHER leaky faucet.  Hopefully I can get the same guy to give me THAT part number.  Believe me, it's all about the part number!

Otherwise, it will be boring things like doing the laundry before dressing up in my penguin suit for the last initiation of the year for new members.  The new "crew" takes over April 1st ... and won't they be surprised to find I'm going to be gone a lot and not available for all those WOULD YOU events!!  It's time they start doing a little more themselves.  

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

National Pancake Day


GOOD MORNING CALIFORNIA!!!  It's raining once again.  It looks like it's just over our little slice of Heaven.  Yes it's been going on for some time because I've been awake since 2:45.  That's how I get that lovely drug out ... I'm exhausted ... give me some sugar ... feeling.  Phony coffee works too since it's full of SUGAR.  

Yesterday was Magic Castle day ... the land of Knights, Princes and Fairy Godmothers.  Sometimes I think I'm the Court Jester.  How could I make so many mistakes?  We'll get there in a minute.

The morning sunrise was fleeting and not all that exciting.  Some times Mother Natures choice of dress isn't all that great.  By the way, did anyone get a gander at the Oscar fashions?  I didn't watch any of it ... but I did see some ridiculously crazy dresses ... and then I saw THIS.  Give it up for Adam Sandler who dissed all of them in basketball shorts, tennis shoes and a sweatshirt.  Just to be honest ... his sweatshirt cost him $175.00.  I'm pretty sure I never paid over $20 for a sweatshirt!!  I laughed out loud!

But I digress ... back to the sunrise.

It's National Pancake Day.  How could I turn that down?  And it doesn't require EGGS (which have become the new toilet paper around here).  Pancake mix and water, along with a plethora of REAL Canadian Maple Syrup.  I ate every single bite!!!

That's when I got completely distracted while scrounging through my kitchen drawer for something that escaped me.  I found this pack of Monkey Magnets.  Barbara Westerfield sold me on these some time ago.  They actually work very good for keeping cabinet doors closed.

They are pretty tiny, but I thought they just might work for an RV problem.  Remember I had a shade replaced that broke and refused to raise up.  They sent an MCD shade, but it did not have the magnets in the bottom that keep the shades from banging around.  There are even big magnetic circles on the walls, on which the magnets attach keeping them still.

I thought this just might work.  I grabbed the magnet side and slipped it inside the bottom rail.  To my amazement, it worked.  I put one on each side.  Not sure this will be a final solution, but for now, the shade does not bang against the wall when traveling!!  Now what was I looking for in that drawer!

I couldn't remember, so I heated up another bowl of chicken pot pie.  This time I put those crispy fried onions on top.  This is so GOOD!!  I'm going to try and find little lightweight pans to put it in.  One recipe will make MANY for my freezer.

And then it was time ... off I headed to the dungeon for a little torture.  I signed checks, but completely ignored the requests for anything else.  I do more than my share, and I'm not doing any more.  They can figure it out.

Though we were short handed again, I luckily ran into the latest Prince who I hijacked into working once more.  My Lady in Waiting sent a morning message that she was out of town.  He relented.  In no time, we were off to the races.  This is my dobber board after maybe 20 minutes?  

I really had to laugh.  For so long we have asked the players to wait in line until it was their turn, and not grab cards off the table.  They ignored us like we were just a bump in the road.  The Prince however, got tired of it quickly.  He made them wait to even TOUCH the cards.  They were not happy AT ALL!!

Weirdly however ... NO pitchforks came out.  Not even a flicker of a flame.  Oh they complained a bit, but very quietly.  I was laughing inside and kept my mouth completely SHUT!!  What could they say ... he's young, good looking, VERY nice and speaks Spanish fluently.  They couldn't even talk behind his back.  Boy did I get a kick out of THAT!!

To make it even better, when that ONE person who always tries to steal showed up, he wouldn't even let her TOUCH the cards until he said go ... AND he told her she better not try to steal anything.  This kid ... he's awesome.  By the way, he also has a husband who I bet toes the line.  

There were no fights on this night, but the callers were very slow.  The first one got yelled at quickly for not typing in a card number correctly to see if they were actually the winner.  Flaming torches came out for the second one who lost his place and dropped a ball on the floor.  The place erupted in shouts.  There is no room for mistakes in Bingo.  The King finally had to calm them down so play could be resumed.  

One of the big Hot Ball numbers came up (meaning they won TWO jackpots), but weirdly, TWO people had that number.  I don't think that has ever happened before.  Lucky enough to have the wining number, but unlucky because they had to split it in half.  

That ended the night as I slipped out the door.  The infernal machine bit me again as I forgot to cue in a couple of numbers, meaning I had to actually count out the change.  Of course I did it wrong twice.  Not because I can't count, but because I started out with the wrong number in the first place.  I leaned back to stay out of reach of the flames.  Note to self ... more Coca Cola to stay awake.

Lastly, I was able to give away 7 of those candy bars.  Gee ... only 20 more to go!!!!!

Just another night at Bingo!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Costco Takes All My Money

 This was the unwelcome morning sight as I walked out the door with Mr. Cooper.  I counted ... there are ELEVEN of these light fixtures in the patio ceiling.  Good grief .... what were the original owners doing out there??  One by one, they are falling down.  The bad news ... you cannot get the same fixtures any more.  I replaced one not too long ago, and lucky for me, it's still up there.  This means another trip to Home Depot.  But NOT today!

Today we got up extra early to gather myself and program "shopping mode" in my brain.  Unlike in the "old" days when I could just go in and buy what I wanted, NOW I have to check and double check the prices and quantity I'm getting.  It doesn't help that I'm an OH LOOK kind of shopper.  

I was shocked at the line outside by 8:30 when the store doesn't open until 9:00.  I laughed and talked to a sweet lady next to me who said it was the eggs.  It can't be ... there were over 50 people waiting for the doors to raise.  

That's when I found out there are new entry requirements.  You don't have to have any ID to vote, but you can NOT get into Costco now without a current card.  I scanned mine and ran through the door.  She yelled at me that it was not a valid card.  Sure it is ... I use it all the time, though I know the membership needs to be paid.  This comes into play later.

Sure enough ... they RAN into the store (not kidding ... they RAN) up to the door to the EGG department.  I don't know what the price was, but you could get two dozen in a flat.  You were limited to THREE flats.  That's SIX dozen eggs.  I was shocked as I slipped up to the roasted chicken display.  Not a single one of them went for the chicken.  I got two.  I also picked up four packs of batteries at $18.00 each.  YIKES!!

Oh boy ... I never should have gone down THAT aisle.  I was looking for the other chicken ... the raw kind ... when I spotted these.  They jumped into my cart.  

Paper towels?  I needed a pack of four.  I got a pack of twelve because they don't come smaller.  Kleenex?  I needed four boxes.  I got TEN.  

It was time to pay the piper.  The lady in front of me in line had four flats instead of the limit of three.  EIGHT DOZEN eggs.  Can you imagine?  Are you buying for the whole neighborhood?  Reselling them maybe?  She played the "I don't speak English" card and lost.  SURPRISE ... they made her put them back.

When I came along, they said my card expired.  I know ... just add the fee on to the bill please.  Nope ... the card was invalid.  Really?  When did THAT happen?  I showed them my cash-back letter so they knew I had an account.  Turns out my Credit Card is now my Costco membership card.  They refused to give me the old card back.  Well that was fun!  I'm really not too happy about them scanning my CREDIT CARD just to get in the door!!  Too bad our voting system doesn't work like Costco.

My big credit of $400 didn't go very far.  Between the paper goods and the batteries (and of course those OH LOOK items), I came home with a measly $43.00 cash in my pocket.  BUT I won't need Kleenex or paper towels for three years!!

Once home, and after six trips to the house, I settled in for a little treat.  I don't know HOW these got in my cart!!  Definitely worth the trip however ... 59 cents each beats the Walmart drumsticks at $1.25 each.  I can eat twice as much!!!

The next hour was spent rearranging the freezer, followed by cutting up the two chickies.  One for me, one for Cooper.  Jonathan is out of luck.

With that ordeal over ... it took longer to package everything for the freezer than it did to buy it ... I got a rush of energy (it must have been the ice cream) and went to look at the door bell.  I took it apart, cleaned out 29 spiders, their webs and their children, and put it back on the wall.  It makes a clicking sound.

I went to the box, which also makes a clicking sound, but no music would come forth.  I checked both again with absolutely NO results.  It doesn't work and I don't know why.  I guess I can say ... oh gee, sorry I didn't know you were there ... the doorbell doesn't work any more.

This may be the last of the Hello Fresh meals.  Since their ingredients have not been the best, I decided to try their prepared meals instead.  Still enough food for two meals, and the price is the same.  

Let's see what's IN this box.  Good grief ... this stuff can NOT be good for you!!  You've heard of "where's the beef"???  Well where's the pork??  I picked through this entire container, only to find one tiny piece of pork.  It tasted great, but they seriously FORGOT the meat.  

I'm going to try and cancel, but every time I call to complain, they mention THANK YOU FOR BUYING 21 BOXES.  Ummm no I don't remember seeing THAT!!  And so the saga of delivered food continues.  

Today I'm gearing up and donning my armor .... it's time for BINGO!!!!!  And my Lady In Waiting has called in sick!!!

Monday, March 3, 2025

It Rained, It Poured, It Hailed

 Morning came way too early.  Not that I wasn't awake, I was ... I just didn't want to get up.  Alas, the sun rose in the cloudy sky.  I'm procrastinating.  I'm not sure where that comes from, but it seems to happen more and more!!  

Up and at em, I hit Clyde's button and he roared to life, beginning his day of vacuuming the floors.  I picked up and put away, only to get a phone call that the company I expected wasn't coming.  Good thing I had not pulled the sheets off the bed yet!!

I watched the news, only to realize how fast time flies.  It was almost noon when I heard the knock at the door.  Remember these?

Well now the pile looks like this!!  What can I say ... he was a very nicely dressed kid of about 16, selling candy.  Here's the story.  He's from our local high school, trying to raise money to take his girlfriend of two years to the prom.  Tickets are $200.  WHAT??  

The PROM is on a yacht over on the coast two hours away.  Limos are expensive, though several of them are carpooling ... in a limo.   The YACHT includes food and dancing.  It's crazy that the school sets this up (which I remember from years past) because they don't want to deal with crazy kids at the dance.  Most likely it's because no one will volunteer to HELP at the dance.

I only had a $20 bill and he only had $11 in change from the 11 candy bars he had sold so far.  I gave him the twenty and took 7 bars.  I really didn't need any more candy, but here we are.  I'll put the good ones in the freezer and give away the rest.  

If his story is true, I did a good thing.  I would have loved to have him as a boyfriend when I was that age.  If his story is NOT true, it was a darn good story!!  I asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up and he told me every class he was attending ... and the HORROR ... he wanted to be a politician.  Well he's got a good spiel for that!

Just as I was about to leave to check out my friends bike rack on her RV like mine, I looked up to see this.  And then the rain came down!  I don't think I've ever seen it rain that hard for that long.  I holed up in the house for almost two hours.

Finally I drove over to help her unload her electric bike.  This is a Yakima rack with a piece that comes off to make a ramp.  She had it well attached with four straps and two big bike locks that also kept it in place.  I have to admit, it didn't budge until everything was unhooked.  It took a bit, but we got it rolled off.  Seems like a lot of weight for such a tiny hitch.  This picture shows it folded up.

It sits back far enough that she can open the doors a bit and reach inside.  Definitely a plus.  I'm still undecided about an electric bike.  Would I really use it?

We talked about the button above our heads ... she hit it not realizing it was a 911 button that she could not turn off.  The police were called and sent to her location.  All's well that ends well ... she won't do THAT again, but it's nice to know it's there if you need it.  That's one of the MANY electronic things that draw on the battery.  I sent her a picture of my charger just for that purpose.  She's going to get one today.  It's always nice to to share information.

And then the rain came again ... big drops with lots of icy hail.  It almost looked like it snowed as I drove through town.  So here's a tale I didn't mention before.  I dropped off a letter at the post office, to be almost hit by a guy in a small truck.  He was on his phone.  This was the THIRD person on the phone in two miles, not paying attention to traffic or the stop lights.

As I went to pull out on to the street, so did he, not even looking.  We both stopped just in time.  What should appear but a city police officer.  He looked at me with that "what are you doing" look ... so I pointed to the truck and put my hand to my ear.  

As the guy pulled out ahead of me, the officer whipped a U-turn and followed him, RED LIGHTS FLASHING.  Well that's never happened before.  Usually the officers just keep on going.  And that's just what I did while the guy probably got a ticket.  

Just a warning folks ... NO driving while talking on your phone!!

I spent much of the rest of the day sewing.  Gee ... I only have 88 more little bars to sew on like those on the bottom right.  That's when I made the discovery.  I read the directions and began looking for the last two yards of border fabric.  I found ONE yard, not two.  Are you kidding? 

No sirreeee .... they shorted me the fabric for the outside border.  Yup ... the kit from THAT store that has shorted me in the past, has done it again.  It's a good thing I didn't buy more from them.  Too bad because their fabrics really are nice.  So now I have to return to the quilt store and try to find something that will match.  C'est la vie!!

I should have had a margarita ... I might have felt better ... but a small can of Pepsi did the trick.  That and Mr. Cooper snoring next to me!!  

The night ended with more clouds and rain until the little slice of moon was almost setting right beside the sun.  I don't even remember dinner ... but I do remember the peanut butter cookie, followed up by a wafer candy bar!!  That worked even better than the Pepsi!!

This morning I'm off to Costco.  I got my cash-back voucher for $398.00.  Not bad ... not bad at all.  I won't spend it all in one place, but it comes at the right time.  Whatever you don't spend, they give you cash back ... and I need to pay the gardener!!

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Skydiving and Laundry


Good Morning on this California dark, cloudy and rainy day.  That pretty much says it all.  The good thing is it's not COLD.  That means my heater is off.  It's pretty crazy when your gas bill every month is more than you've ever paid for both electricity AND gas in one month.  Yessiree ... the heater is OFF for the remainder of the year.  When I complain about the cold, I just remember my Mom's words ... put on a coat.

Here's my chuckle of the day ... and it's PERFECTLY me!!  THIS was my yesterday!!

Mr. Cooper was not far behind.  At least he took more naps than I did!!

I spent the first two solid hours balancing my checkbooks.  I'm so bad at that ... and I'm an accountant.  For some reason one of them has $450 MORE in the account than I show.  I've absolutely no idea where it came from.  I spent so much time on it I gave up and added it in.  Who am I to say the bank is wrong!!

That's when the email problems began.  Someone has been trying to hack one of my email accounts for about six months.  I get constant notifications of verified numbers to reset the password.  Mostly I just ignore it because they will never figure it out.

Unfortunately however, if they do it enough, it won't let ME in either.  All of a sudden I got 20+ messages that I needed to enter my password on both my computer AND my phone.  I hate those people.  Just leave me the heck alone!!

Another two hours passed as I reset everything from scratch.  Never click on or use ANYTHING they sent to you ... or even the notices your computer gives you.  It's fixed ..... for now ..... but I think I'm going to set up a new account, change the address everywhere that one is used, and delete it completely.  

While doing all of that, one of these crazy dessert videos came up on my phone.  It involved Twinkies.  Okay, I've got to watch this one.  You KNOW there is absolutely NOTHING in a Twinkie that is good for you, right?    

Put them in a pan, open a can of pie filling and dump in half a package of jello pudding.  Stir well.  Dump that over the Twinkies.  YUM!!!!!  Or maybe not.

Pour strawberry jelly into a container of cool whip and stir.  That's like putting sugar and plastic into your body to preserve you for the next 100 years.  I know it's not good for you, but I do love Cool Whip!

Dump that over the jello/filling and put in the fridge until set.  No I haven't tried it and I probably won't.  It's not that I'm a healthy eater or anything, but I'm pretty sure RFK would nix this from my diet.  It's worse than all that candy I bought.

Well that was entertaining.  I probably should be fixing the leaky faucet or the doorbell.  

I sewed, actually making a lot of progress, which I'll post tomorrow .... and I cleaned (I hit the Roomba button) and I did laundry.  Just like the picture above says.

Dinner was a big bust.  Yet again the Hello Fresh meal wasn't fresh at all.  The potatoes ... they were soft on the outside and black on the inside.  This is NOT going to hack it.  I called once again, but they only gave me a $4.00 credit.  Even the green beans were squishy and not fresh.  I'm done!  This is the should be picture ......

And this is my picture.  I cooked a tiny bit of rice, just enough to boil over on the stove and make a big mess.  The chicken was actually good with a honey mustard coating, topped with crispy onions and cheese.  YUM!  I will be cancelling this service today.  

That's it .... that's all I've got for yesterday.  Today I'm heading out to do more accounting for others, followed up by a visit from my friend who has an RV like mine.  We are going to talk electric bikes and bike racks ..... and propane.  She left all of her appliances on including the water pump, the gas and the hot water heater as she was heading down the road.  She's here for a lesson in what to turn off and when.  

I'll get to that faucet ... sooner or later.  Maybe later!!