SSB Grounding System
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Are you confused with SSB grounding on your fiberglass or wooden boat? If you read up on grounding your SSB radio you will be confused, seems nobody is agreeing on what is the best.
Just connecting some copper foil to a thru-hull will not work as well as using our KISS-SSB Counterpoise Radial System. Read your tuner manual and they all show using pre-measured copper radials. Our patent pending system has allowed us to get all the radial lengths (some in excess of 60 feet) and a few loading coils in a self-contained ten foot long housing.
Our Patent-Pending KISS-SSB principal is "Icom Endorsed". It is a self-contained counterpoise radial ground system that is the perfect answer for trouble free Marine SSB communications. This principal is not anything new, but very rarely used. The system of using pre-measured counterpoise ground radials is even suggested in every Icom, SGC Smart Tuner, and Furuno Auto-Tuner manuals. Right now the most commonly used tuner is the Icom-AT-140 and if you look at page two you'll see the principals used in our KISS-SSB Ground Plane System. Here is what it says:
Counterpoise (An excerpt from the Icom AT-140 manual)
If your ship is made of FRP(fiberglass or wood) , etc. and a good ship’s ground is not available, connect a counterpoise.1⁄4λ (quarter wavelength) radial for each band is suitable for a counterpoise. Install the counterpoise directly below the AT-140’s ground terminal. Insulate the ends of each radial from other metal objects. Layout the radial horizontally.
Here is the deal, our Patent Pending SSB grounding system "KISS-SSB" is by far the easiest to install, and works better than the copper foil/bonding system. It comprises of a four foot lead that attaches to the "grounding lug" on your tuner and then you just stretch out the remaining 10 feet of 1" diameter sealed tubing that encloses the array of specific lengths of radiating copper wires and coils. It is just that simple, run it along the hull, behind a cushion, in the cabinets, in the lazerett, etc. The perfectly measured lengths of copper and marine sealed coils (nearly 600 feet of copper!) act as an exact mirror image of your radiating backstay or whip, this is what bounces your radiated signal wave off your antenna. This system has been completely tested over the past ten years and the list of testimonials is countless. We have tested it up to 500 watts without any problems.
This simple grounding array is specifically designed for the common SSB HF Frequencies of 2mhz thru 28 mhz when used with a tuner. All of these frequencies have been tested to less than a 1.2 to 1 Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) with no power loss! That means very little of your signal is reflected back to your radio, but instead radiated!!
Not only is this easy to install, it just makes sense:
1 - No need to drill holes in the hull under the water line for a "grounding plate"
2 - No need to run the messy and expensive copper foil everywhere.
3 - No need to bond all the thru-hulls.
4 - No maintenance keeping the underwater grounding plate (Dynaplate) clean.
5 - No drag when sailing.
Let's also note that some feel a grounding plate just attracts lightning, ever wonder why cars so very rarely get hit by lightning? They are insulated from the ground on rubber tires! There has been discussion that in the case of a lightning strike a hole can be blown in the hull where the grounding plate is, that's a scary thought!
It has been demonstrated that the bronze ground plates are basically useless with out at least a 100 square feet of copper foil or mesh, strange huh? Why do people still keep buying the bronze grounding plates at nearly $170.00 each, plus the foil at $90.00, a haul-out and then laboring to install the whole mess and then to top it off drill holes in their boat under the water line? Because they just don't know and the whole subject is confusing, and the more you research it, the more confusing it gets. If the industry would use the word counterpoise more than the word "ground" that would take a lot of confusion away.
It seems that so many think you can just run some copper strap foil to a thru-hull or two and that will work just fine. That is not true, it does work, but not nearly as well. Read your tuner manual and they always show a counterpoise radial system. It took years to perfect the KISS-SSB counterpoise radial system to radiate the full potential signal strength across the SSB frequency spectrum.
If you are not completely satisfied with this system, simply call us and return it and we'll refund your money. Your only out the 10 minutes to connect it and give it a try.
Over 2,000 satisfied customers world wide!
Feel free to call us at (360) 510-7885 M-F 9-4 PST
Or write us if you have any questions radioteck@gmail.com
KISS-SSB Specifications:
KISS-SSB TM Radial Counterpoise Grounding System for Marine or Land use. This heavy duty performer is designed primarily for fiberglass or wood boats using HF SSB marine bands.
Input power up to 500 watts.
Copper conductors are permanently sealed in durable vinyl tubing.
All copper conductors.
5/16 inch ring terminal.
Heavy duty marine grade 47 inch 10 AWG copper lead connection.
Nearly 600 feet of specific copper radial lengths.
Tested with 1.2 to 1 or better SWR on SSB HF frequencies with tuner 2 mhz thru 28 mhz.
Technical Specifications:
Frequency:2-28 MHz HF band with tuner
Radial housing length:9’ 10”
SWR:1.2 to 1 or better
Impedance:(Ohms): N/A
Connecting lead length:47 inches
Max Input (Watts):500
DC Ground:N/A
Termination:One end termination 5/16" Ring Terminal
Weight 3.5 pounds
Radiation pattern:Omni-directional
I felt compelled to write you back and let you know that my wife and I couldn't be happier with your KISS grounding system. We removed all the corroded copper foil, it makes everything under the sole boards look so much better now without all that clutter. It only took about twenty minutes to install your Kiss-ssb system, and it presents itself very well. We have an Icom 802 onboard and it has a built in SWR meter, after testing on most SSB channels we found that not only did your system work as well as you advertised, but it worked even better. All frequencies were 1.2 to 1 or better. I was talking to a friend later that afternoon on 6A and before I even told him of my new ground plane system he stated that my signal was really good and that the audio was better than what he was used to hearing from my rig. I went on to tell him about your system and he said that he is going to contact you for one himself. Thanks for delivering a product that lives up to it's advertised words and is reasonably priced. We will help you pass the word and wish the best for you getting your wonderful product in the mainstream. In this day and age it is very refreshing to be so pleased. Mike Blount, Pensacola, FL
Wholly Cow, what a difference, my radio is thanking you!! My poor old radio that I was about to replace, most certainly is grateful, almost as much as my wallet! After years of using an older SEA SSB transciever, that always ran hot and the signal was always one of the worst out there, other boaters are asking if I have a new radio. It was a pleasant experience to rip all of that old copper foil out, and as soon as we do a haul-out remove the Dynaplate. Installing your KISS system was a very simple few minutes and I must admit, the name says it all. My radio runs cooler and people are saying that I have a very strong signal, what more could I ask for. Keep up the good work, and thanks for keeping the price down. Robert K. San Diego.
It works! It works very well! Thanks for a great product, and it's made in the USA! It was simple to install and my radio is putting out a strong signal. We did the Baja Ha Ha last year and out of 180 boats we had by far the best signal out there and that was with an older Icom 707 radio. Seems most everyone uses the Icom 802, but then are hurting their signal strength by using the water for their counterpoise. It is nice to now understand just how my SSB signal is radiated, and you are right, the manual does suggest using pre-measured copper radials. I spent $450 on my radio from Ebay and outperformed nearly all the boats in the group with less wattage as the Icom 802, it has to be my kiss-ssb as nearly everyone uses the insulated backstay for the antenna. I can't complain about the cost of $140, as I know what the cost of copper has done this past year, gold went up 40% and copper went up 135%, I would bet that there is a lot of copper in your kiss-ssb. Keep up the good work, and please use this for a testimonial as I have enjoyed many sunset conversations with others cruisers about this subject. Best of luck, and thank you! Brian Mand
For more info visit our webpage : www.kiss-ssb.com For more testimonials