Friday, October 23, 2009


What more can I say than no sale? Oh, I guess I can say this feeling sucks. But I won't be sad for long because tomorrow is Tiger day at Point Defiance Zoo and I'll be there with my good friend Brooke. We already agreed tomorrow we are just going to smile, whether we feel like it or not. Tomorrow is going to be a better day. {:-)} Pam

So, what is going on with our family...

Mainly this is to answer Rachel, but to update you all as well. Brandon has just started his next MBA class. It is already proving to be a challenge, which he loves. He is utterly bored with his job, so this gives his brain a bit of a workout. I have been taking care of a 3 year old boy. It was supposed to be about 30 or so hours a week, but right after I started, the parents hours changed at work and now it is almost 50 hours a week. Big difference! But I like the extra money and he and Evan get along very well, so I am trying to adjust. They both go to preschool for 2 1/2 hours on Tue and Thur. I cherish those hours. Riley and Anna are loving school. Just today I decided to push reading more at our house. They are both great at reading, but don't read a lot. We will be trying to change that. On to the biggest news. We had a showing yesterday. It was the lady's 3rd time through. She had been here at the beginning of July, has since gone through many houses and came back to ours again this Tue. Her husband is in a wheelchair and she wasn't sure about the walkway up to our house. But her realtor told me that she has spoken with someone about how to make a ramp there and so yesterday she brought her husband here to see it. !!!! My heart has gotten a work out over the past 24 hours. If they don't submit an offer I think I will cry. Life is so crazy and stressful and joyful all at the same time right now. Half the time I don't know whether I'm going to scream or laugh. But life is good. I am so blessed. Sometimes, as I lay in bed at night trying to go to sleep, I wonder how I can possibly deserve to have all of these blessings. Whether I do or I don't, I'll still take them! ;) Pam
Brandon takes a picture with the kids every mother's day before I wake up which stays by my bedside all year. They do several nice one's which I pick from, but they always do one silly one that just stays on the computer. Here is this years silly one for all of you to enjoy :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

In the spirit of Halloween...

Meet our creepy crawlers.

First, our night crawlers. We had a big pool set up in the backyard and it was time to take it down. So at the beginning of Sept. we let all of the water out. At first it drained slowly, but then Brandon and I grabbed the sides and sloshed out all of the rest of the water at once. All of the sudden HUNDREDS of night crawlers came popping up out of the ground. The kids started collecting them while I ran into the house to get a container and my camera. It was pretty crazy. I'm not sure if there were hundreds, but there were certainly a lot of them.

Then there is the spider that lived out side of our living room window for the whole summer. You might wonder how we could possibly know that it was the same spider, well...

It was HUGE. Bigger than the tip of my finger, which I bravely put on the wood next to it so you can really appreciate it's size. We get these spiders around our house all of the time, but this one was certainly the biggest.

And last of all, the bugs that we actually invited into our home. Our stick bugs. We have 5 of them right now. They have gotten quiet big and we really enjoy them.

This one has nothing to do with bugs, I just love Anna in this one. She was outside with me as I took pictures of the spider and she collected a whole bunch of little seed pods from the tree behind her. She smushed them all up and was having tons of fun throwing them up into the air.