Thursday, March 19, 2009


I said I wouldn't believe it until the papers where signed and I'm glad I didn't. Two days before the close of our loan we hit another glitch!!! I just couldn't believe it. The processor from our Mortgage company called to let us know all we had to do to get the loan to go through was to lower our deductible on our homeowners insurance. She said that to offset the cost (because it would go MUCH higher) we could lower our coverage. ?!? Does that make sense to you? We were done. That was the last straw. I was just so frustrated with the whole refinance thing. I couldn't understand what was going on. We had fasted and prayed about it. Why was it still so difficult? Turns out it's because we aren't supposed to refinance, we are supposed to buy! I had one of those moments were you just feel the answer go through you and you get goosebumps. I took the idea to Brandon and he took some time to pray about it, then we looked over our finances and realized what we could get into. Now 4 bedroom house, here we come. Well, not quite yet. We need to sell this house for the right amount of money and find the right house. We need to decide what the most important features are in a home, land or neighborhood, one story or two. But in the near future, I plan to be blogging from a new home. Anyone need 3 bedrooms on .23 acres, just let me know! -P-

Friday, March 6, 2009

Keep it comin'

Life has just been coming at us lately and I can't seem to catch up. Simple stuff piled up waiting for bigger stuff to get cleared up. In February, I had a biopsy done on a spot that had been growing on my nose. We waited a week to get the results and although I told myself I wasn't scared, the relief I felt when the results came in told me otherwise. It was a precancerous lesion, which over the course of the next 1-15 years, could have become cancer. We pretty much have to do the same thing as if it was cancer, either freeze the area (ouch) or put some specialized cream bought from a pharmacy in Canada on it for 3-4 weeks to kill it all off. Either way, I'm sure I will look like Rudolph, with a glowing red nose for awhile, but it beats a melanoma any day. Brandon has been very busy with his class. He had a mid-term test and now is ready to take his final, and then he needs to prepare for a class presentation. Mark him down as absent for the weekend. But his class is over soon and he will have one week off! Hurray! We have been trying to get in on the good rates lately to refi our home and that has been a lot crazy. Somehow, we thought we had locked at 4.75% but at the last minute found out that there was a computer error. We could still get 4.75%, it would just cost us $1600. So we went back to square one and just yesterday got a 4.875% for 30 years. After the fist fiasco, I won't believe it until we sign the papers! On top of all of that was the usual life stuff. Our family participated in the science fair. We made a display of our tadpoles. I had a short photography class on Wednesday nights in Feb. That was fun. Riley was still doing basketball. Practice on Friday nights, games on Saturday nights! That's over, thank goodness, so that gives Brandon more time for...STUDYING. :( Riley went right into baseball. It was fun going to the store to buy him a protective cup. Should be the fathers job at this age. The funniest thing is he was so excited to try it on when he got home from school that day! I told him he had to wait till dad got home. Anna just surprised us all by reading an Amelia Bedelia book all by herself. It's a school level 1.9 ! She is loving school. Evan is just hanging out, getting into trouble. I am excited that next year it is just him and me. I hope to get him into a small preschool that my friends do and a tumbling class that he has done before. For now, he just runs around the house turning anything long and straight into a light saber! I think that catches us up with the past month of stuff. I am so happy that March is here and spring is just around the corner. -Pam