Thursday, December 15, 2011

Incase you didn't notice...

I updated our blog with a Christmas theme.  And music.  Life has been so busy in the past...oh, 8 months... that I just haven't made it to Blogger.  I'm sure if you are my friend on FB, then you have been able to keep up pretty well.  And if you are on our mailing list for Christmas cards, they'll be sent out in the next 2-8 days.  I'm going with a big window here, to alleviate some of the stress involved with deadlines.  I'll aim for the 2 day mark, but in reality, it will be 8 at least.  Well, hope you didn't get your hopes up for a long update.  I just wanted to tease you a little bit.  I have to get back to my Christmas shopping online.  I'm going to buy myself a present this year.  I can't decide which I want more, a slave personal assistant or a cloning machine.  I guess if I had either, I'd have gotten to this a lot sooner.  Loves and Kisses!  Wish me luck on my search!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Facebook Morning...

My morning has been so full of "Facebook" moments. I'm embarrassed to say I thought one of them up during my breakfast prayer. That one won't get posted, just on principle. The first one was "Teaching Evan Zombie fighting strategies!" He is in love with Plants vs. Zombies. Really, who isn't? The second was "15 minutes and a change in the routine was all I needed to not scream at Anna in the morning" She has been having such a hard time getting things done in the morning lately that I feel I am yelling at her right up until she heads out the door. Today was MUCH improved. She even had time for a little Taylor Swift this morning! "Mission Accomplished" was one for Riley. He forgot to do a book report project, mainly because I actually burned up his rough draft (oops! You needed those scribbles?) So he came home yesterday so sad that he had to write the alternate ending instead of the poster, because he couldn't find his rough draft to turn in for approval (really am sorry about that). After a brilliant pep talk from me, he did both the alternate ending, which his teacher required, and the poster, just because he wanted to. I may not be the best at everything, but I am a good Mom. (except for the whole "yelling at Anna each morning and burning of homework" thing...) There were so many more this morning, but by now, they are all out of my head. Actually, there's never much in there anymore. Happy day to you all!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Recent projects...

Anna's dance class is doing the cutest little Jazz number this year.  They have these really bright costumes and her dance teacher asked if I could make a feathery little head piece to go with them.  This is what I came up with.  It looks so cute clipped in Anna's hair.  I've made 7 so far, only 3 left to go.  I had forgotten how much I love a glue gun!

We (Brandon!) also took out the sod in the side yard so we could get the garden started.  It turns out there is a lot of room out there.  I've planted some things (a little early, I know), and I can't wait to see it sprout and grow.  I'm excited to get a few more things in the ground.  This year we are going to grow lettuce, lots of colors of carrots, onions, radishes, corn, potatoes, broccoli, peppers, tomatoes and some herbs.  In the backyard, we will grow green beans, cucumbers and peas on the fence.  I'm really excited because it has been a few years since we've had a  veggie garden and I love picking things fresh and eating them.  Hurray! Grow, veggies, grow!

Thanks, babe!
I love you!