Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ooh, presents!

We've got a girly girl on our hands. But then again, who doesn't love a present left on the door step!
Gosh, it was the funniest thing ever to see her face light up when I showed her the present. Might also have been the colorful polka dots on the Gymboree box too:)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Oh, and by the way..

Kirk broke his hand this last week. No fun at all! Poor guy was just rolling jujitsu and snapped two of his hand bones in half. He said it hurt more than anything else he's ever broken (of which there has been many). He had to get surgery the other day and the picture above shows what they did to his bones. Plates and screws to put the pieces back together. The doctor says that it should heal within a couple weeks which is good because we have a trip to Hawaii planned for the end of October!
In the meantime, Kirk is being tough and I am attempting to take care him and the baby while working on a few deals in the mix. There's been speculation that Kirk broke his hand on purpose to get out of diaper duty. Well, I'll have you know I am keeping a tally so that he can play catch up when his hand heals. I would hate for him to miss out on that fun part of being a dad;)

We Love you Great-Grandpa Walt!

It's always a sad thing when the people you love get old and sick. My grandpa Walt however, is the epitome of a positive man that has made the most out of life! He is 92 years old and just recently found out he has a brain tumor. Up until now, he's been working, driving, playing poker and doing all of those things that he still loves. He hasn't let his aging body get the best of him. He comes over for dinner every Sunday and is always wants to play cards with us. We love him. He's always happy and positive and is a great role model as to how life should be enjoyed.
It's not the best place to visit, but the other night we went up to UCLA medical center to give him our love and best wishes. After being incoherent all day and not eating or even waking for the nurses or my dad, Grandpa perked up when he heard that Malia was coming to visit him. It was like he gathered all of his strength to be able to see his great granddaughter.
Here are the 4 generations of Webers. Grandpa Walt, my dad, me and baby girl. What a blessing that Malia will get to know that so many people loved her, especially her great grandpa Walt! We'll miss Grandpa when he goes, but he sure has a lot of people up there excited to see him! He's outlived 3 of his wives, and I am not sure which one is going to be hanging out with first!
A tender moment: Malia holding on to Grandpa's finger. He may not be able to fling her in the air and let us climb on him like monkeys like he did for all of us, but Malia sure likes him still the same:)

Just kickin' it at home

First day wearing shoes! I'll never understand why they make shoes so small seeing how they never even touch the ground, but it's fun to put them on anyway;)
Hanging out with mom
Juicy baby! My cousin Amber gave Malia this crazy adorable outfit and while it's a 6 month size, Malia seems to fit it quite nicely!
So many people say she's looking like my brother Travis.. What do you think? I do know that she has his personality which is funny! She is the BEST baby in the world; content, independent and non-fussy. She can focus on people's faces for an hour without getting bored. Total opposite of the type of difficult and horrible baby that I was. Good for me, sorry for my parents.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Malia's Blessing Day!

Here is the beautiful guest of honor: Malia Joy Schilling! She was given a name and a blessing on Sunday by her sweet and wonderful dad. So many people that love her were able to come down and visit and stand in as she was given the sweet blessing to be healthy, smart, obedient, a kind and good friend and many other great things! Kirk was so sincere and while he is not a man of many words, his blessing was simple and I loved it:)
Here is our little family! It's still weird to me to say "daughter" and admit that I have a child. Things like that are just crazy, I don't know why! Guess I don't know if I'm quite worthy to have such a sweet and precious little girl. She wore the same blessing dress that I got blessed in when I was 2 months old just like her! How neat is that?!
My side of the family: Uncle Con, Aunt Stacy, Kirk, me and Malia, Mom and Dad. We sure appreciated all the love and support from everyone, thank you!
Kirk got Malia ready the morning of the big day. Gave her a bath, dressed her and then attempted to put on some super awesome and rad pink skate shoes that Scott and Larissa gave her. They don't quite fit and I am not sure they would have worked for her blessing day, but she'll be wearing them soon enough:)
What a happy baby! Malia is the sweetest angel I could have ever hoped for! So NOT like me as a baby! She is happy, eats and sleeps well, is not colicky or fussy and is so smart and content already. It's like she understands what is going on around her. I know all parents say that but really. She is super duper smart, mark my words!
And she has two parents that love her more than anything in the entire universe! I can't get enough of my little doll!
Our eternal family:)

Here are some of the visitors that came down for Malia's big debut:
Grandma Kathy and Auntie Julie
Malia's funny little smirk;)
Cousins- Aiden and Kennedie
Have you ever seen a cuter picture in your life?!
Aiden was so sweet with Malia
Dad got some Malia time while the kids played Rock Band
Mama got to love and cuddle with her pumpkin
This is a sweet picture that Kathy took of Malia's dress and a picture of my family including my Grandma Ogata who made the dress many many years ago. I love my family! What a great day!

Malia's 7 week Doctor Visit

My little girl is so brave! She had to go in for her first round of shots last week and did wonderful. Of course I had to step out of the room while they gave her the shots because I would have cried more than her, but she was tough! She didn't even get a fever and hardly got fussy after.
The weighed and measured her and she is nearly 11 pounds and is not even 2 months yet! Yeah chunker! And she is a long 24 inches tall right now! Maybe we'll sign her up for Volleyball this next summer:)
They have these funny baby gowns for them to wear, but honestly, they are hard to stay on a grown up, let alone a non-stop wiggly baby!
This is our pumpkin after she got her 3 shots and had that syrupy medicine also. A few tears but dad was there to hold her and comfort her while mom was a big baby in the next room. Whew! Glad that's over and we're happy to report that Doc says Malia is healthy, beautiful and doing great!