Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Guess it's not this week Malia..

I have been reading about visualization and self affirming beliefs during labor and delivery, and they say that when you are ready to have your baby you should start to think of your cervix as this blooming flower. It'll start to open and "bloom" so the baby can come out. This is TMI for most of you, but it's not working for me anyway, so there. The doctor today said I have made NO progress since last week and that although my due date is next week, not to hold my breath.
I will just make some wild and crazy plans for the 4th of July weekend and with my luck I'll go into labor as the fireworks are going off and traffic comes to a stop:)
But really, I am feeling a little better than my fight last week with the sledge hammer, so that's good!
On another note, Malia is looking great! Head is measuring normal (not enormous like my pumpkin head), she has chubby cheeks and from what the doc thinks weighs in the mid 7 pound range right now.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

How I am feeling lately..

Yes, I feel as though someone picked one of these up and swung it as hard at they could toward my pelvic area. Sorry if that's TMI, but I am having trouble even standing up right now. I feel as though I have about 100 pounds of pressure pushing down in that area, which makes no sense since Malia couldn't possibly weigh that much.
Well, I am going to take it easy until I feel like I can walk around without crumbling over like a 95 year old lady.
Please come soon due date. I am ready for you and have already lost my bet of the full moon this month to welcome in Malia.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Bonfire-ing with the DeVilliers

Since the weather has been warming up and foil dinners are not only cheap but yummy, we decided to have a night of it with Kelly and Jason along with their friend from New Zeland, Reeve, who has never had foil dinner or a smore! It was fun having a night of firsts with him.
Yes, we had to cook our dinners on a BBQ since we were a little late getting down to the beach and snagging a fire pit. Guess a lot of other people have the same ideas as us.
Mmm, yummy! (That's for you Katie!!)
It got a little chilly and what the flip? Could I look any more exhausted and haggard? Yikes, get this baby outta me soon so I can go back to normal!
Where we lay the scene: Dana Point Harbor

Thursday, June 24, 2010

38 Weeks and ready to be done!!!

So I guess most girls have their "breaking" point when they say they are done being pregnant. I feel I am either there or right at it. I love being pregnant, but I am getting so uncomfortable with this ball of energy moving non-stop in me! Malia never stops! I mean, she is strong! At night I get painful contractions (which the dr. says might indicate impeding labor is on the way) and have to get up every couple of hours. I feel lucky to get a few hours of sleep in.
What's funny is that I have never been so busy with work! It's almost ridiculous! I have to be grateful that I can still work and that my body is holding up pretty well. Let's just close all these deals before she comes!
So my due date is technically July 9th, but even my doc said I might not make it there (yippee skippee!) We are all taking guesses as to when Malia will come and what her weight will be. We have dates starting this Saturday until after the due date. If you'd like to add your guess, we'll add it to the pool. Winner will get a prize! :)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

High School Baby Shower

From left: Shannon, Tiffany, me, Dawn, Jodi, Liz, Jenni and Natalie!
I am honestly overwhelmed with how much love and support all of my friends and family have given me throughout this pregnancy. It is touching to see the excitement people feel for bringing a new life into the world. I feel so blessed to have had 6 Baby Showers for little Malia! I already know that she is going to be spoiled by so many people that love her and that I love so dearly as well.
Some of my dearest friends, Natalie and Dawn threw me a shower a couple weeks back. They are some of the best friends I could ever hope for. They went all out to make sure the day was fun filled, beautiful and perfect. Thank you so much for a great party! The picture above shows some of the girls that I have been friends with for over decade. Most of them since freshman year in high school! It's so fun to have old friends to reminisce and laugh with. I love them!
While the day was the epitome of "June Gloom" for southern California, we had a wonderful time with yummy food and good company!
Jodi, Tiffany and Natalie. I've been buddies with these girls for half my lifetime!!
The Daddy to be was there for a little while because all the girls wanted to see him and congratulate him too. Kirk is a great sport when it comes to hanging out with all of my girlfriends. I make him do that so often and he is just a sweetheart!
Me and my cabbage head- Dawnski. I love her and we always figure out how to have the best time in the world. Yes, this time it included yummy cupcakes.
Dawn and Kelly working on the craft table. Aside from games, each girl was able to add a page to Malia's first scrapbook of old pictures, memories, advice and other words of wisdom for the mommy and little munchkin!
Jenni and Tiffany with their "diaper design." It had flowers along the sides of it. Points for cuteness, maybe some deductions for practicality;)
Mmmm, the cupcakes!
Liz and Jodi with their design. Kinda gross with the chocolate smeared along the backside, but points for humor!
I liked Natalie's comment to this picture: "Contains 1 Malia Joy, please unwrap in the beginning of July." Yes, Malia, you are full term now and have my permission to come at any time! We are all very excited to see you!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

While the Halvorsens were here...

The boys surfed at Doheny! It was Dave's first time but he did a fantastic job! In fact, I believe he stood up on his first wave.
My beautiful niece Kamryn and adorable nephew Bentley both got cutter and got extra lovin' from their auntie Chels. We played with Hobbs a lot, and that was fun too!
Bentley and Dave learned how to "check the surf"
Uncle Kirk and Bentley went for an exciting train ride at the Spectrum. I think they were overwhelmed with excitement;)
Kamryn kept nibbling her fingers
Uncle Kirk and Auntie Chels were so excited to have the Halversens stay with them. They try every time to figure out how they can make it a permanent visit.
Oh yeah, and I got bigger. Again. This phenomenon happens almost daily I believe.

Ju-Ju-Be Photo Shoot!!

A while back before I got larger than the state of Texas, I did some photo shoot time for Ju-Ju-Be! It was a blast! I LOVE LOVE LOVE their stuff and was more than happy to model for product! It was kinda funny though because they wanted me to be pregnant (which I totally am) yet I was supposed to have a little baby.. Man, that just sounds kinda stressful! ;) Do you you like the cute Mums Pack-a-Be bag I am wearing above? I do! And that is one of the bags I got for Malia! In fact, it is now packed and ready for the hospital!
What a beautiful day to be strolling down by the water at Salt Creek!
Do you see how adorable their things are?! If you not familiar with Ju-Ju-Be, I highly recommend you getting to know them! You will love all of their stuff like I do!
They make big and small diaper bags, beach bags and even purses and wallets! I also got their Be-Quick sachtel that lets you carry a few diapers and wipes when needed.
I loved this new Black leather purse so much after modeling it that I wanted one for myself:) And I also got the matching purse. Too fun! Thanks Ju-Ju-Be for the fun day!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Memorial Day 2010

Me and Sarah!
I didn't mean to break them apart, it was just where Kirk dug a hole for my belly. It felt pretty nice to lay on my stomach for once!
It was a gorgeous day down at Riviera!
The Shaffers from Vegas: Nate, Kim and their cutie-pie girls- Ireland and Eden:)
We came, we conquered and we went home with a tan:) It was a good day spent with the Andersons and the Shaffers! Thanks for the fun day, let's do it again next year!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Jill Facer's AWESOME Maternity Pictures!

Thank you Jill for the special Maternity shoot that you did! We loved it! It was hard to pick my favorites, so I just included some of them:)
If anyone is thinking of doing Maternity photos, or any photos for that matter, you HAVE to give her a call! And it also makes for a great gift for someone too!
(949) 338-7021
And I have to give it up to my sweet husband who initially didn't want to do it. After it was over he even said it was "not that bad, and kinda fun." I think it's cuz Jill is so fun and made it so easy and fun to do! We had a great time going down to the pier and capturing these final moments of our pregnancy!

Thanks for stopping by! This is just the two of us... for now!
We're excited to meet you Malia!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Malia's Labor and Delivery.. Test Run

So I'm new to this whole pregnancy and labor thing, right? I'm entitled to be unsure and confused as to what "real" labor is. I decided to practice the whole labor and delivery thing yesterday with Kirk and well, let's just say I do feel a lot more prepared as to what to expect.
I am 36 weeks along. The baby is probably around 6 pounds or so, and is fully developed. In my mind, she really could come at any point.
As I'm walking through Babies-R-Us yesterday I couldn't ignore the tremendous back pain I was feeling. Then, to make matters worse I had been having these dreadful cramps and shooting pains all over my stomach (called contractions I have learned). It was probably my fault for lifting heavy things all morning and moving furniture around the day before. But I can't help but feel like I am still able to do everything normal regardless of this basketball that sits in front of me. Doctor says I need to stop that.
Back to Babies-R-Us. I am pushing my cart around seeing what to get with some credit I had and I have to sit down. It KILLS! I am hunched over and trying to just sit it out. I get up after a while and it comes on strong again. I have to stop in my tracks and just stare into space. They are strong and painful and constant. I put away the things I wanted to buy and head to my car. I call Labor and Delivery and explain my symptoms: cramps all along my stomach, back pain that won't go away and difficulty walking around. I expected the nurse to say to drink some water, go sit down and relax but am shocked when she says, " you better come in right away. I will let them know you are coming and we'll admit you." UM EXCUSE ME??!!
So, I start balling and stressing out as I drive to the hospital in wonderful Southern California rush hour traffic on the 405. Kirk is composed and packs me a bag and meets me there.
I check in, they hook up baby monitors and a devise that shows the contractions. I am having them every 3-5 minutes. The midwife comes in and does the MOST PAINFUL examination I have ever had. The contractions become stronger and more frequent. Thanks a lot lady. Then they want me to walk the halls for 2 hours! I am dying. I am hungry, tired, and they won't let me eat or sit.
Hours and hours later they check me again. Cervix is a bit soft but totally closed. So I get to go home. It is like 11 pm. way past our bedtime.
Today I am still having contractions, and the doc says that I might not make my due date. I am supposed to take it easy for another week and then the baby is considered "full term" and can come whenever. Thank goodness I didn't have Malia yesterday. That would have been terrible since I am not ready for her.
I am in nesting mode hard drive now. I am doing laundry, more laundry, went to Babies-R-Us without a problem today, and am organizing and organizing. I feel like I am on meth or something.
So, that was a fun day. How was yours?

Monday, June 7, 2010

A Fabulous Shower Thrown by Fabulous Friends!

Last weekend Brittany and company threw me an AMAZING baby shower! I never realized how much fun and wonderful baby showers could be! I was so impressed with all the prep work Brittany, Rachelle, Tracy and Brette put in to making this day so special and beautiful! It was a gorgeous day in Capo beach and Tracy has such a GORGEOUS house that is was impossible not to admire the views and enjoy the day:) Thank you so much girls for making this day so special!
In addition to wonderful friends, my family was able to come down from all sorts of areas (Morgan Hill, Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska, Hawaii, Las Vegas..) it was crazy how far everyone had to travel. The picture above are my beautiful sister in laws and mother in law: Jill, Kathy, me, Chris, Sami and Julie- they are so wonderful and I love them more than anything!
Two pregger girls: Lindsay and me! I was SO happy to see Linds since she has been so sick with her pregnancy, I have missed her!
Emma Jane with Davi Rose, Jenn, Sarah me and Becky with Eli
Me with Jill and Marsha
One of my long time buddies- Kim! We were friends at BYU Hawaii eons ago and I still love her! Thanks for coming down from Vegas, it was very very fun!
The Schilling girls!
Two of the hostesses Brittany and Brette with Becky and Chrissy. Do you see the view?! It was gorgeous! And such a nice and warm spring day!
Look at all those Hapa Girls!;) Me with my sister and cousins- They are so fun! We had a blast of a weekend! I just wish they all lived closer!
Baby girls are the best! Their stuff is beyond adorable!!!
I have the BEST friends in the world! I was so touched to see all the love and support from everyone there. Having a baby is such an exciting event in your life and I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to bring this little girl into the world. One thing is for sure, she is going to be spoiled rotten by so many loving people in her life!
The talented Emma Jane:) Who made the most amazing baby shoes, infant carrier cover and clips!
My sister in law Sami. I love her!
My mom and sis, Brooke. Brookie is now in the MTC where she's learning Spanish and how to be an awesome missionary!
M is for Malia and for Many fun times and Most lovely friends in the world!!
Linds, Tracy, and Rachelle relaxing in the shade:) I think most of the guests went home with a tan or a little sunburn!
Just beautiful! Thanks Britt!
LOVE all my presents! Malia is just going to go crazy with all of her fabulous gifts!
And the food:) Mmm good!
Thanks everyone! I had a marvelous time! :)