Wednesday, February 17, 2010

20 Weeks!!

Here's my 20 week shot just in case you weren't getting sick of seeing my belly yet:) It seems like there are less bloggers out there lately due to facebook and people having lives, but eh, it's fun for us to go back and look at our photo memory lane!
I went to go register with Julie and Brittany yesterday and that was a fun yet overwhelming experience! I can't fathom all the baby stuff one needs to get! I mean, wedding registry was a piece of cake! Thank you so much to the girls though, I couldn't have done it without them:)
Kirk and I are up to our heads in work right now, which is good and bad. I have this listing that hopefully will close soon, so that's good! We are also working with a lot of clients to buy them houses, so that is great too!
While Kirk is one of the most talented and brilliant men out there, not everyone he works with is.. and it breaks us down and breaks our hearts. There has been more added stress on our plates the last couple of days and I am just like "are you kidding me?! Now, when we are trying to be excited about a new baby?!"
We'll have to cross our fingers that everything works out and that Kirk gets what he deserves- the best. I love that man and hate to see him so stressed out.
Wow, this post just turned into a facet to vent on! Sorry about that! Just wanted to let it out and now I feel better. Guess I'll go sell a house now:)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

18 week photo:)

This isn't me, this is our dog Hobbs. As you can see he is beside himself with excitement for this new baby girl coming! I just had to post this picture because while he is a dog (and my baby boy but non-animal people don't understand that) he provides us with so much happiness and endless laughs! Thanks Hobbs for being the best dog in the world!
Sine we're having a GIRL, I decided to cut up one of the boy tops I bought at a garage sale and use it for Hobbs. He seriously loves the attention and wearing clothes. I love him:)
And then there's the belly. Here is our baby girl growing away! This was a week or so ago and will have to post another one soon of the 20 week shot. I just can't believe this whole adventure is already half way over! I am loving it now! Not sick, regaining my energy and working out again feels WONDERFUL!!! I still try to get in those afternoon naps when I can, but love being pregnant!