Wednesday, December 30, 2009

13 weeks!

Okay guys, sorry if you are not into the belly shots, but they are my photo journal and it'll be fun to look back on them:)
I hit my 13 week and am starting to feel a little bit better. I don't want to throw up anymore and can actually make it through the day without feeling nauseous. I still get tired and towards the end of the night I have had about enough..
I have a baby bump! Others can notice it too. Kirk likes to rub it and say hi to the baby which is about the size of a peach:) We love him or her and still feel like it's a boy... I can't wait to find out!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

12 Weeks!

I think my baby tracker is off a couple days.. Monday was a great day. I went with my mom to see our baby. He/she is doing good! I saw the strong heart beat and his/her arms, legs, hands, feet.. It was miraculous! He even bent his legs and arms and kicked for us.
It's a touching moment for me because he is bigger than our last baby ever got which gives me tremendous hope. After having a miscarriage before, just seeing that heart beat is all I would ever want for Christmas.
"It's amazing how the smallest little thing can fill up the majority of your heart."
Keep going strong baby! We routing for you!!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Julie's Birthday Night!

The other weekend we had the fun-tastic chance to go out for Julie's birthday! Deciding to make it a girls' night out, Emma Jane, Sarah, Julie, Lauren and myself went out to a fun dinner at Benihana's and then went to go see the Nutcracker!
We had such a good time enjoying yummy food and an entertaining ballet. Happy 28th birthday Jules!
Julie might be a little upset with this photo, but I had to post it because it was just too funny not to. While we were finishing up dinner the vent from above the Te pan grill started to lightly leak. It was quite gross and Julie was determined to stop it. So go-getter Julie climbed on this chair to tighten the grease catcher. Well, in doing so, the grease catcher totally let loose and spilled below on her and Emma and Sarah. We can laugh about it now, but it was really quite gross when it happened. Julie was just trying to help!
Oh well, she's still the cutest girl ever:)
It was my first time to go see the Nutcracker and I had a great time! I wasn't even sure what to expect and enjoyed watching the very talented dancers perform. We had a great night together and hope to have many more to come:)

On a side note: I had another ultrasound today and got to see our little baby move around like crazy! It's got arms and legs and feet and hands! I even saw him cross his legs at his ankles! He waved hi to us and kicked up a storm. I call him a boy because I think a girl would be too refined to act so rambunctious ;) Well, we love you whatever you are you little lime sized miracle!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

A Day at Disneyland and an Ugly Christmas sweater party!

Have you ever seen so many gorgeous sweaters before? I mean, people, I was surrounded by a bunch of hotties last night! A big shot out to Jon and Jill for hosting yet another successful "Ugly Sweater Party" at their adorable new place last night. It was a joyous night of Wassail and Cocoa, treats and delicious soups and of course classic white elephant gifts that we can now store away for next year.;)
Although my husband reminds me that I am half Asian, I look especially Asian in this picture.
Kirk insisted on us bringing Hobbs to the party because not only does he enjoy a night out on the town with great friends, but he had a great Christmas sweater that he wanted to show off to everyone. My boy- what a little show off.
Well, the sweaters may have been ugly, but the company sure wasn't:)
The ever festive Asay family. Although Own may not look like he's having fun, he actually was tearing it up at the party!

Earlier that day....

We ventured to California Adventure to spend the day with Kirk's parents and Kirk's brother Jimmy and their family. Even though the weather kinda sucked and it was freezing, you wouldn't have known cuz we had a blast! A big thank you to the little guy in me that cooperated until at least 2:30 before slowing me down.
Have you guys been to California Adventure? I love it! And I love California! We are so priviledged to live in such a beautiful place (can't you see the shining sun?). While riding "Soarin through California" I almost cried at how beautiful this state is that we live in and all the amazing things we get to enjoy. Flippin' hormones! Gosh, I almost cried on "Soarin' through California!"
My three adorable neices and nephews: Skyler, Brock and Sloan:)
Famous sitings run a plenty at the Happiest place on earth!
I have never seen a cuter picture than this.. Sloan was so excited at Bug's Life
Kirk makes such a great uncle that I just know he is going to be the best dad in the world. I love all these people in this picture very, very much!
Because we had little kids and I am restricted on what I can ride right now, we had the opportunity to ride some of the more "docile" rides at the park. We had fun!
And what's everyone's favorite part about amusement parks? THE FOOD.
Me and little Sis:)
So there you have it! We still looooove to party! Hope everyone else is having a blast this holiday season!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

10 weeks!

I know it might be early to start posting the belly shots, but I just can't help myself! I am 10 weeks right now and am already noticing changes to my body. I won't be one of those whiners that complains about getting fat, because if that is what it will take to make a healthy baby- that's what I'll do! I have my due date now of July 9, 2010 and in the last appointment Kirk and I got to see baby complete with arms and legs and a nice noggin! In fact, in keeping with the Schilling/ Weber show off mode he/she even gave us a little kick to make its presence known:) Yeah, we couldn't be happier. The nausea, headaches, chronic fatigue, sickness, moodiness, bloating, smelling aversions, and just plain out of sorts is sooooo worth it:)

p.s. I'm not quite sure what I was wearing that day- it's been cold and I've been sick so my outfits are quite interesting lately.. sorry.