Friday, April 17, 2009

Turning 28 was fun!

So, I'm not sure what's up with this blog layout today, but I am going to make this post snappy!
This last week I was fortunate enough to turn 28:) I say fortunate because I always like being an even number more than being an odd.. not sure why, just do. In fact, I thought my 28th year was always going to be a good one! That was the year that I was planning on getting married and figured I would be rich and famous;) Well, I got married when I was 25, so that wasn't the case, and as far as being rich and famous- still working on that I guess.
Kirk threw me such a fun beach party for my birthday down at Riviera's. I love that beach! Kirk actually proposed to me down on that beach, so it'll always hold a special place in my heart. It was a day complete with friends, pizza, smashball, sand castle making, and sunshine:)
We decided that since we have an offer in on a home here in San Clemente, we're going to pass on a real birthday present this year. We are still patiently awaiting everything to go through as we stress our brains out with buying this house!
So, here are the photos from the day at the beach, hope everyone is doing well and surviving this mini-heat wave we're having right now!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Hello everyone! This is Kirk sending you all an invitation to come hang out with Chelsea and me this coming Saturday at Rivi's at 12:30. We will be celebrating her birthday with pizza and soda pop. We have ordered good weather and some fun waves for the occasion. There will be a smash ball tournament, bochi ball game and a sand castle contest. There has also been a nasty rumor floating around about a possible slip and slide down at the beach! Be prepared, prizes will be awarded!

Please RSVP so I may order the correct amount of food.

Hope to see you there!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Can you say an extra prayer?

So, it's after midnight and I really can't sleep. It might be the fact that my mind is racing about the offer we put in on a house down here in San Clemente. Or it might be the Scentsy order I've been meaning to input. Or, perhaps the huge boxes of past Scentsy orders I need to organize for customers. Then again, I have two car orders that I am looking to fill within the next week or two. Then there's the sad reality of three loads of laundry laying on our couch that I have been too busy to fold. I won't even get into the stuff I have going on for Kirk's new business.. My head is spinning.
To compound matters even more, we got some sad news the other night. My uncle Winston who is a General Contractor out in Hawaii fell off a second story roof. It was really windy that day and even though he's been in the business for over thirty years, accidents happen. He luckily fell on a pile of rubble which doctors think is the only way he survived. The problem is that he immediately went unconscious and hasn't woken up since. They have already done two surgeries and had to remove his spleen and part of his large intestines. And they're not done yet. They are going to have to do more surgeries to figure out what else needs to be removed/repaired/replaced. I feel sick about it because my uncle is the most energetic and active 57 yr. old you've ever met and he probably won't ever be the same- if he can get through this.
So, if anyone is going to the temple soon, or remembers to add anything else to their prayers, please help remember my uncle Winston because I love him so much and want to make sure he's okay. Thanks guys.