Thursday, October 30, 2008


I'm not sure if we are going to get to dress up this year, so I thought I'd include us from last year... You know we look good:)
HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!! Hope you all have a fun and safe night!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Ooh fun! Another tag!

8 TV Shows I Like to watch:

...Uh, I don't even watch American Idol. But our cable bill is $0 so what up!!

8 Restaurants I like to eat at:
  • my house
  • my parents' house
  • your house:) (economy's tough guys!)
  • Roy's
  • Chart House
  • Pizza Port
  • Wahoo's
  • Del Mar Sushi
8 Things that happened today:
  • worked
  • I got a TB shot so I can keep teaching
  • I attempted to work out in mid 80 degree weather
  • We had a fabulous dinner at Tiff and Jamie's (see above for favorite places to eat)
  • Watered our Plumeria tree that might be dying..
  • I looked at houses for sale in San Clemente
  • Kirk got hotter
  • Got into a friendly, yet intense debate about Prop 8 with a friend

8 Things I am looking forward to:
  • Getting a dog
  • Having kids someday
  • Having long hair again
  • November 5 which means the election is over
  • Moving into a place that has a yard for our new dog
  • My cute fall clothes
  • The next fun vacation or adventure
  • For McCain to WIN!

8 Things on my wish list:
  • A new dog
  • Peace and Love
  • Unlimited free flights to Hawaii
  • Cute babies
  • A marriage where people think we always act like newlyweds
  • For the economy to pick back up
  • Back and foot massage
  • A new pair of black converse

8 People to tag:
  1. Katie
  2. Kim
  3. Stephanie
  4. Melanie
  5. Brittany
  6. Rach
  7. Sami
  8. everyone else that is reading this right now!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Pumpkin Carving Time!

I love Halloween! I love the King family! I love carving pumpkins with awesome friends and a super fun family! A big shout out to the Kings for inviting us for a fabulous night of delicious food, pumpkins, tricks and treats and even ghost stories to finish off the night!
The gang!
Geniuses at work deciding on the artwork for the night

Can I just say how much I love Will and Sara and the fact that Will put on this spooktacular Halloween vest just for the night?! Kirk's skills totally whooped mine. He went for a challenging skeleton while I opted for what seemed to be an easier pirate to carve.Chris' painted pumpkin
Me and Kels

Some of the masterpieces
Kirk's awesome skeleton which looked so much better in real life

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wacky Weather

I just want to clarify- it's fall right? Well, it didn't feel like it today when my car said 102 degrees.. 102 degrees at the end of October!! Argh! I so DESPERATELY want to wear cute fall clothes but days like today totally sabotage my wardrobe. Instead of wearing jeans I was wishing I was in a summer dress... or a bikini... not like I have any though...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The new Fall and Winter SCENTSY is here!!!

Yesterday I received my new testers for the Fall and Winter Scentsy scents and, oh my GOODNESS!!!! They smell amazing! New scents like Creamy Nutmeg, Pecan Crumble, Irish Cream and Christmas tree are sure to get you in the Holiday spirit this season. With my already classic favorites Pumpkin Roll, Toasted Apple Butter and Sugar Cookie you will be guaranteed to have your home smelling not only inviting, but DELICIOUS!

So, to get everyone in the Fall and Winter spirit I am going to be doing Promotions for Scentsy. I will be giving out $10 gift cards to Nordstroms for everyone that hosts a Scentsy party before December. Scentsy parties are fun! It's basically an excuse to get your friends and family together and smell some yummy stuff. Scentsy is totally flame less and makes a great gift! With Christmas here before we know it, wouldn't it be great to get rid of that task before the holidays? There are over 80 scents to choose from and beautiful warmers for everyone! Scentsy parties can be done any night of the week and I will help you host it! Leave me a comment, email or call me if you are interested and then get your free Nordstrom's gift card!
p.s. When you host a party you get FREE SCENTSY TOO! It's a win win!
Take a look at my website for more info or to view the new Fall/Winter catalog and I hope to hear from you soon!

The Beachfire Bride

I think a huge part of finding happiness is liking (or loving) the people you work with. Work is actually not work when paired with fun people that you get along with and love. I love these girls. I call them my "Beachfire Babes" and I have worked with them for so many years (on and off) that they are all like sisters!
Stacy got married this last weekend at the Villa in San Juan and it was absolutely beautiful!!! I wish I took more pictures but at the moment I was so in awe with everything that I forgot to snap some photos. The ceremony was perfect. The location beautiful. Stacy was breathtaking, and I was in love with her dress and veil. Her flowers, bridesmaids, food, Sprinkles cupcakes were all done to the tee!
What a fun time seeing her on her special day!
Whether we are there now or not, these are the Beachfire girls: Dawn, Nicole, me, Kelly, Jen, Stacy, Brittany and Jenni:)
Two of my favorites! Kelly and Stacy! Congrats again!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

A word about "Rock Band"

I LOVE IT. I now understand what all this hype is about. This could very well be the best possible way to waste a few (or many) hours in your day. Last night Kelly and Jason came down with theirs and we rocked the night away. I'm not sure if our neighbors appreciated the fine music we were creating, but hey- when you have these creative juices flowing you can't hide that sort of talent!