Friday, March 28, 2008

Welcome Baby Owen!

Remember the cute pregnant girl I've had on my blog? Well, this is the sweet lil' thing that came out of her Tuesday afternoon! I'd like to extend a big welcome to Baby Owen Asay that is beautiful, healthy and already such a good baby! Good job Joe and Brittany!
Weighing in at almost 7 pounds, Owen was a couple days late, but at least he didn't cause his mommy too much trouble. She went to the hospital the night before but only had to push for like a half an hour! Lucky girl!
The new daddy, Joe. They are both such naturals and I have to give it up to Britt who looked beautiful even though she just had a baby! You would have never known she had just been in labor!

He looks so tall in this picture! Owen is perfect, and although I just barely missed watching him come into the world (I was stuck on duty at school) I was really glad I was able to see him just minutes after he came into the world. I got choked up walking up to the room! Brittany made it look so easy that I feel like I am ready to go! Congrats you guys, we love you!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I notice a LOT of yellow!

So, it's time for some updates of what's been going on in our lives... First of all, happy belated Easter to all of you! I hope you all had great times with family or friends, and lots of yummy food! This year was unique for us for sure. With my dad down in Guatemala (fixing the boat and doing some fishing) and my mom in Hawaii (getting my grandma's house ready to sell:( ), I was left in charge of Easter dinner this year! Travis flew in Saturday night, so it was just Kirk, Trav and me for Easter. Although not big in numbers, it was a night big on food and enjoying each other's company!
What else did we do for this action packed weekend? Let's see... Kirk and I got to do dinner with Scott and Larissa one night who are seriously some of the funnest and raddest people ever, then we met up at a local favorite- Cherry on Top for Tim's Birthday dessert time.
Niccole and I went on this really fun (and long!) nature hike this weekend too, which was not only great exercise but also really beautiful. We hiked the hills at the end of the green belt by my parents house and I would've never guessed how much land there is to cover there! We got to see breathtaking views of San Clemente, Dana Point harbor, San Juan and lots of ocean! I don't ever want to take this beautiful place where we live for granted!

The start of the hike. Nic admiring the scenery!

Such one of the many trails along this hike. The hills go on forever! We met lots of friendly people along the way as well as a good samaritan that was forging a path for others.

There were so many flowers! Talk about springtime! Although I am sure most of them are considered weeds, we loved the various yellow and purple flowers that were all over the hillsides.

Props to Moo who joined us for this two hour hike. She was so pooped towards the end of it that she kept jumping up on my leg like so, as to say, "ok, I'm done. I need to be carried now." I'm such a sweet mom and carried her the last leg of the trail.
And then there was the awesomely fun BYU volleyball game! Julie's husband, Russel plays for BYU and they played against Long Beach State on Friday. You may notice that I am in bright yellow which happens to be CSULB's color's, but throw me some slack- Kirk and I had just come from temple night and I was limited on my outfit selections:)

Naomi loved the game! She also loved it when we were all shouting and cheering for BYU! I can't get over what a perfect baby she is! She is always happy and so flippin' cute that I just pray our kids are half as wonderful!

Apparently Chrissy didn't get the memo either about "no yellow." Oh well, she looks cute, so that is really all that matters! Niccole, you look super cute as always!

Da boys. Kirk showing off that gorgeous smile of his. I guess he might sometimes get fed up with me always yelling at him to smile:)

So, even though BYU didn't win (VERY close and intense game however) we had a blast and was even able to hit up Roscoe's Chicken-n-Waffles after the game. It was a first for Kirk and me and we were instant fans. Does fried chicken and homemade waffles go good together?? Apparently so! Yum!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Timmy's Birthday and Easter Eggs!

Can we say "Happy Birthday Timmy?!" On Sunday we were able to have a fun BBQ for Tim's big 23! It's crazy to me that he is only 23- guess he just has the maturity of someone our age:) The weather didn't cooperate and rained for most of the day, but the burgers were so tasty and the treats and cupcakes were amazing! The weather did not stop this party crowd from having an awesome time! Niccole did such a great job hosting this party and made so many yummy things! After a long day at church, Kirk and I are always starved, so, a big thank-you to the Johnsons for a fun party!
Action shot of the wish making! Beautiful cupcakes courtesy of Niccole and her mom:)

Some of the party goers: Kirk, Luke and Naomi (Chrissy had to leave for a meeting), Julie, Nic, Timmy with lil Sadie on the floor somewhere.

Some of the chicas: Sadie, Julie, Me, Britt (due in less than a week!!) and Niccole

I know that Easter isn't til next Sunday, but my parents are going to be in Hawaii and then outta the country for the next couple of weeks, so we had to do our Easter Sunday a little early. It may seem silly that we still have our tradition of decorating and then finding eggs, but it's seriously a ton of fun. We spent our Sunday morning gathered around the table as a family talking, laughing and decorating some of the most creative eggs yet! My little sister, Brooke is home from BYU for the weekend, so it has been really fun hanging out with her- I miss that girl! After successfully decorating and dyeing the eggs, my dad had the challenge to hide the eggs so we could later find them. Not only hiding the hard boiled ones, but he also hid eggs with money in it:) And ladies and gentlemen, I am talking about the big bucks! Some had a quarter in it, but some had up to 3 whole dollars in it!! I mean, after the egg hunt I was ready to retire! Gotta love family, they are all so great and fun to be around!

Some of the artwork being showcased.

One of Kirk's most celebrated designs. He calls it "Booger Eater" and this one is currently listed for $1,000. For purchasing inquires, contact me!
Oh! Before I forget! Kirk also gave a talk yesterday at church. He said he was really nervous, but you couldn't tell because he did such a great job! I had people all day coming up to me saying what a great talk it was and how sweet of a husband he is- I agree! I am sooo grateful that I wasn't asked to speak also because I hate it! But, props to my awesome husband that is so busy yet still has time to prepare an awesome talk for church!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Is the awesome weather here to stay??

I submit that it is!!
I gotta give it up for days like today. I guess this is why people pay the big bucks to live by the beach because today was an A+ beautiful day! Or, rather than pay the big bucks, they can be like us and live with their parents which is a temporary, but much cheaper alternative. I was telling Kirk today- I love my parents and all, but I really really hope our house sells in Vegas so we can find another place out here!
I knew it was going to be a gorgeous day when on duty at morning recess I was already too hot in just jeans and a t-shirt. This time change is just what this sunshine-happy, warm-weathered gal is looking for! Wanting to take advantage of the day I took my running buddy, Moo, and headed down to North Beach (Pico) for a long run along the beach trail there. This is seriously one of my favorite things to do in the whole world. I love the beach, love the waves, and love that people were laying out and it's only March. I love that people smile and say "hi" as you run by them. San Clemente is such a great place and Kirk and I are really looking forward to one day (probably in the far, far future) getting a house down by the beach and going down for BBQs and long afternoons soaking up the sun.
Kirk was able to meet us down at 204's after work and caught some pretty fun waves. He really is such a great surfer and I am so impressed at how talented he is. He would never say it, but he was the best guy out in the water today. Here, here for beach bums and for what looks like the beginning of a fun and warm summer! Yeah!
p.s. Sorry to you folks out in Utah, but as soon as we win the lottery and buy our huge beach house you guys will be more than welcome to come enjoy this awesome California weather!

Monday, March 3, 2008

March 1st Madness

We went and surfed some fun sessions Saturday. The first at Lost Winds and the second at Three Arch. We managed to miss all of the good waves that were at other spots that day but we had a blast hanging out with everyone. The session at 3 Arch was a crack up. I like this pic of us all chillen in the agua. Tim and Joe are some funny cats to surf with. This is the new hood...very hot.

Later that night we all went and ate great food with bad service at Filitacos. We all ate for so cheap. We then headed over to Cherry on Top. That place is sooooo goooood. My wife made us a killer dish of yogurt. I love her so much!

Our dog, the lil Moo was so concerned with us surfing. It was her first time down at the beach with me in the water. She tried swimming after me but then got in a fight with a 2 foot baby reef shark. Moo tore the sharks back fin off and only came out of the scuffle a lil dazed and wet. My lil Moo is so tough.

Big shout out to Chelsea my super hot, rad, sweet, fun, hilarious, goofy, happy, crazy awesome wife for coming down to 3 Arch to hang with us. Since she has come home from Hawaii I can't go without her for too long. I miss my bestfriend. This is crazy cuz before I met and fell in love with the goof ball, I was totally happy doing my own thing and just cruising. She has become such a major part of my life. I am so much happier with her around.

Okay, sorry for all of you that just read all that mushy stuff, but Chelsea rules!

Well, living here in the OC is great. Work is killer, our friends are the best and life is just great.