Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Keely at 18 months!!

Our Keely Bear!!  Stats: 25 lbs. almost 32 inches tall (off the charts big as usual) :)  And voted cutest baby in all of the world!!!!  We sure are lucky to have this snuggle bug as our baby girl!  She is easy going, happy, mellow, tough and a joy to be around.  She loves to copy her big sister and watches people like a hawk.  She is timid around strangers and has become a mama's girl.  She LOVES to eat still and is always excited for "tweets!" and will giggle when you hand her a ziploc bag of goodies:)  Her favorites include: berries, broccoli, peas, edamame, string cheese, puffs (still), pirate booty, chicken/turkey, and fruit snacks.
She loves her sleep and will take a 2-3 hour nap in the day and still sleep almost 12 hours at night!  Thank the lord for that!!  Mama likes her sleep too!
She is excited to go places and is always wanting to go "owside" and "beeeach" You can find her almost always putting on shoes (sometimes hers, sometimes others) wherever we go!  We live in a shoe jungle right now:)
She LOVES the water and LOVES to swim!  I mean face down, under water and smiling the whole time!  It amazes me how she doesn't swallow water with her mouth open to a smile and her eyes open.  She is a fish!
Keely's hair is coming in silky and long!! I can put it in all sorts of piggies, ponytails and even a braid if I want!  She is beautiful.  This is the truth!  I can't wait to see how gorgeous she is when she gets older.  But wait, I don't want to her grow any more!  She's already so big and although she still lets me cuddle her and hold her like a baby I realize that she is entering toddlerhood:(
And sadly, keely is thinning out.  We all knew this day was going to come, but it's sad to see the fat rolls melting off her velvety soft skin!  She's still rocking a few arm rolls and sports some healthy chubby cheeks so that is good:)
Oh Keely!  Just the thought of kissing her makes me want to attack her while she is napping right now!!  I love you to the moon!!!

Malia turns 3!!!!!

 Malia Joy to the world Schilling is now 3!!!  In many ways we were joking that she really should be turning 4 based on her maturity, height and abilities, but 3 is just about as perfect as can be:)  We love 3 so far!!  We celebrated this little princess with a myriad of fun parties- at preschool, with her friends at a Princess tea party, with our family at a Fancy Nancy Fabulous night out and then with our little family:)  We love you Malia!! You are the funniest, spunkiest, smartest, cutest, and bestest little 3 year old we have ever known!

 Malia's favorite book series is the "Fancy Nancy" collection so we decided to celebrate in style and everyone was so obliging to our little princess:)  We got out the tutus, accessories, boas and all manner of fabulous-ness and dined out at Ruby's in San Juan.  What a hit (and scene) we made there!

 And then we couldn't forget the fact Malia IS a princess so we invited her little girlfriends over for her 1st real birthday party with dress-up, crafts, tea party-ing, and even a visit from Cinderella herself!

 The girls were in heaven with dancing, singing and twirling around in all manner of girly-ness.  Having a girl is like the best thing ever, am I right?!  Well, I know nothing different so for me it's the greatest:)

At Malia's 3 year old check up (as expected) she measured up at almost 42 inches tall (that's tall enough for Space Mountain and Tower of Terror you guys!) and weighed in at 36 pounds.  Basically, she is off the charts for her height and really should be a 4 year old:)

She is excelling in Ms. Dianne's ABC preschool this year with the other 4 year olds that she is good friends with.  She loves learning and going to school and being with her friends.  She is such and social little girl and is always up for adventures and activities.  I get so worn out managing her social calender! :)

So there you have it!  Malia is now 3.  I really can't believe it and swear I was just looking at that pregnancy stick imagining if I would ever have a sweet baby girl.  I am so blessed and we sure love you Princess Malia!!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Solvang "camping" trip 2013

Highlights of our camping trip to Solvang:
Staying in an awesomely nice house at the end of fun-filled (and dirty) days.  That means hot showers for us and girls and warm milk for Malia girl.  Noise makers and soft beds= the best:)
Hiking through some questionable vegetation (poison oak) to get to some pretty neat (and semi sulfur stinky) hot springs
Exploring Ventura Beach and the harbor on the way up
Kirk getting to surf
A fun beach day and cruising around different places
Blueberry picking!!  (all time highlight for me) nothing yummier
Campvibes:) campfires, dinners together (10 families to start with) love them all!
smores and homemade cobbler
Solvang and yummy breakfasts of diabetes inducing danishes
The best and funnest times with an awesome crew:)  We love all of our friends here and are so blessed to have so many of them!