Friday, September 19, 2008

adik bongsu saya

nik fatimah syahidah nama diberi
berumur 9 tahun sudah tahun ini
jangan bermain guli ngan die klu x reti men guli
nati menyesal di kemudian hari....

sebagai anak sulung dlm keluarga, cabaran terbesar adalah mengatasi seorang adik bongsu..ha8
saya x tahu akan orang lain macam mana, tapi ini adalah saya.....
imah(suspek) merupakan seorang bayi besar yang sangat aktif..... makanan kegemaran nya ialah kulit ayam, ha9.... oleh sebab itu suspek lebih berat dari abangnya yang berusia 11 tahun....
imah sangat2 cerewet n teliti....boleh dikatakan semua anak bongsu macam tu ( mintak ampun)....

"ja check air sirap tu manis ke dok" >>>> ni d bulan puasa

" ja bakpo ayam ni nampak pelik" >>>>> ni ketika saya mula2 blaja memasak

" ja bawok keta molek gak" >>> ketika cuba berlumba di jalan raya

dia juga seorang yang sangat super duper queen control, dia mesti menang dalam semua situasi peperangan dingin atau panas antara sesama adik bradik kandung

"aiman! jangan nyanyi, x sdak" >>> ketika aiman cuba nyanyi lagu feveretnya dalam keta

"najwa!imah nop tgk cito td laaa" >> ketika najwa cuba menukar siaran...kisah berakhir dgan tv kehilangan punat

"ja, imah nop kain tu la" >>> ketika cuba berebut kain baju kurung raya yang cantik... die menang, x cantik pom kain tuh.....

tapi anak bongsu nie, ciriY ialah jika kita berbuat baik dgn die, die akn 1000x lg baik ngan kita (mgkn la kot) ha8......jd klu nk suruh die buat kijo, kita ugut die ngan perkara baik yang kte buat untuk die..contoh...

"ja kn dh tolong imah buat frenster......"

" ja kn dh tolong imah goreng telur...."

" ja kn dh tolong imah buat bla8...."

tp kna la pastikan kte x berbuat jahat padaY dlm ms terdekat,ianya akan berakhir tanpa hasil.contoh...

"ari tu ja kn cubit imah..."

"ari tu kn ja ambik imah lambat skolah...."

" ari tu kn ja x bw imah g kbmall..."

"ari tu kn blablabla..."

imah jga seorang yang lucu n ada sikap kepelikan tersendiri.... dia sk bercerita mengenai sstu hal yg die tahu( wpun kita x brminat) dgn bersungguh smpi kering air liur.... seperti die ska crita psl iklan pontianak kemalangan x pakai topi keledar tuh, n die penah telefon zainab semata2 untuk memberitahu mengenai kematian kucing (yg bukan kucing die) di rumah kami... yg pasti jgn buat hal dgn die di khalayak ramai die mungkin bergolek di atas lantai untuk memprotes, ha7.... dh nasib adik bongsu......

Saturday, September 13, 2008


apa erti pengangur?? skema nyer soalan. siapa dpat jawab memang smart abih lah...saya x pernah ambil kisah, cuma main agak2 je maksud pengangur.kadang2 guna istilah ini pada situasi yang salah.namun soalan ini terjawab hari ini....

seorang pak cik datang melakukan siasatan tenaga buruh dan migrasi( cam menakutkan je nama). malangnya seisi rumah kami terpilih sebagai salah satu sampel dari 60 000 sampel seluruh negara.. beberapa soalan mudah dikemukan seperti tempat belajar, tempat kerja, kelulusan blablabla.....

kerana tahap rasa ingin tahu yang mengunung, maka saya tanya la apa ke pekdohnyo nak buat survey ni.... tujuan kerajaan cuba memantau situasi penganguran dan tenaga kerja di negara kita. makumat2 itu nati akan di hantar ke united nations. nati kita tahu la kita negara pengangur ke berapa....pastu bolehlah kot berbangga2 dengan ranking kita tu nati....kalau yang paling sikit la...

"kiranya saya nie pengangur la kn?"

"eh, kamu bukan pengangur....PENGANGUR adalah orang yang aktif mencari kerja tapi x dapat2 kerja. orang yang x bekerja & x mencari kerja, duduk di rumah semata2 tu PEMALAS..orang yang nk smbung belajar bukan penganggur..."

" oh selamat...saya bukan pengangur n bukan juga pemalas.....saya di antara keduanya..."

Friday, September 12, 2008

i'm an amnesick

i just finished reading a novel...MEMORIES OF AMNESIA... an old book with unique ideas... i calculated that it had been put in the library for nearly 18 years. the last person before me, was 12 years ago.....yeah 12 years ago.. dunno by what means i pick up this book instead of hundreds thousands of other interesting books there. i believe it is because of its title. i always mesmerized and taken by the title of a book. it always the titles. it always the title that trick me. i hate a writer that cannot put a good title for their good priceless masterpiece. & i also hate writers who put good title for their unworthy garbage.argh hahaha.....

okay...about this newly read novel (for me of course).... is a truly worth the reading kind of book unless you hate science and crazy ideas.... it is about, Isaac Drogin, a neurosergeon who, while operating one morning, finds his own brain behaving erratically.; he forgets the names of his patients, feels an uncontrollable urge to laugh and contradicts himself from moment to moment. but he is a kind of excited with the damaging brain that he suffered with. trying to experimenting with the disease, chalengging his own brain... you don't understand? that is exactly what i feel throughout my reading. it baffled me..i suffered reading this books. it's language, style of writing, the story line, everything! make me even more confused when i read farther....huh..... i'm wondering, do they ( the english speaking people) talk like this in ordinary daily life?? oh my God, what i'm going to do when i reach australia?.. i'm not planning to be crazy so fast, not understant a single word will put me into a huge stress..... owkay... here are some example...just a little bit from that novel... of the pleasure of brain damage is the way in which it interrupts the normative relationships between questions and answers, the freedom it grants one to ask questions without concern for answers, or to delight in answers for which no questions is apparent.......

....granted that an impulse to action had precede the action itself, but what had precede the impulse?.....

...granted something had moved me, but what was it? what was its source? what caused the movement that moved me to move?.... could not choose to be powerless because choice itself was power, choice itself was one's intention. could you choose to do what you didn't choose to do? maybe you'd think you didn't choose it, but by the time you did it, it was chosen. the moment you chose to do something, it was no longer what you didn't choose but what you did.....

i was bewildered by those kind of sentences. sometimes they appear as a paragraph instead of just a line of alien sentence. eventhough i try to read a few times, i still couldn't get the point. i give up and move to the next page. this is how i finally finish this novel. do that or i'll be punished for sending it back late to the library....

still i'm not give up trying to read more n more intresting books. prays to Allah the Most Knowing to guide me in picking up great books for mind and soul.

***amnesia: a condition which you become so forgetful ( my definition)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

benarkah aku kat bawah tu?

soalan2 mudah dikemukakan. bukan 100, 50 atau 30 soalan. hanya lebih kurang 15 soalan...
kita jawab n mereka akan mengemukakan konklusi mengenai ciri2 n sifat peribadi kita.

benarkah begitu mudah mengenali seorang insan?

ada yang tepat seperti saya seorang yg 'stubborn', 'athletic' (wpun x brapa fit), 'expressive' bla3
namun banyak juga yang salah......'creative', 'focused and alert'.....sangat tidak tepat sebenarnya malahan ini adalah penyakit utama saya, tidak kreatif dan cepat hilang tumpuan.,...

saya anggap benda2 macam ini hanyalah satu keseronokan mengisi masa lapang. yang pasti soalan2 mudah ini tidak mungkin mengambarkan seorang manusia yang terdidik dalam suasana yang sangat unik dan individualistik.....

tapi, kadang2 saya guna juga kajian2 psikologi untuk mengenali seseorang. contohnya, kajian sifat seseorang mengikut bulan dilahirkan oleh dato'Fadzilah Kamsah. menurut kajian beliau, seseorang yang lahir pada bulan 12 (sayalah tuuu), seorang patriotik... saya skeptikal....hmmm saya rasa sayalah rakyat malaysia yang paling malas nak menyanyikan lagu negaraku n saya tidak kisah siapa perdana menteri asalkan orangnya logik......
tapi dinyatakan juga, orang yang dilahirkan pada bulan 12, bersikap terburu-buru..BENAR!!! ya benar sekali. ini lah punca kepada banyak masalah saya. kerasionalan saya sering terganggu oleh sikap terburu-buru yang seolah-olah tersirat dalam darah saya. saya masih tidak berubah walaupun sudah mencoba berkali-kali sehingga mengalami masalah keguguran rambut....

apa-apa aje lah..... mungkin semuanya hanya satu kebetulan yang dianugerahkan dari Allah....sedikitnya ilmu kita sebagai manusia jelas. sifat n emosi seseorang tidak mungkin dirungkaikan setepatnya walaupun kajian beratus tahun dijalankan. Allahuakbar.

saya mencari orang yang dapat memahami saya setepatnya,...x tepat pom x apa... 90% tepat...
if u are that person, please, please stay by my side....

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Your Dominant Intelligence is Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

You are naturally athletic and coordinated, good at making your mind and body work together.

Sports are fun and easy for you, especially those requiring good hand - eye coordination.

There's also a good chance you're a great dancer, or good at expressing yourself through body language.

You learn best by doing, and you feel like you've always got to be moving (even if it's just your hands).

You would make a good athlete, physical education teaches, dancer, actor, firefighter, or artisan.

You Are An INFJ

The Protector

You live your life with integrity, originality, vision, and creativity.

Independent and stubborn, you rarely stray from your vision - no matter what it is.

You are an excellent listener with almost infinite patience.

You have complex feelings, and you take great care to express them.

In love, you see relationships as an opportunity to connect and grow.

You enjoy relationships when they are improving and changing. You can't stand stagnation.

At work, you stay motivated and happy... as long as you are working toward a dream you support.

You would make a great photographer, alternative medicine guru, or teacher.

How you see yourself: Hardworking, ethical, and helpful

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Manipulative, weak, and unstable

What Your Driving Says About You

You are a creative, resourceful person. You can easily entertain yourself, and you make the best of any situation.

You are a fairly aware person, but you can't help but make judgment errors from time to time.

You are a very fair person. You treat everyone equally, even when it's difficult to do.

You can be a rather tense, grouchy person - but you try to maintain your dignity.

You have mixed feelings about authority figures. You understand their place, but you believe their power needs to be in check.

You are focused and alert. You make sure that you are doing the right thing at all times.

You are a very responsible and conscientious person. You often consider the feelings and needs of others.

Your ego is normally in check, but sometimes you get a bit egotistical. You tend to be a little self-important at times.

What Does Your Driving Say About You?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


[Hadith riwayat Muslim]