Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A million year old update...

Okay, many changes have happened since our last post. We moved out of our apartment for reasons we have no control over and moved in with some wonderful friends who were willing to rent out their extra room. We put all our stuff in storage and is waiting for the moving company to come pick it up next week. I am shipping one of our cars Friday to LA and other on the 30th to Florida. The Air Force has decided to send Kip to combat weather school at Keesler AFB in Biloxi, MS enroute to our next base. This is a 3 month school. They will not let him leave Hawaii till the first of January he has to report to school by the 5th leaving him no time to drive with his family from Ca to Ms. So I am left to picking up the car in CA and driving across the US with two children by myself. I am recruiting a couple of people to help and awaiting their decision. Did I mention that I will be alone in Florida for the first three months of living there, in a new place? Crazy, huh. Oh well, this will be another opportunity to be strong and to grow. Will update later pictures.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Laie Lady

We love to celebrate Halloween and in our house, we start planning in July. But this year we haven't done much for Halloween between closing on our house and making arrangements to move, we have been busy. But last night we finally scheduled in some Halloween fun and went to the Haunted Lagoon at the PCC in Laie. Last year was the first year they put on the canoe ride and it was pretty good, this year was even better. It is pretty creepy to be out on the water at night, it's really dark and works well for a haunted house. If only Tempe Town Lakes back home did something as cool as this.

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Hunger Games! Could this be better than Twilight?!?

So I know about six months ago I put up a post about The Hunger Games. Well the second book, Catching Fire, came out in September and it is awesome. I almost soiled my pants reading these books, they are crazy! I was thinking to myself, "Man if they ever made these books into a movie, it would totally blow the Twilight movies out of the water". Now don't curse me all you Twilight fans, I like them too. Well come to find out, they are making a movie out of these books in 2011 and there is still a third book yet to come out next fall. If you haven't read these books yet, do it.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


We are officially home owners again! Yay, I am ready to have a yard again, be able to park my car in front of my house (instead of a mile away) and put both of our bikes in the garage. We will miss the beauty of Hawaii and all of our friends but are ready to get off this rock. A couple more months and we will be on the mainland taking a road trip across the states to Florida, can't wait!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Time in Paradise can fly by fast

My parents have been here in Hawaii helping Kip and I out as I work. My mom has been a great help in watching my girls and cleaning my house (by her own choice, i don't like cleaning my own house). Anyway, it is already time for them to head back to the mainland after being here for a month and a half. I have stopped working and no longer in need of a sitter. But here are some pics of places we took them around the island.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


For those of you who don't already know, we have received our next assignment and will most likely be reporting to our next station by the beginning of January. We are going to be stationed at Hurlburt Air Field in Florida. I think it is by Mary Esther or Fort Walton Beach about an hour away Pensicola and 6 to 8 hour drive from Walt Disney World. And probably two and half days of driving to Mesa. We most likely won't be driving home. So get ready, now you all have a new place to come explore and visit me. And a last chance to come to Hawaii with a free place to stay within the next 5 months. Hawaii you can come see dolphins and Florida you can see gators (i am sure they have dolphins there too along with water maccisins).

Monday, July 20, 2009

Family in Hawaii

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

This is getting old!

Hey did I tell you? My car is still in the shop! THe part came in damaged three different times and when the autobody shop opended up the car they found more damage. So more parts are being orded and shipped and some of them are on back order. I was told that it will be another two weeks before I get my car back fully restored. Oh and did I mention that we are past our 30 days of rental car allowance? That means we are forking out money from our own pocket and have to seek reimbursement from the other party's insurance company.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Big trouble in little China...

Everything was quiet and peaceful in the little village.... ...UNtiL... ...MOthra decided to invade!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Random pics of the family

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sick week

I have been suffering from a bad cold this week and Jenna has had diarrhea all weekend and has been sharting her pants at least 3 or 4 times a day. We came home the other day to find that the cat puked all over the living room and pooped in our bedroom (he must be sick too, he normally doesn't do that). And to top it off Maylani has decided that she needs to take her diaper off every time she poops, I guess she wanted to add to the mess. I don't know weather to cry or pull my hair out and pour bleach water all over the house.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Still waiting...

We got word last week from the company that is repairing our car that our parts won't be in till the 20th of May. Being a newer KIA model it takes longer for the parts to come in. Well the 20th came and went without any calls notifying us to bring down the car. So I called the next day to check the status only to find out that the parts did come in but they were damaged. The new parts are set to come in on the 28th. Until then, we are stuck with a stinky rental and we are all sick again. We found out that if we are approved to move overseas, they will notify us the beginning of June, we are hoping for England. So those who haven't come to see us here good luck if we are going to England, we won't be coming home to visit. Too long of a flight and too much money to bring little kids.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


So we are nearing the end of our duty stay here at Hawaii. We are up to PCS the beginning of January. Our overseas list of choices came out and there are about 4 choices to choose from and of course you have the option not to choose too. The choices are Turkey, and island off of Japan two bases in England both about an hour away from London. Intially we dismissed the list because we really wanted Aviano if we had the chance but after talking about the possibilities we decided to choose both bases in England. One is Lankenheath and the other is Mildenhall. Our conus list will come out in July, I am curious to see what is on that list.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

In addition to Mother's Day....

So in my previous post I mentioned that we were rear ended coming home from the North Shore. Some wonderful driver decided to turn at the last minute causing us to slam on our brakes. I was driving and Kip gave the lady a "hey, hello, learn how to drive" honk and we preceded on our way. But not two seconds later, the lady behind us was site seeing and slammed into the back of our car. We wouldn't of had as much damage if her truck wasn't lifted. So yes, to those with lifted trucks, you are at risk of causing more damage to the other vehicles if you hit them. Luckily the driver is claiming fault and we are completely covered with repairs and a rental car. Now it is just playing the waiting game for parts to come in to begin the repairs. On the bright side, the girls are not hurt and Kip and I only suffered some slight soreness for a couple of days. But I tell you, I haven't seen worse drivers than the box of q-tips (aka: snowbirds) that drive around AZ in the winter time until we moved here. But then again, I've heard that downtown LA and Vegas including upstate New York isn't any better.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Well today started out pretty good. Kip and Jenna surprised me with a nice breakfast. We took a Sunday drive out to Haleiwa North Shore, went by Sharks Cove and got rear ended. Pretty fun, huh. Happy mother's day to me.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cruising around the island

Saturday Kip and I got together with several people from his squadron and did a bike ride up through Waikiki, past Haunauma Bay and down past Bellow AFB. This was the same ride Kip and I did by ourselves a couple weeks ago. He led this ride to slow down the rockets and of course he had me be up front with him leading. It was a little nerve racking considering I am the least experience rider out of the whole bunch. But all went well and it was a really fun ride. (oh yeah, we had a total of 11 bikes. I think it was 5 cruisers and 6 sports bikes)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Electric Beach

Today I have finally given in to several years of Kip trying to convince me to scuba dive with him. It wasn't so bad and it was enjoyable. We did a shore dive at Electric beach. It got a bit rough coming back, the waves were high and I got motion sickness and was sick all the way home. Other than that, I did enjoy my dive and would consider getting certified, next time I will have to remember to take Dramamine.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Bike ride

A couple weeks ago Kip and I went on a bike ride to Laie and back with a couple of his buddies from work. My bike is on the right hand side, a little smaller than Kip's but has the same classic fenders.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Gone and back again

We went to Arizona and came back. We flew out on the 3rd and came back on the 14th. The girls did awesome on the plane ride both ways. We didn't get to see everyone, we would have liked to but we weren't really there to have reunions, we were there to have a vacation. Alot of people wanted to see us but we didn't have enough time with the things we as a family wanted to do. I guess that's what we get for taking a vacation back home. Sorry to those we missed, maybe you can fly out and see us (we have been out there twice now). We had a good time and hope to see you all again soon.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Hey we are coming home for a little while to visit! Maybe we will see some of you, if not....we are sorry, maybe next time.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Believe it OR not

This past weekend I spent all day Saturday and Sunday (unfortunately, I missed church) at Leeward College taking the Basic Riders Course. We spent half the day in the classroom and the second half out on the range. I was one out of two other ladies in the class and the only one with a little bit of riding experience under my belt (if you can count a couple weeks practicing in a parking lot and a couple of rides on the island with Kip) along with 19 men. I personally wished we had more range time. The course supplied the bikes I am glad theirs are smaller than mine, little Honda Nighthawks 250cc. They say they are good starter bikes, quite a bit smaller than mine. (this is not an actual picture of my bike, I will post one later) We were informed at the beginning of the class DOT has decided that the riders course was insufficient and we were going to be the first class subjected to their course standards. I passed the riders course and also by some miracle passed the DOT test too. So I am officially DOT tested and approved to have a riders endorsement on my drivers license. Oh ya, I also got my MSF card.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A year ago today....

We were headed to the court house to be seen by the judge. This was the day we finalized Maylani's adoption. We were so excited to have her legally ours and soon after sealed to us. She has been such a joy and blessing in our family.

Dinner at the beach

Yesterday after Jenna got out of school we took the girls to the beach park by China man's hat and picked up Subway on the way. It was alot of fun. The girls played in the water and the sand as the sun went down.

Friday, March 13, 2009

SO far so good.

I took the bike out for the first time on the road last week (don't worry, i have my permit) and obviously I am still here to type. We circled block once and I almost soiled my pants, luckily Kip convinced me to go around a second time. I am glad he did, I gained a little more confidence and decided to take a short ride down to Temple Valley. It is only a 5 or 10 minute drive from my house. I didn't do too bad for a first timer. Yes I did stall a couple of times starting out, that is something I need to work on. I also had a hard time hearing my bike shift, Kip's pipes are much louder than mine. This week we went out on another ride. I enjoyed it alot, not as nervous this time. We took the bikes to China Man's Hat about a 25 minute ride each way. It was alot of fun. I can't wait till we go out again. The bike still scares me enough to be cautious. I will officially have my license by next weekend. I am signed up to take a safety course through Leeward College, it will provide the driving test and a MSF card. Oh yeah, I got a windshield now on my bike, she didn't come with one. I will post pics of her soon.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Watch Out!

For all those dirvers out there who generally take precaution and look around at other motorist, take time to also notice the smaller motorist on motorcycles. I could care less about those on the scooter...Just kidding. My hubby is a one who drives a bike and soon I will be too. Most of the accidents with motorcycles happen because other drivers fail to see or notice them. Jenna and Maylani are also requesting that you all start "seeing" motorcycles (okay, scooters too) their mommy and daddy drive them.


Our poor ladies have been sick and have had an awful cough for the last several weeks. I haven't been able to get them in to see their Ped, so we ended up going to Scholfield Urgent care. The doc said they both had bronciolitis and gave them antibiotics to be on for the next five days. Five days have come and gone, Jenna is better been the baby's cough has not gone away. We took her to the ER on Saturday morning and after chest x-rays and concluding that she was under treated from the previous doc, she has pneumonia. Okay, we can deal with that once we know the problem but it doesn't end there. The new antibiotics are not staying down, she instantly throws them up and everything else in her stomach. So back to the Pediatrics ward and finally they get her some anti's that work and she will not gag on. And today, Kip went to the dermatologist to have some crazy moles looked at. They ended up removing three of them and we will know the results by the end of the week. It is never ending. If I have am not the one having health issues it is either the kids are sick or other things arise. One day at a time, we will get through this.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

New member of the family.

Yup, this real. No faking this footage. This is Missy Riding her motorcycle, that's right, HER motorcycle. A 2003 Yamaha V-star 1100cc classic.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Self Portrait

I discovered some interesting pictures on my camera the other day. Jenna had apparently snagged it while we weren't looking and took some pics of herself and Maylani. I figured out why I didn't notice that she had the camera because I found one of myself talking on the phone.