Sunday, October 12, 2008

Baby walking Baby

Jenna Getting Ready to Go Snorkeling

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Updates about me

So it has been forever since I graduated high school. And I haven't done much to further my education as fas as college. Well today, I have offically gone back to school full time. I have decided to major in Marketing. I am trying out an online college for the first year. I will see how it goes, I might transfer to a community college later on (less expensive, but who can put a price on the value of an education). I have also met with a dietician on base today. She told many things I needed to know about controlling my blood sugar and counting carbs, counting calories, adding excercise to my daily routine (what! running after kids is not enough?!?). I am not one to get all fired up about counting those things but if it means my health, I am all for it. My health has been in jeopardy for some time, it is time to change that. Today has been a the first day of many changes that I am going to make and have been needing to make. I guess it better late than never, right? Wish me luck!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Just like mommy!

Jenna wants to do everything I do. Even when I go to a "Girl's Night", she wants to be one of the girls. So need I say more, she puts the towel on her head after a shower "just like mommy".

Fat Boy Peaches

Our crazy cat...he is so enduring with Jenna constantly harrassing him and playing "dollie" with him. She decided to put him in Maylani's saucer and he liked it, he hung out in there for a while.

Naughty Keiki!!!

Maylani...I love this little baby so much. She is growing very fast. Along with her growing up, she is starting to discover more things around the house and about herself. We keep our bathroom door closed at all times for obvious reasons, the minute the door is open, she is there in a heartbeat. Her favorite thing to do in the bathroom is unroll the toilet paper as fast as she can. She knows that it is naught, she will say "uh, oh" and shake her head. So smart! I have also been discovering Maylani without her diaper on. She has figured out how to take it off. This morning I woke up and checked on her while she was sleeping and she had taken half of the diaper off in her sleep. I am amazed. She is such a funny baby and she knows it's naughty too!