Friday, December 26, 2008

Talking to Care Bears and other Christmas activities.

To hear the audio scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the pause button for the music. Maylani was excited to see all her presents.If you look closely at Jenna's pictures you'll see rock tumbler in one and a necklace kit in the other. Which translates into a seven weeks of hearing rocks tumble and 10,000 beads all over the house. Isn't that awesome?! Also we decided to take the new car off-roading, that is the only thing we haven't tested yet. In one of the pictures the back-left tire is completely off of the ground. before we came to a full stop we were teetering there, bouncing between the front right tire and the back left all the while Missy is yelling at me so I had to get out and take a picture.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Winter Pics

So I notice on a couple of my friends and families blogs that they had post pictures of fall. I got a little envious and wanted to show some pictures of winter in Hawaii. (HEY TYRA: do those mittens...I mean "hand warmers" look familiar?) Well this picture could actually be true if we had shipped our car to the big island. But it was actually taken 3 years ago 10 minutes away from Saguaro lake, no I did not do a typo...there was some crazy snow storm and snow on the ground not too far from Saguaro Lake on the beeline. Here is an actual picture of winter here. The only difference is that it rains a little bit more in the winter and North Shore gets about 60 foot waves. Other than that, it is paradise all year round. Well, I did find another picture of what winter looks like here. When we get a good heavy rain, water will run off the top of the Ko'olau mountains down the crevices creating a ton of waterfalls. It is absolutely breathtaking.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Out with the Old and in with the New

The other day we decided to take a drive and show Jenna the Pali lookout. We missed the turnoff for it and ended up heading to town to go test drive the newest KIA that was just put a couple of months ago. Kip and I already have a KIA Sorento and absolutly love it, have had it for almost 4 years without a single problem. Plus it comes with an awesome warranty and good gas mileage along with a 5 star crash rating. So needless to say, we traded in our Nissan Titan...I know...Kip has been wanting one for sometime and finally got one. But with the gas prices so crazy, we lost value in our truck faster than the norm and hardly drove it in the two years we had it. I assure that it was Kip's decision to trade it the Titan since it was his truck. Out with the Titan and hello Borrego. We are now proud owners of two KIAs. Our new one seats 7 and has almost the same amount of horse power in it's V-6 engine as the Titan did in it's V-8. Come to find out, we are the only ones so far to own a Borrego on the island. I was pretty excited about that! Of course, when the other two sell, that won't be the case anymore.

Busy Weekend

We had a pretty busy last week and weekend. First we went to Jenna's Christmas party at school that I helped plan for her kindergarten class. The kids sung carols and Santa Claus showed up just for her class and passed out presents for all the children at the party. This is most of Jenna's classmates and teacher, not all were able to make it to the pary. We had an elf decorating contest at the and Jenna had to be dressed up as a "girlie" elf. Saturday I am offically no longer in my 20's by turning the big 30! Kip and I went out to lunch with the girls at an Italian restraunt called Zia's. A couple of my friends brought me over some flowers. And then later that night we attended our ward Christmas party.

Friday, December 5, 2008

My two princesses!

Five years ago my little baby received her first two teeth on the bottom row. A couple of weeks ago they fell out. My big princess was so excited to find out that the tooth fairy will be coming out to visit. Of course I shared this already in a previous post. But now that is it has been a million years after the fact and her adult teeth are popping up, I decided to post a picture about it. Hope you all enjoy. And of course I just had to post a picture of my little princess because she is just so dang cute, we can't get enough of her and we wanted to show everyone what you're missing out on. So sad, guess you will have to come fly out to see them.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas time.

Every year we let Jenna help decorate the tree. As she gets older she gets better at it. Of course in the past years she liked to undecorate the tree and throw the ordaments across the room. We have learned and since then we buy shatter proof bulbs. Back to the decorating, I think she did a pretty good job considering she is only 5.


Last week we went out shopping as a family and as we were heading home I reached into my purse to get the keys and instead I found a jewerly box. Kip surprised me with an early birthday present. I absolutly love it, almost as much as my wedding and engagment set. The stone is trillion cut and is an auqa marine. It's more beautiful in person, the picture doesn't do it justice.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Blah, Blah blah, a bunch of nothing...

So just some updates, I have been sick. I know tragic. Really, it has been horrible, I didn't get to see the Twilight movie. By then I was feeling better but Maylani got sick and was fevering. I am almost done with my first quarter in school, I am officially a pro at marketing....just kidding, maybe in another 4 years. Jenna is loving school and is learning to read more and more. She lost her two lower front teeth a couple of weeks ago and the "tooth fairy" paid her a visit. She got a special gift for loosing two teeth at once, a glowworm. Yes that is a baby toy, she loves Maylani's worm so much, she wanted one for herself so the "tooth fairy" consented. Maylani is doing awesome, she is running around everywhere. She loves to dance to music, say "uh-oh", points at everything that moves or makes noises, discovered her own farts and tried to find where the noise came from, oh and she pulls poop out of her diaper, awesome. Kip, well he's lucky he doesn't get a beat down now and again. He likes to misbehave at home and I caught him misbehaving at work, really...I don't know why he hasn't been kicked out of the Air Force yet, he is always messing around with the guys at work. If you know Kip well, this is nothing new. And if you don't know him well...he really is an aw some and amazing guy but don't get any ideas,he is mine. He bought a couple of Christmas presents for me today and couldn't wait till Christmas to give them to me, so I got them early. I will post pictures of them later when I find batteries for my camera. I guess that's enough rambling for now.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Yes, I know. I promised I wasn't going to talk about Twilight anymore. I acutally have stopped reading the books and looking at the websites since the beginning of October. I had to make my new obsession school. So anyway, all you die hard fans obviously know that the movie is coming out on Friday morning @ midnight. My ward has the coolest group of women. Several of them have organized a girl-night out to watch the movie and go out to Bucca di peppo's on Friday night. (I love Italian food and I have always wanted to eat there but I could never convince Kip to take me. He made fun of the name). So since he doesn't want to eat there, he gets to watch the girls while I go and enjoy my night out. YEAH!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Come ONe come all!!!

Hey just giving a shout out to all of those friends and family who want to come to Hawaii but haven't yet. We will only be here for another year at the most. And the least, we will be gone next summer (will know for sure in April). So far we have had two family members come, Josh & Annie with their kids and Jason & Melissa. We have also had a couple groups of friends: Elisa & Spencer, Eric & Anna, Colleen w/buddies, and Brittney & Bennette. We haven't had a visitor since May. We are waiting...who is coming next?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Best Husband Ever!

I love my husband! I don't always express that to the world, at least he knows it. I never question if he feels the same about me or our girls. This past weekend Kip surprised me with a night in Waikiki. He had arranged our girls to stay the night with close friends and took me downtown. It was nice to go on a date and have no time limit. We walked around Waikiki, went to the International Market and sat on the beach at the Hale Koa watching the waves roll to shore in the moonlight. I am not big on mushy things but I enjoyed that one alot. I don't have pics to post of that night but I will post ones later from Halloween. Of course if you know Kip and I well, our truck was decorated the best for trunk-r-treat, or more like the scariest. Most of the kids ran by our truck, some stopped for candy.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Baby walking Baby

Jenna Getting Ready to Go Snorkeling

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Updates about me

So it has been forever since I graduated high school. And I haven't done much to further my education as fas as college. Well today, I have offically gone back to school full time. I have decided to major in Marketing. I am trying out an online college for the first year. I will see how it goes, I might transfer to a community college later on (less expensive, but who can put a price on the value of an education). I have also met with a dietician on base today. She told many things I needed to know about controlling my blood sugar and counting carbs, counting calories, adding excercise to my daily routine (what! running after kids is not enough?!?). I am not one to get all fired up about counting those things but if it means my health, I am all for it. My health has been in jeopardy for some time, it is time to change that. Today has been a the first day of many changes that I am going to make and have been needing to make. I guess it better late than never, right? Wish me luck!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Just like mommy!

Jenna wants to do everything I do. Even when I go to a "Girl's Night", she wants to be one of the girls. So need I say more, she puts the towel on her head after a shower "just like mommy".

Fat Boy Peaches

Our crazy cat...he is so enduring with Jenna constantly harrassing him and playing "dollie" with him. She decided to put him in Maylani's saucer and he liked it, he hung out in there for a while.

Naughty Keiki!!!

Maylani...I love this little baby so much. She is growing very fast. Along with her growing up, she is starting to discover more things around the house and about herself. We keep our bathroom door closed at all times for obvious reasons, the minute the door is open, she is there in a heartbeat. Her favorite thing to do in the bathroom is unroll the toilet paper as fast as she can. She knows that it is naught, she will say "uh, oh" and shake her head. So smart! I have also been discovering Maylani without her diaper on. She has figured out how to take it off. This morning I woke up and checked on her while she was sleeping and she had taken half of the diaper off in her sleep. I am amazed. She is such a funny baby and she knows it's naughty too!

Friday, September 12, 2008

7th Anniversay

Well I am a month late on posting these pictures. I had to dig them out of a box and scan them into my computer file. They aren't the best quality due to the scanner. But regardless, Kip and I have been married 7 years back in August 10th 2001. Alot has happened in the last seven years. Our little family has experienced some of the most joyous and hardest times we have ever gone through. But we have loved every minute of it. I will put pictures together from the last seven years in a later post. One from our engagement. Some good 'ole wedding pics. On our honeymoon at Big Bear Lake in California.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

2nd Movie Quote

Okay that last one was easy. So I will try to make this one a little harder. Here it is: "Shampoo is better. I go on first and clean the hair. Conditioner is better. I leave the hair silky and smooth. Oh, really, fool? Really."

Monday, September 1, 2008

Movies quotes

Okay, I know you must be thinking I am a nerd but who cares! I love movies and best of all quoting lines from movies that make me laugh just thinking about them. I am going to start post my favorite quotes here and there and let's see who can guess what movie they came from. Good luck!!! Here's the first quote: "Ok. Orphans! Listen to Ignacio. I know it is fun to wrestle. A nice piledrive to the face... or a punch to the face... but you cannot do it. Because, it is in the Bible not to wrestle your neighbour."


Okay, enough with Twilight. I am going through withdrawals but I will survive. I have decided to focus on my favorite Holiday coming up, yes it is Halloween. We have more Halloween decor than Christmas stuff. Strobe lights, fog machines, full size anatomically correct skeleton... you name it we probably have it or soon will be added to our collection. I have always loved Halloween since I was little. And of course I lucked out to marry my best friend who also shares the same favorite holiday. To add to the holiday spirit, one of my old fav's came back out digitally remastered and in blue ray. I am a sucker for Tim Burton's claymation.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

More Ed Hardy!!!

Okay, okay, I know what you are thinking...."Is this girl obsessed or what?!?" No....not completely, it's not what your are thinking, I know...I can read your mind. Yes, I have bought the Ed Hardy men's cologne for Kip. He loves it! It smells so good on him. This is the first time that we were able to find the same fragrance for him and I that we both really like. So yes, more Ed Hardy. Personally, I think the design on my bottle looks better. Ha ha!

Friday, August 22, 2008


Yes I know that I am obsessed. I am so thrilled that Summit is moving the Twilight release date three weeks early. It will be be out November 21st!!! Yeah, now I just have to get Kip to take the day off to watch the kids.

Monday, August 18, 2008


I have been shopping lately for a new perfume since mine is discontinued a couple years back. I have gotten by with not hunting down a new flavor from my mother in law finding me bottles here and there on e-bay and whoever might have sold that last couple of bottles. Well needless to say, I have sprayed my favorite perfume for the last time. I decided not to hunt it down anymore and resigned to finding a new one. So Kip and I have been shopping around, of course Kip had to approve, he is very picky about perfumes, candles, laundry soup, fabric softner...the list goes on. We shopped a couple of stores and we found a perfume we both absolutely love. Thank goodness we found it at the Navy exchange for $20 cheaper than the department stores. So anyway, my (I mean our) new favorite perfume is Ed Hardy by Christian Audigier.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Free time...

I have been awaiting the day that Jenna goes back to school with mixed emotions. I wasn't sure if I was ready have her gone all day in kindergarten (all day here and year round). But as I have had a little more time alone with Maylani and to myself, I have found myself completely enthralled in taking time to read a good book, not just any book...the Twilight series. I am quickly adjusting to Jenna being gone and instead of taking advantage of the situation to get some personal goals accomplished or organize my house....I am addicted to spending every minute of my free time to reading these books. I know... pathetic...but I know that I am not the only one out there doing the same thing with these tantalizing books!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Maylani's Sealing

Here's the ladies on the way to the temple. Coming out of the temple after the sealing. This is Salley Lee our adoption agent. Maylani has loved being around her since the beginning. We will forever be greatful for her and the hand she had in bringing Maylani to our family. In the 26 years Sally has worked for LDS Family Services, our case was the fastest she has ever placed a baby, 3 weeks. She busted her tail for us. Thank you Sally! Here's the whole group at the luncheon. We were on the temple grounds in the fale. Also are some pics of a couple of our good friends that were able to make it. This is one of my best friends Jenn Inouye and her mom Annie Erbe. I consider them family. Jenn is definitly one of my sisters. Annie is amazing. We had asked her to give Maylani her name, Leialoha. So this is Maylani's Hawaiian grandma and auntie. For those who are not familiar with the island traditions, everyone is ohana (family) and everyone is auntie and uncle. Jenna and Maylani have many here. Tom and Jenn Inouye There are very few people that Maylani will go to besides me. And very special guys in her life. Aside from papa, Maylani loves to go to her uncle Tom. She lights up everytime she sees him. Fiztgerald Family: Leslie and Jimmy with Carly and baby Taylor. Kip really loves to get in trouble with Jimmy. We love hanging out with these guys. Some of Jenna's little friends: Carly and Lulu (my hawaiian Bella) More friends: Lulu Richter again and Halle Inouye. The Richter's: Phillip and Brianne. Maylani also loves going to Uncle Phillip. We also enjoy hanging out with these guys. Brianne is also like another sister. I have many awsome friends here I consider sisters.