
Wednesday, June 29, 2011


What is prayer? How do you pray? Why do you pray? How much do you pray? What does prayer do for us? Does prayer change things for us physically, spiritually, mentally? How? Does prayer change circumstances? If so, how? Do people pray more or less when bad things are going on in life? Why? How much should people pray? Is there different ways to pray, if so what are they? Has prayer helped you? If so, how? Why is it hard for some people to pray?

What do you think?
Share your thoughts.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Jesus or Paul?

Do Christians, ministers, churches and Christianity focus too much on the apostle Paul? Are Christians becoming or have become Paulians? Do Christians focus more on Paul, read more of Paul, follow more of Paul than they do Jesus Christ? Would Christianity be different if Christians gave more importance on the teachings of Jesus rather than Paul? Building Church doctrines on Jesus rather than Paul? How would the church function and look if it focused, studied, preached, followed was influenced more by Jesus and the gospel than Paul's letters? Do you find it interesting that the apostle Paul never in any of his letters apologizes to the church or the families for persecuting the church and killing Christian? Would Paul have as much influence today if he had done what he had done to Christians? Would Christians listen to him, base church doctrine on him if Paul were present in modern times? Should the church focus more on Jesus than Paul? Why or why not? Why do we focus so much on Paul? Should we? Is it time for the church to base church doctrines on that of Jesus than Paul? Should we focus more on the gospels than on Paul and his letters? How can Christians, the church, shift its focus?

What do you think?
Share your thoughts?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Universal Laws & God

You have universal laws the have been set in motion. Law of gravity. Law of Physics. Laws that govern the universe. So, does God set things in motion or does he intervene in the lives of people in the world? Does God act? Or does God sit back and let the chips fall where they may? Does Gd set laws into play that he chooses not to break? If so what does that say about God? Prayer? Christianity as we know it?

What do you think?
Share your thoughts.

Friday, June 17, 2011

What about Joseph?

Mary the mother of Jesus is talked about a lot in the New Testament. It even mentions her being present at and after the crucifixion. Mary was an active part in the life and ministry of Jesus. What about Joseph? Not much is mentioned about Joseph expect for what is talked about while Mary is expecting. Why is Joseph not mentioned much in the New Testament? Is his absence in the ministry of Jesus because the New Testament writers didn't want the focus to be on him as being the father of Jesus? Was Joseph faithful? Did Joseph believe in Jesus being the messiah? Was Joseph dead during the time of Jesus ministry and crucifixion? What are your thoughts on Joseph? Is there anything we can learn from him? If so, what is it? What kind of father was Joseph and does it reflect in Jesus?

What do you think?
Share your thoughts.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Tough Questions Part 4

Do you believe in the Trinity? Is the Trinity as Biblical concept? Why or why not? How would you discribe the Trinity to those who don't understand? How can God be 3 in 1? Is it like family, Father, Son, Mother? Why do some not believe in th Trinity? Why do some believe in God, Jesus, and not the Holy Spirit? Why do some believe in God and not in the divinity of Jesus? Can Jesus be both human and divine? Was Jesus God on earth? What would you say to someone who believes in God, believes in Jesus but not his divinity? Does the Holy Spirit indwell us or is it as some would say, the Bible? Does each member of the Trinity have a purpose and if so what are they?

What do you think?
Share your thoughts.

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Tough Questions Part 3

If you go to church, why do you? If you don't, why not? Why should someone go to church? What does the church do for the individual? What has and does church do for you personally? What should it do? How should it function? Is it functioning the way God wants it to function? What advice would you give to a Christian considering quitting the church, Christianity and faith in God? Why do people quit church?

What do you think?
Share your thoughts.