Thoughts On Polygamy
Warren Jeff's a leader of a polygamist cult has been arrested. He is charged with rape, child rape, arranging marriages of young under age girls to older men. I am glad that they finally found this man and will be brought to justice. This has started a whole new debate over marriage. I believe marriage is instituted by God between one man and one woman. In the beginning we see that God created Adam and Eve. He tells us that two will bcome one flesh. Later in the Bible we see multiple marriages or polygamy. Abraham, David, Solomn, and numerous others had many wives. You see in 1st Timothy the qualifications of elders is the husband of one wife, there was evidence of polygamy in other societies in the New Testament. In missions you have cultures that have multiple wives do you tell them to divorce the wives they have and stay married to just one? That would leave those women without a means of living. That has been discussed in missions classes.
Doyou think polygamy is wrong? Why? When did it change from one wife to multiple wives in the Bible and then back to the intended? What problems does polygamy lead to and hurt others? How have seen women abused in a polygamist society? How does it effect love?
Let me know what you think?