Tuesday, July 17, 2012
about that time

Posted by Em at 3:41 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 16, 2011
Summer Canada vacation and Grandma and Grandpas house
WE Had a wonderful summer vacation we went up to Canada for the Calgary stampede!! IT was very fun. My camera has a smudge on it so I apologize for the pictures.
Yup, the mounted police really do exist.
Hailey got a pretty big sliver and she was so brave. isn't she cute?
Posted by Em at 9:05 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Colter love to have his picture taken- it is really cute.

the kids are all playing together- and I love it.

Hailey was so excited to ride the horse and she actually pushed me away- not wanting me to walk beside her.

Kayden with is preschool teacher- Truman his pal from class- they are the same age.

Ok so I know she is on the toilet- but I thought is was so cute. she slept in curlers- her hair was so curly. it was kinda crazy.
Posted by Em at 1:49 PM 2 comments
Labels: summer begins
Monday, March 14, 2011
Its been a while
So some of these pictures you may have already see. I wanted to at least document these experiences, just incase I really do print this blog as a journal. when we were coming home from washington for christmas, the highway was closed for 4 hours, and we were stuck in baker city. a small town, but we managed to fine a bowling ally and killed an hour or so. we had fun- and for the record, I beat mike. or he let me win, either way it was a fun adventure. these pictures are exactly in order, a majority of our pictures were on my phone and my brother in law Kristian helpped me. So I had asked kayden to get dressed for school, and this is what he came up with. he asked me to take a pictures. he was actually proud of himself- at least he knows his "opposits"

just proof of colts mischeivousness. ( is that a word?) kayden will then close the door and I will be lost as to where colter is.

Posted by Em at 10:51 AM 2 comments