Tuesday, July 17, 2012

about that time

Easton Michael Kinghorn was born april 18th

Hailey is  Such a great Sister

Kade had his birthday on April 30th 6 years old

She  will hold him for hours

hailey graduated from Talking time, they had a pirate party.

we have passes to thanksgiving point, it has been wells worth it.
we went with cousins

they are in  jail. 

grandma came to visit.

Easton Was blessed

more thanksgiving point

we dressed up like couse and got free lunch at Chic fil A,  we have stayed busy and are enjoying FOUR kids. 
there I updated.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Summer Canada vacation and Grandma and Grandpas house

WE Had a wonderful summer vacation we went up to Canada for the Calgary stampede!! IT was very fun. My camera has a smudge on it so I apologize for the pictures.

Yup, the mounted police really do exist.Claire and I entered a horse pulling contest and won- for that day. basically we work really well together, and our thighs are as strong as a mule. Mike and I sent the kids home with grandma and grandpa and we were able go to the evening show. we were taking the train home and we had the craziest rains storm that actually delayed the trains. so there mike and I were sandwhiched between many people being rained on not being able to move, drunk people whispering in my face - it was an amazing night. this is us finally on the plattform just to find out that the trains are delayed. we didn't get home till 2 am. it was a crazy adventure. did I mention we are SOAKED??? We took the highway to the sun which has beautiful places to stop, they were also doing alot of construction on it. the kids were asleep, so just mike and I got out.

we were able to go to waterton National park and hike Bears Hump which is a hike that I remember doing when I was younger- we would always do it. Hailey hiked up all by herself. It was very windy and at one point we let go of hailey and she litterally did blow away a little. she began to cry. it was scary. colter just checking out the goffers there were tons of them. old Faithful- we made our way to yellowstone national park and stayed at mikes grandpa's cabin.

Hailey got a pretty big sliver and she was so brave. isn't she cute?

four days after we came home from Canada, Claire and I went and loaded up the car and drove to Washington, where we were able to do some really fun things with grandma and grandpa, we went camping with them to thier ward campout. This is our tent. we also went tubing at the Ensign ranch, Colt entertained everyone and got cake all over his face.
we played with cousins, Hailey and Camile playing dress up at cousin Jacquelines house. We did lots of other things like we went crabbing and caught 7 crab and ate them. went swimming at great grandmas pool, and many more things but I wasn't awesome taking pictures, I am just happy we made it home ALIVE.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Colter love to have his picture taken- it is really cute.

the kids are all playing together- and I love it.

Hailey was so excited to ride the horse and she actually pushed me away- not wanting me to walk beside her.

Kayden with is preschool teacher- Truman his pal from class- they are the same age.

Ok so I know she is on the toilet- but I thought is was so cute. she slept in curlers- her hair was so curly. it was kinda crazy.

He is always getting into something. but he is so cute- how can I say no. if it is still safe I find myself say " i can clean it up" Darn cute kids - I do a lot of cleaning up.

this is proof that Colter can stand and potentially walk by himself. he just chooses to climb onto my table instead. hailey saw the camera and had to join. but they are so cute.

we were Trying to help a neighbor, and the kids thought this was pretty cool.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Its been a while

So some of these pictures you may have already see. I wanted to at least document these experiences, just incase I really do print this blog as a journal. when we were coming home from washington for christmas, the highway was closed for 4 hours, and we were stuck in baker city. a small town, but we managed to fine a bowling ally and killed an hour or so. we had fun- and for the record, I beat mike. or he let me win, either way it was a fun adventure.

these pictures are exactly in order, a majority of our pictures were on my phone and my brother in law Kristian helpped me. So I had asked kayden to get dressed for school, and this is what he came up with. he asked me to take a pictures. he was actually proud of himself- at least he knows his "opposits"

Colters birthday Jan, 25,2011, he is now 1 year old. crawling all over, lots of babling and I'm pretty sure he says mom , he is showing signs of walking but loves to be held so much, but I'm wondering if he will be like his older sister, and wait till he is 18 months old. either way he still is into everything. Hailey is our Leap year baby, we celebrated on the 28th mostly this year because that when family could make it. we had Uncle spencer, and (aunt) Caitlin over for dinner- she requested pizza, and then we went swimming, she asked for a bee cake and we skyped with grandma and grandpa salmon. it was a very fun day- did I mention she was pottytrained before she turn 3. we are very proud of her. we have made a few trips up to idaho to visit mikes folks, Grandma is so good to read to the kids, Hailey looks forward to it so. this visit we got to spend time with cousin, among many were cousins from garden city kansas.

great Grandpa kinghorn and colter, His health is always up and down. so we are trying to get as many visits in as we can.

just proof of colts mischeivousness. ( is that a word?) kayden will then close the door and I will be lost as to where colter is.

we got to go to the hunting expo this year, aside from the many vehicles to ride, there were many taxidermy companies there, so it was like going to the zoo, except I didn't have to ask the kids to not reach through the bars.

again a picture that you may have seen on face book, but I just think this is such a special picture. This is my grandma and grandpa salmon. we were able to catch them after chiristmas. it has been a blessing to be able to see them when they come down to see aunt carol. I hope that I can teach my kids how special it is to have grandparents still around. I love my grandparents. hopefully I will be better this summer with our happening now I know how to take the pictures off my phone.