Wow, this has been kind of a depressing week (well, last several months really) in terms of the job market here in Boise. It seems like every day I read in the news that another company is shutting their doors or doing massive layoffs. The latest news is that one of our largest employers, Micron, is cutting 500 jobs immediately, with another 1500 planned over the next several months. My heart truly goes out to those families, and all whose jobs have been affected by this recession. I also think about the trickle down affect... I'm sure there are companies in the Treasure Valley that were created solely as a support for some of these large struggling companies (i.e. packaging, lighting, supplier, etc.) who now won't be able to sustain their business models. Just sad times all the way around.
I consider myself lucky and blessed to have the job that I have. I think about the day 3 1/2 years ago when I was pretty sure I was going to get a job offer at Boise State, and I still had no idea if I wanted to take the job. I thank my Heavenly Father every single day for nudging me in this direction, as I know it truly was the right path for me to follow. I have been blessed with great coworkers, and have been given wonderful opportunities to grow professionally.
I think that it would take a lot to shut down the University! Not that my job is completely protected by any means, as we will likely be affected by some deep budget cuts this next fiscal year, but traditionally in a time of recession, people go back to school. I have sat in on a couple budget meetings, and I know my boss is doing everything she can to cut back without cutting jobs. We'll see what this next year brings for me. I'm hoping the worst thing will be that I may have to take a mandatory furlough (time off without pay), but if that can save someone else's job, then I'm happy to do it.
One last thing - for my friend Sally. I met Sally in graduate school, and we hit it off immediately. We became fast friends, and I was was excited for the classes that we had together. We really don't do a lot together socially now (although we should!!!), but I still feel a deep connection with her, as we journeyed through some interesting times together in our MBA program. Anyway, her husband works for Cypress, who will be closing their Boise office this August. Sally's husband was one of 5 people here in Boise to get a relocation offer. Sally and her family are still trying to decide what's best for them, but I wish them the best of luck as they consider their options, and pray for them every day. I do know that we have a loving Heavenly Father who is watching out for each of us, and is aware of our situations. Even though we all have to pass through hard times, we will be blessed in the end! I love you Sally!
2 months ago