I love the fact that Boise has four distinct seasons. I don't necessarily love everything about every season, but I do enjoy the change itself. I love hearing the birds chirp on a crisp spring morning. I love the fact that it stays light outside in the summer until 10:00. I love crunching through the leaves in the fall. I love the winter holidays. So along with the change in the weather, I feel the need to change other things... Take my dining room table for example. I have
posted before about how I love to have my table decorations match the season and am always gathering new items to add to my decor. I can't have spring decorations on my table in November! These are a couple random table pictures I pulled from my photo archives over the past few years. Each year the table gets better because I'm always adding to the decor.

This was my January table... I needed something after Christmas but before Valentines.

My November table setting - I decorated for Halloween for the first time this year but forgot to take pictures... You'll have to imagine it. It was super cool.

This was my very first table setting for Christmas a few years ago... I jazz it up more now, but you get the idea!
I also have a couple different bedding sets (and am thinking I need another one that is more spring-like). Sometime this week I plan on putting on my "winter" bedding.

Dark chocolate and red - this is my winter bedroom decor

My summer/fall bedding - I love Pottery Barn bedding!
Another thing I change based on the seasons is my hair :-) I go lighter in the spring and summer and darker for fall and winter. My hair right now is actually darker than it has ever been. It's a dark brown with some red in it. It took some getting used to, but I love it!

My hair this summer - my natural brown with some blond highlights

Kickin it with my baby sister - notice the dark hair and bangs!
So since I am a nut about changing things for the seasons, I decided I needed to start changing my blog for the seasons. Watch for a new blog theme coming after Thanksgiving!