2 months ago
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Money Saving Tip
Posted by Kimberly at 5:10 PM Saturday, June 30, 20071 comments
Posted by Kimberly at 5:05 PM0 comments
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Shrimp Fettuccine with Sweet Pepper-Cayenne Sauce
Posted by Kimberly at 7:54 PM Thursday, June 28, 2007
I tried this new recipe tonight and thought I'd share. It's super easy and delicious!!!
12 ounces dry fettuccine
2 red bell peppers, julienne
3 teaspoons garlic
2 teaspoons cayenne pepper
1 cup light sour cream
1 cup chicken broth
raw medium shrimp
1 cup grated Parmesan cheese
dash crushed red peppers
salt and pepper to taste
1. While the noodles are cooking, saute red bell peppers, garlic, & cayenne pepper on medium, in 1 tablespoon olive oil, for 3-5 minutes.
2. Stir in sour cream & broth, simmer uncovered for 5 minutes.
3. Add shrimp, crushed red peppers, salt, & pepper. Cook 5-7 minutes until shrimp are done. Stir occasionally.
4. Remove from heat & stir in cheese.
5. Toss with pasta.
12 ounces dry fettuccine
2 red bell peppers, julienne
3 teaspoons garlic
2 teaspoons cayenne pepper
1 cup light sour cream
1 cup chicken broth
raw medium shrimp
1 cup grated Parmesan cheese
dash crushed red peppers
salt and pepper to taste
1. While the noodles are cooking, saute red bell peppers, garlic, & cayenne pepper on medium, in 1 tablespoon olive oil, for 3-5 minutes.
2. Stir in sour cream & broth, simmer uncovered for 5 minutes.
3. Add shrimp, crushed red peppers, salt, & pepper. Cook 5-7 minutes until shrimp are done. Stir occasionally.
4. Remove from heat & stir in cheese.
5. Toss with pasta.
Unoriginal Inventions
Posted by Kimberly at 7:44 PM
I think in a past life I must have been an inventor. I come up with the best new ideas, only to find out that I'm not the first to think of the idea. It's not that I've seen these ideas somewhere before and then later recall them thinking the idea originated in my head. It's truly that I think of something cool, useful, etc. that would be really nice to have, and then see that someone else has not only thought of the idea, but developed and marketed it as well. Take string cheese, for example. I love string cheese, but I really love pepperjack cheese. A couple months ago I was talking to my friend Kris about how someone should really make pepperjack cheese sticks - what a great snack idea! Well, a couple weeks later, as I was shopping at Albertsons, I came across pepperjack cheese sticks. Hmm..... wonder why I never saw those before. Maybe someone just started selling them that week? Is my office bugged?
The most recent idea I had, however, actually has to do with blogs. I seem to spend more time recording my life on this blog than I do in my journal... so why not start a company that can actually publish my blog in a book? Just think, wouldn't it be nice to be able to pick which blog entries, pictures, comments, etc. that I'd like published, and maybe even play around with the layout? What a novel idea, right? I know, I thought so too. Turns out there's actually this company out there (that happens to be going out of business) that publishes blogs in the form of books. Not sure if their company offered everything I was envisioning in my mind, but the basic idea is the same. Anyone have some extra cash that would like to invest in/purchase this company with me??? Because it was my idea, after all :-)
The most recent idea I had, however, actually has to do with blogs. I seem to spend more time recording my life on this blog than I do in my journal... so why not start a company that can actually publish my blog in a book? Just think, wouldn't it be nice to be able to pick which blog entries, pictures, comments, etc. that I'd like published, and maybe even play around with the layout? What a novel idea, right? I know, I thought so too. Turns out there's actually this company out there (that happens to be going out of business) that publishes blogs in the form of books. Not sure if their company offered everything I was envisioning in my mind, but the basic idea is the same. Anyone have some extra cash that would like to invest in/purchase this company with me??? Because it was my idea, after all :-)
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Softball Season Comes to a Close
Posted by Kimberly at 10:09 PM Wednesday, June 27, 20070 comments
Monday, June 25, 2007
Power Rush
Posted by Kimberly at 10:19 AM Monday, June 25, 2007
I remember clearly the first day that I rode my motorcycle on a 35 mph road. I cautiously turned out of a subdivision onto Ustick Road, and felt a huge rush as I accelerated to 35. Prior to that, I had gone only 20 mph in neighborhoods - it was amazing the difference that 15 mph made! Needless to say, the excitement of going 35 is long gone, and even going 55 doesn't thrill me like it used to (although I still love feeling the wind!). Well, last night I experienced that same rush that I felt last year... for the first time, I rode Ryan's Honda Shadow - a bike that is more than twice the size of mine. It was incredible to feel the acceleration. I was going 30 in a matter of seconds, and I was still in first gear (on my bike, I would have already shifted to third). A big smile spread across my face as I enjoyed the power of the bike under me. What a ride. I still love my little Rebel, but now know what excitement awaits me when I decide to upgrade :-)
Sunday, June 24, 2007
A Season for Fruit
Posted by Kimberly at 3:27 PM Sunday, June 24, 20071 comments
Friday, June 22, 2007
Christmas in June
Posted by Kimberly at 11:07 PM Friday, June 22, 20073 comments
What Does This Tell You?
Posted by Kimberly at 11:02 PM2 comments
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Girl Power
Posted by Kimberly at 10:09 PM Thursday, June 21, 2007
Camille, Heidi, Diana, and I all skipped out of work an hour early today to hit the mountain biking trail for our first "Girls Only Mountain Bike Ride". We've been talking for months now about biking together, and finally made it happen today. And what a day to pick! The sun blared down on us with 97 degree heat as we biked during the hottest part of the day. What were we thinking? Oh well, sometimes you have to sacrifice for fun :-) Anyway, I had a blast with my fellow coworkers. It was Camille's first ride so we picked an easy trail (and I'm glad we did so I didn't pass out in the heat!) I thought it was funny that we all wore blue shirts with black shorts - we sure made a great team. I can't wait for our next ride together.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Body Fat Testing?
Posted by Kimberly at 10:13 PM Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Boy Jobs
Posted by Kimberly at 8:37 PM
Monday, June 18, 2007
Thought of the Day
Posted by Kimberly at 5:06 PM Monday, June 18, 2007
Sorry - I can't help myself... I thought this was too funny not to share :-)
Isn't making a smoking section in a restaurant like making a peeing section in a swimming pool?
Isn't making a smoking section in a restaurant like making a peeing section in a swimming pool?
Friday, June 15, 2007
Saving the Earth, Part 2
Posted by Kimberly at 6:08 PM Friday, June 15, 2007
All right, I know I'm a dork, but I'm really trying to do what I can. And I just thought of something else. I am switching as many bills as possible to paperless billing - just getting online notifications when I need to pay them. Some of them I've set up to auto pay, but the ones that don't allow that, I'll actually have to log onto their site monthly when I get my email reminder to pay the bill. I know, some of you are probably wondering with how much I love computers, how come I haven't done this before? Well, I think there's something reassuring about getting a paper reminder in the mail. It will probably be an adjustment, but a small one. And then my utility companies, bank, etc. won't have to print out that paper bill/statement, waste their envelopes, and send me extra "junk mail" inside my bills that I don't really like to get anyway :-)
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Thank You to a Stranger
Posted by Kimberly at 9:43 AM Wednesday, June 13, 2007
It was reaffirmed to me today that there really are genuinely good people surrounding us. As I was riding into work this morning, I turned onto University Drive and noticed something a bit odd. There was a person up ahead standing in the middle of the road - right between two lanes of traffic. What was he doing just standing there, I wondered. There is quite a bit of traffic around the University at 8:00 in the morning, and cars were driving right past him. Why wouldn't he move? As I got closer, I realized why. He was blind. He had a cane and must have somehow got disoriented, as he was about a street-width away from the closest crosswalk. I can only imagine how scared and confused he must have been. Then something happened that made tears well up in my eyes. I watched a girl who had parked her car in the middle lane run over to this young man to take his arm and guide him to safety. I want to say thank you to that blond-haired stranger. Thank you for getting that young man to safety. Thank you for reminding me about the importance of serving others. Thank you for showing me that when we are surrounded by darkness and fear and confusion, that we are being watched over, and that someone will be there to reach out to us and help us to find our way.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Rebellious on my Rebel
Posted by Kimberly at 9:44 PM Monday, June 11, 2007
Tonight was a perfect night for a motorcycle ride. We finished our softball game (which we won, by the way) around 9:15. It was just over 70 degrees, and the sun was setting. I love rides like that. The air smelled so clean, the cool breeze felt good on my face, and I got to really take in and enjoy the changing colors in the sky. The problem is, when leaving the park where we play softball, there's a stoplight. Sometimes, my little 250 Honda Rebel is too light to trip the stop lights. In Idaho, there's a law that allows motorcycles to proceed through a red light if you are skipped in the cycle (I've had to use this law a couple of times in the past). That's just great, but this was the kind of stop light that doesn't actually cycle - I was coming off a side street, and it only turns green if it actually thinks there's a car there. I've been in this situation before, and I've been okay because a car has come up behind me to trip the light. Well I waited for what seemed like several minutes (although it probably wasn't really that long) and there was no car coming up behind me. So I looked both ways, saw there was no car coming, and turned left on a red light. I felt so rebellious :-)
Saving the Earth
Posted by Kimberly at 9:33 PM
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Lions, Buffaloes, and Crocodiles, Oh My!
Posted by Kimberly at 10:39 PM Saturday, June 09, 2007
I had to share... I just watched this really incredible video and wanted to post a link. The video is a little long, but make sure to watch the whole thing. It's absolutely amazing!
Friday, June 08, 2007
Pine cones, Anyone?
Posted by Kimberly at 6:56 PM Friday, June 08, 2007
I have this gigantic pine tree in my front yard that likes to leave me presents - pine cones! Each week, I walk around my front yard filling up a sack of the pine cones that fell during the week. I know - I could probably leave them on the grass to be mulched by the lawn mower, but I think that all the brown pine cones make my grass look browner, so I like to pick them up. Anyway, last week I was babysitting a friend's son and decided to give him a job - I would pay him 5 cents for each pine cone he picked up off the grass. I figured there were probably 50 pine cones or so, 100 at most, spread across my front lawn. Well, after just a few minutes he informed me that he was tired and that he didn't want to pick up any more pine cones. I looked at the few pine cones in the bottom of the sack and began counting. The 108 pine cones he had picked up hardly scratched the surface! I couldn't believe it. I was glad he got tired of picking them up or else I'd have gone broke :-) So this week I decided I was going to count as I picked up my pine cones - 394! I'd say that my sack was as full as it was any other week. Can you imagine one tree dropping close to 400 pine cones a week? Crazy! Anyway, the entire point of this post (besides letting you all know that I have assigned myself this weekly chore) is to say if anyone needs pine cones for anything, please let me know! Want to spray them with cinnamon and put them in a basket for air fresheners at Christmas? They're yours. Want to smear peanut butter on them and sprinkle them with seeds to make a snack for our feathered friends? Have at 'em! Come get as many as you want as often as you want :-)
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Book Review: The Secret Life of Bees
Posted by Kimberly at 5:56 PM Wednesday, June 06, 2007
I personally would label this book as historical fiction (although I don't know that it technically is). The setting of the book is 1960 America, just when blacks finally begin to gain rights. Even after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is signed into law, there are still huge barriers between the blacks and whites. It is interesting to see life from the eyes of a white fourteen-year old girl (Lily). Although she didn't consider herself a racist, Lily still had some of the feelings that had been rooted in her by society - like whites are better looking than blacks or whites are smarter than blacks. As the book progresses, Lily wishes that God had not created skin pigment at all, and comes understand that it is one's character, not the color of their skin, that defines who you are. The book teaches some powerful life lessons, including standing up for what you believe in, not living with regrets, the importance of giving and receiving love, dealing with grief, and living your dreams. I love the part of the book where Lily is speaking to her black friend Zach about how Zach wants to become a lawyer. Lily thinks this is odd, as she has never heard of a black lawyer. Lily says, "I've just never heard of a Negro lawyer, that's all. You've got to hear of things before you can imagine them." Zach replied with, "You gotta imagine what's never been." I love that line - you gotta imagine what's never been. It makes me want to take a look at my own life to see who I am and who I really have the potential of being. I give this book two thumbs up and highly recommend it!
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Weird Weather
Posted by Kimberly at 8:43 PM Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Okay, in my last post I was talking about how hot it was. I think Sunday peaked over 100 degrees. Now here it is Tuesday evening, and it's chilly! Right now (at 8:45 at night) it's 58 degrees. And guess what - that's supposed to be tomorrow's high! That's right - a 40 degree drop in temperature in three days! The bummer thing is that I have a softball game tomorrow night - hope it's not too cold and rainy! Somewhere in between Sunday's high and tomorrow's high would be nice :-)
Sunday, June 03, 2007
It's Hot!
Posted by Kimberly at 5:05 PM Sunday, June 03, 20077 comments
Saturday, June 02, 2007
There's a Redbox in my Albertsons
Posted by Kimberly at 12:26 AM Saturday, June 02, 2007
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