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8:30 PM
Monday, February 26, 2007
It's official! Okay, it was really official the first part of January when the graduation evaluators confirmed that I had met all my degree requirements. But now my graduation really feels official. I got my diploma today (that's one of the perks of working in the Registrar's Office - everyone else's diploma is being sent in the mail... mine was hand-delivered). I just finished putting my diploma in the beautiful frame I received as a gift from Boise State's Division of Student Affairs for completing my Master's Degree. I'm excited to hang it on the wall in my office. Wahoo! It sure feels good to be done.
Posted by
6:58 PM
Sunday, February 25, 2007
I have been sick for twelve days now. It stinks. I have been to the doctor three times in the last
8 days for different things - the first time for a cough and pressure in my head, the second for congestion and a sore throat, and just today because I have an infected tear duct. I have six different medications to try and make me better. I'm hoping they start working FAST because I have a busy week this week!
Posted by
10:43 PM
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
I made chocolate covered strawberries tonight for a party day at work tomorrow. I was really excited about how they turned out, so decided to take a picture :-) They're pretty and delicious (I had to try a couple of the not so perfect ones...)! I can't wait to share with everyone at work!
Posted by
5:02 PM
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Isn't my sister a cutie? I love that I am able to live close to Beki & BJ while they are in high school. I love being a part of their special events - sporting events, piano recitals, and even high school dances! This is a picture of my hot little sister Beki & her friend Spencer before the Sweethearts Dance yesterday. I think she is just beautiful! And if you look closely, you'll even see that she has her nails done :-)
Posted by
9:13 PM
Saturday, February 10, 2007
I have a secret addiction - Sweet Pork Salads from Costa Vida. I could eat at Costa Vida almost every day of the week. Costa Vida's Sweet Pork Salad is very similar to the pork salad at Cafe Rio in Utah, only I the pork at Costa Vida is a little sweeter, and I like it better. A few months ago, I took my boss to Costa Vida to try their mouthwatering salads - she loved it, and we went back again the next day for dinner. The cashier recognized us and asked me, "Weren't you just here yesterday?" I sheepishly smiled and told her I was addicted :-) It doesn't help that it's only a mile from my house! Anyway, I strongly suggest checking their website for a location near you.
Posted by
3:43 PM
It's good to give service... and it's easy when Boise State organizes the service projects for you! About every month during the school year, the Volunteer Services Board at BSU organizes several service projects for students, faculty, and staff to participate in. I just started participating last month, and really enjoy the opportunity to give to my community. Today, I went to Guardian Home Health Care & Hospice in Nampa, Idaho and made Valentines cookies for the hospice families. It was lots of fun, and I know it will brighten the days of those families! I look forward to next month's projects :-)