Saturday, December 6, 2008

Time of my Life :)

We learned how to babysit babies in Drama today :)
Jack just couldn't get the idea :) hahaha
Our little fridge was left open and the freezer over froze or something
and we created snow looking ice!! We had to chip at it for a half
hour so we could get the fridge shut haha
Gettin' the children in the Winter Wonderland spirit :)
Hahaha the boys did this to themselves not me!!
Just before our grand "Dancing Queen" karoke performance at the BBQ
Lucy and I- Best Friends Forever
Just before tucking my baby girls in at night :)

The Update of Things :)

Our Christmas decorations for the Holiday!! Ali and I had the craziest time trying to remember how to make snowflakes!! We could get the four pointed ones everytime but we couldn't get the 8 pointed ones!! BUT FINALLY I figured it out and we got soo excited!! The floor was a mess of paper :) hahaha But if anyone's ever needing snowflakes made give Ali and I a call :) Well my lovely little Laura :)... I was singing our "Fried ham fried ham cheese and balogna, after the macaroni we'll have mushrooms!!" Anyway I was singing that on the top of my lungs while running to go wash my fork in the sink, but as I was running my boots were wet and my feet flew from underneath me and I slammed down on the ground on my side and slammed my leg into the door frame hahahahaha :) I was laughing so bad! Ali picked me up while we were both snorting to put a bandaid on it and a frozen corn on the cob hahaha :) Anyways I had to let you know Laura cause I was singing that song just for you and got this scar just for you :) Speaking of Fried things... Kels had cake mix she got in a package and we have no oven sooo :) We grabbed oil and fried cake!! It was probably the most yummiest treat we've had here in China!! Not healthy I believe but we've been living on rice we deserved it!!! hahaha

The Menu For This Evenin'

What would you like to eat? :) The menu consists of the friendly turtle Squirt from Nemo, fat hideous smelly slugs, or the box of jumbo juicy worms... You will receive a complementary barf bag after your meal :)


Oh my goodness what a PARTY!!! We got on a bus to Guangjou for one of China's biggest festivals!! This one was called Guangjou Huge International Party :) hahaha not really I just can't remember and I don't want to get up and look, call me lazy ;) Anyways they had this parade with floats of every city and our Zhongshan had the coolest!! Then they started the performances which were BEYOND anything I have ever seen!!! 33,000 in the audience and 11,000 performers!! The Chinese know how to put on a show and that will never be an understatement!! The fireworks were huge we had every huge singing star of China there.. which I had no idea who they were but I was pumped and screaming anyways! BUT THE BEST of the whole night was when Jackie Chan came onto stage and started singing "We are ready!" I was freaking out so much and was sooo close to him! Well.. close enough to be cool!! I had no idea he sang but he does and he is amazing!! Awhh it was the best moment of the night to see Jackie Chan and we were hoping so badly that after the performance we could meet him :) We didn't but still... JACKIE CHAN!! We got "guest passes" for the show and bags full of noisemakers, lights and the program laid out in a booklet. I'm excited to come home and show you all! This was just like the Olympics! I was so happy I got to go!

Our Asian Thanksgiving :)

What a fun filled day! We cleaned the apartment and worked all day to prepare food with just one microwave and a burner! And it all came out perfect in the end. Kelsey got a Thanksgiving package from her Grandmother that had stuffing, potatoes, turkey gravvy and even turkey!! We found the Yam-man for our garbage can yams, and the Corn-man for Corn haha. Malena got eggs and made french toast. We sliced up apples and microwaved them for an apple pie! We chilled Tang juice with lemons on the side of the cups and even had thanksgiving napkins!! We invited our Chinese friends Catherine, Apple, Jessica and Yenny but they ended up bringing their friends so we hosted about 20 people that night!! It was insanely crowded but everyone got to eat :) It's funny because back at home I remember for thanksgiving I could eat plates and plates of food! But I got a bowl down and was stuffed!! haha I need to re-expand my tummy when I get home :) Thanksgiving was the best this year and I missed the family soo much :( But we had paper bags for each of us girls that we dropped papers in with notes of what we loved about that person and why we were grateful for them. We each got our bag and it was so much fun to read all the sweet letters. I love my girls here in China and they are my sisters for life now!!

Tiny Teachers...

If we looked to our children, So simple and pure.
If we looked to our children, We could learn so much more.
If we looked to our children, We could rise above.
If we looked to our children, We could learn how to love.
If we looked to our children, We could find a way to be free.
If we looked to our children, We could learn how to see.
If we looked to our children, Without being so stern.
If we looked to our children, How much we could learn.
- Cindy Kocsis

I love the Browns!!

Manda and Stephanie!! I got your letters in the mail!! I loved it soo much and it brightened my day like no other :) Joel, Benny and you girls I loved your photos too! You are all getting SO big stop growing!!! hahaha I can't wait to come home and play again!!! Only 12 more days til we can party alright? I love you Joel, Steph, Manda, Benny, Suzanne and David!!!